
Tensura Guardian of Nature

Warning before you read: I do not own the cover, if the owner doesn't want me using it I will take it down. I do not own any of the characters that will be mentioned in the story there will be some OC like my MC but most of them will be credited to their respective creators. -- Synopsis: A boy who regrets not having the power to save his family when needed. After he dies he gets a chance to reincarnate and chooses to be a guardian. (simple right (⌒▽⌒))

DreamingOni · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs



A/N: This is my first time writing a book so I would love it if you guys criticize my writing style, grammar and spelling. English is my 2nd language so please don't expect perfect grammar I'm sorry if I'm not perfect ༼ಢ_ಢ༽

I make 1 chapter a day so if your reading this today don't expect a new chap later the same day (>﹏<)

Today chap is info dump on skills :)



Walking in the forest, a boy 7 feet tall with messy white hair with a tint of silver that reaching his nape, beautiful white skin that could bring women who take care of their skin to shame, a slit Golden eyes with a mixture of green comparable to that of a reptile, a beautiful charming face that could make any girl wet down their crotch and finally on his temples can be seen a horn that seem to branch out like a deer. Seem to be looking for something and finally stopped when he found a lake.

(A/N: appearance, horns is in auxiliary)

The Beautiful man seems to be getting ready to take a bath, as he removed his Haori which was white with a Golden line design, His nagagi and hakama seemed to have the same design, with different shades of green and sakura petal like design all over it.

(A/N: Photo is in auxiliary)

(A/N: I suck at describing I just wish to get over this part soon (ಥ﹏ಥ) )

When the man finally removed his clothes, one can see a tattoo of a very detailed eastern dragon with sakura tree and petals all over his back which extends to his upper arm all the way to his forearm which seems to be impossible to be made by humanoid hands. (The tattoo is due to his zanbowkuto residing inside him)

[Image here]

This man is the main character of this story, Valshizen. He seemed to be reminiscing about something as he laid back as if he is in a hot spring.


(Valshizen POV)


"Man it's been 50 years since I've arrived here and I've been doing nothing but none stop training and creating skills. Eh, I don't have anything else to do anyway might as well get strong before I start building my clan. That little shota did say it will be the same species or the species under me,

So my parents and sibling will either be a dragon or... well let's find out in the future. sigh... I miss you guys. I don't plan on collecting many monsters like that little slime did anyways, hmm... maybe one or two at most. "

Yes, the random world I got transported into was from the anime 'That time I got reincarnated as a slime' I seem to be the youngest among the 4 true dragons, well 5 now since I am here. It seems like us siblings were born without parents, and we're already given a name which is imprinted in our mind.

I would either say I'm very lucky to be transported here as a true dragon since I didn't really specify what species I would be or unlucky since I am worried for my family's safety.

This world is riddled with so many dangers, killing, and wars, especially that fucking brother of mine who keeps looking for a fight that I am questioning if I will have a peaceful life even before the fusion of the worlds starts.

But that doesn't matter no matter what danger comes my way ill fucking bulldoze my way through it, I will not spare my enemy I will never falter and myself feel hopeless and powerless anymore.

I have a new goal and I will not fail to protect them in the future. That being said when is the fusion of the worlds.

"Neh.. great sage do you know when the fusion will start?"

[Replying to Host, The God of Dreams did not say anything when I was created. So I am as clueless as to the host.]

"Are you even useful for me, you sure I didn't waste my wish on you?"

[I was given enough information in order support the host to help you get stronger and answer most of your questions, so yes I am useful for the Host, It's just I cannot answer every question the host ask since I'm not omniscient as host thinks, and was only given enough information to support the host on hosts journey for power. I even know which species the host will be under host rule.]

I quickly stood up leaving my PP hanging down my crotch.

"Really?! you knew?! why didn't you say anything before!"

[Host didn't ask]

"Geh!, well you are right about that, my bad. Fuck I'm really dumb, well that doesn't mean I wasn't doing anything during this 50 years"

"Great sage, what is my disaster rank."

[Host was born with disaster rank A, current after 50 years host has reached special S disaster rank]

"Hmm I think that's enough for me to travel and look for my future clan mates with help of great sage."

[Suggesting to host, I would recommend the host to keep training until further notice, the species that will be under you is currently low in number as they have just been created recently, but with their fast reproduction it would only be a matter of time.]

"Oh.. fine, guess ill train more. the stronger I am the better I can protect my family and clan in the future."

"Hmmmm... for my training agenda, guess same as always. Dragon form training, Zanbowkuto training, Skill creating for the human form, I ran out of ideas for my dragon form anyways. Damn I should have wished for skill creation this would make shit a lot easier, but what's done is done no point brooding over it better improve for the future. Besides it feels good to create something with due to my hard work."

"Before that Great sage, display my current skills"

[Affirmative, skills will be divided by active and passive]

Then a transparent blue box appeared in front of me with a scrolling button in the side. listing the skills I created past 50 years.


(Warning: Skill info dump below, I will only show name and level next time, and only show the Grade, Target, Item limitation, Type and level of new skills, but since its first time showing the skills I will show them so pls forgive me if it's annoying)



[ Skills]


Grade: 3 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: 6

Description: Enhance accuracy

Aim mastery:

Grade: 1 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: 6

Description: Increase attack damage when equip with bow]

Evasion up:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: 8

Description: It makes thrown weapons such as knives change their trajectory, effectively making it impossible for them to hit the user.

Armor Penetration:

Grade: 5 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: 5

Description: ignores defense of enemy to a certain degree

Blood arrow:

Grade: 6│ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Absorb enemy health and heal your external wounds.

Bow mastery:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: 6

Description: Can use any type of bow.

Eye of the eagle:

Grade: 3 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Passive │Level: Max

Description: increase attack range.


Human form Active skill:


Nature fire: (Since mc is guardian of nature it would be weird to have fire skill which causes damage to nature so I created this fire :) )

Grade: 9 │ Target: Target and surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 3

Description: a green fire made out of nature energy, everything it touches will leech on its life force causing plants to grow from it (Environmental friendly, enemy cruelty)


Grade: 1 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: None │Type: Active │Level: - -

Description: Heals fatal wounds and regenerates lost mana.

Speed up:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Self │ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 9

Description: Increase speed.

Arrow Assault:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 4

Description: Rapid shooting attack.

Force shot:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: a shot made out of natural energy with piercing properties


Grade: 2 │ Target: Character Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: release a energy of shock wave using the bow as a medium (2 meter radius)

Bow strike:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: (self explanatory)

Amazons fury:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Attack a enemy in the throat after shooting an arrow

Storm of Revailing Light:

Grade: 5 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 5

Description: Attacks surrounding by aiming at the sky

Enhanced Force Shot:

Grade: 5│ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: enhanced version of force shot

Burst fire:

Grade: 5 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 7

Description: Attacks every thing in the way (radius of 90 degree)

Gaia's Blessing:

Grade: 8 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 3

Description: Attacks using nature fire energy

Hunter's snare:

Grade: 8 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: Pin the enemy to the ground using a powerful shot

Arrow of Armaggedon:

Grade: 9 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 4

Description: Shoots an arrow in a form of nature energy. while charging skill a angel will form that will guide the arrow and deal holy damage.

Arrow bombardment:

Grade: 9 │ Target: Target Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 8

Description: when hitting target the power carried by the bow will explode damaging the target and its surrounding (radius of explosion 3 meters)

Force of nature:

Grade: 10 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 4

Description: A bolt of nature energy shot to the ground causing sharp trees and rock to ascend and piercing everything in its way (1 KM radius)


Grade: 10 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: shoots tons of arrow in the sky that will turn into meteors when descending


Grade: 11 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: Shoot arrow in the sky that will explode turn to dust, when dust touches enemy roots will emerge from the ground immobilizing the enemy (3 KM radius)

Force of illusion:

Grade:11 │ Target: Target and Surrounding│ Item limitation: Bow │Type: Active │Level: 8

Description: When arrow is released the space around the arrow as it travels to its target distorts that will cause damage to its surrounding and when reaches its target it will cause a huge explosion of nature energy causing a huge forest to emerge and pierce every enemy in its way ( 5 KM radius )


Dragon form Active skill:


Nature fire Breath:

Grade:12 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Dragon Lungs │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: a dragon breath made out of nature fire.

Energy Dragon claw:

Grade:12 │ Target: Target and Surrounding│ Item limitation: Claws │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Depending on which energy is used the lethality may differ.

Nature fire energy: (same effects as nature fire skill)

Natural energy: Critical damage chance.

Nature energy: This will cause elemental damage.

Using all 3 energy: all effects together but doubled.

Razor wind:

Grade: 9 │ Target: Target and Surrounding│ Item limitation: Wings │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: using wings to cause blades of wing to shoot out of it.


Grade: 8 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: Strong Wings │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Create tornado using dragon wings and destroy everything in its path like a normal tornado.

Tail whip:

Grade: 6│ Target: Target│ Item limitation: Strong tail │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: whips dragon tail at target


Skills in both human and dragon form: (Naruto mokuton skills reference)


True Several Thousand Hands:

Grade:12 │ Target: Target and surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: creates a wooden statue of titanic proportions. Thousands of hands originate from the statue's back in countless concentric rows, while its two main hands are clasped, as if in prayer. The statue can serve a variety of purposes in battle, from fighting on the user's behalf slamming thousands of hands at the target and defending using one of the hands to block any attack even at blind spots. (with the eye of god he doesn't have a blind spot)]

Forest emergence:

Grade:12 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 5

Description: a forest will emerge (5 KM radius) after the forest fully emerge flowers found in the forest will bloom letting out pores that will immobilize the enemy by paralyzing them (User can either make pores poisonous or not).]

Magicule Drain Tree:

Grade:10 │ Target: Surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: Binds enemy with a tree and drain their magicule for yourself.]

Wooden Dragon Barrage:

Grade:12 │ Target: Target and Surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 3

Description: Create various eastern dragon (similar to wrath of the azure dragon but smaller scale and more in quantity) user can control all dragon.]

Branch Shuriken:

Grade: 7 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 9

Description: A skill where the user has a branch emerge from the ground and swing towards the opponent. Releasing bits and pieces of bark, that spiral off and transform into shuriken.

Wood Travel:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Self│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Can travel anywhere as long as there is trees / wood (same as the dryad that visited Rimurus meeting place by coming through the wooden table)

Wood Clone:

Grade:12 │ Target: self│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Create clones of the user every clone will be a perfect mimic of the user, everything the clone experience while it was active will go to the user, making it a perfect way to train. (experience mentally like magicule control training, even if clone get decapitated mc will not be decapitated as well.)

Binding Pillars:

Grade: 6 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 8

Description: pillars of wood will come through the ground to bind enemy

Four Pillar Prison Skill:

Grade: 5 │ Target: Target and surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 7

Description: Creating a large forest of bamboo around the opponent, encasing them inside a prison of wood. The sides, are very hard to break through and metal weapons even have a hard time cutting through.

Seedling Tracking Skill:

Grade: 2 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: A skill where the user can create a seed made from their own magicule. Able to sense where this seed is at all times, the user can plant this seed upon an opponent in battle and track their movements so the opponent can never get the drop on them.

Wooden Rhino Charge:

Grade: 7 │ Target: Target and Surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 9

Description: Creating a bunch of Rhinos that will charge at the enemy

Bamboo Blade Rising Skill:

Grade: 7 │ Target: Target│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: Max

Description: Bamboo will emerge from the ground piercing through targets.

Orb of Genesis Skill:

Grade: 8 │ Target: Character surrounding│ Item limitation: none │Type: Active │Level: 6

Description: User creates an orb of wood around themselves, acting as if it is some type of barrier. However, the barrier is actually a farce as when the opponent(s) get close from all sides various small branches emerge outwards in various striking motions to deflect all oncoming attacks from hitting the user while inflicting damage. branches are created all around.



"Hmmm.. I should probably try creating more grade 12 skill."

"Great sage is there a grade that surpasses grade 12?."

[Host is correct, there is one grade which is the highest grade. Grade 13 which is beyond special S in terms of disaster and EX in ranking, meaning grade 13 is unmeasurable.]

"Hmmmm.. show me skill ranking."



(A/N: You guys might get annoyed like 'why didnt he ask 50 years ago' or something, well im doing this just to inform you guys cus I love you all! ( ˘ ³˘)♥)


[Skill grading:

Grade 1: F Rank

Grade 2: F Rank

Grade 3: E Rank

Grade 4: E Rank

Grade 5: D Rank

Grade 6: D Rank

Grade 7: C Rank

Grade 8: B Rank

Grade 9: A Rank

Grade 10: Special A Rank

Grade: 11: S Rank

Grade 12: Special S Rank

Grade 13: Beyond Special S Rank or EX]



"Great sage why is F, E D mentioned twice"

[It is repeated twice because there is no special rank above them but the grade is still with in their rank]

"Well that's that. Yare yare, guess ill be working hard again. Cant wait to meet you guys again ill show you guys a world were you will never feel sad anymore, ill show you the happiness I failed to give when we were all together."

"Yosh!, Senbowsakura!" as I called out the weapon which was one of my wishes the tattoo in my body started to glow and a tall pink and gold with a slight touch of green bow appeared in my hands. The bow branches out inwardly, it was a 5 feet tall bow 2 feet smaller than me, it had a celestial like appearance, 'a weapon befitting a god' is how others would describe it. It had a Golden hue glow all over the body and a pink glow on its string. Truly a legendary weapon befitting such a legendary individual.

"Let's get started. Great sage, give me tips like usual while I make skills and how I could perfect them. we will be creating grade 12 and 13 skills!"

[Affirmative, but first I recommend host to put on his clothes.]

"Oh.. I forgot about that" (A/N: same, if I didn't proof read this I would have forgotten (┳Д┳))


Just like that 1,000 years past by while Valshizen trained in seclusion in an island he found while he was flying as a dragon looking for his own territory for his future clan.

(Valshizen territory image here)



A/N: sorry there was barely anything that happened during this chap hope you guys didnt find it boring, it was more on info dump side.

Also for those who thinks he seems to have a gullible personality for someone who went through a lot in the past, well that's because he is alone and trauma of the past cant hunt him down, he moved and focused for the future, and he will meet his family again soon so no point brooding over his past life.

His personality will be different when people are around though.


Do you guys want me to post how timeline works in my FF? in Tensura? it wont be considered as a major spoiler wont it.


Next chapter ~Goblins?!~


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