
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 : The Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion (Part 1)

(Alexander Bell's Point Of View)

In the vast expanse above El Dorado, the golden throne of Vimana soared through the skies, carrying me as I sailed across the sky on this golden arc.

The winds whispered through the airship, creating a symphony of soft melodies as it traversed the skies.

As I reclined in the opulent throne, my mind was consumed by a relentless quest – the search for a certain Satori Iwata.

It's been a couple of hours since I left El Dorado Royal Palace, and currently, I'm almost completely lost, thinking about what to do next.

Thanks to Leon, I've finally acquired enough information to act as I wish in this world.

I knew the players, and I knew the game, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

This sick twisted game between Guy Crimson and Rudra Nam UI Nasca.

After all, those kinds of games only end up with nothing but death and despair.

But that's just whimsical thinking at best. The reason I released my [Heroic Haki] through the [Cardinal World], the reason I prolonged my fight with Jeanne as much as I could, and the reason I had Leon spread the video of our battle was simply to gather as much attention as I could to send a message to Satori.

If she truly was in this world, I wanted her to know that I was here, that she wasn't alone in those foreign lands.

As for gathering attention, I honestly didn't care. I would've eventually come into contact with other powerful beings that inhabited this world, of that I was perfectly certain.

After all, those with strength are naturally drawn to each other.

I was strong, that was a fact I was certainly proud of.

But was I powerful enough to handle everything in this world on my own in my current state ?

The answer is no. Had I full access to my [Diablo Dragon God], then maybe, with the help of my [Legions] and all the [Items] hidden inside my soul, then I may be able to conquer this world, but that's just my pride speaking.

But right now, I needed every alliance I could get.

It's why I forged the [contact] with Leon when I could have easily turned him into a member of my [Legions].

It's why I accepted Jaune's offer of becoming my servant, why I provided her that body and gave her a [Name], and ordered her to bring me the two most powerful daemons she could find in the underworld.

All so I can now solidify a position of power in this world and so I can finally find her. I would be fully capable of taking care of her.

Maybe even find a way to get back home. I do quite miss my parents.

And I happened to have the perfect tool to find her.

[———————————— ——————]

Name: Mid-Class God's Eye

Owner: Alexander Bell

Description: An unique skill belonging to the individual known as [Alexander Bell], an upgraded version of various Runes and observation skills that combined together to create a one-of-a-kind unique skill.

A skill that allows the user's consciousness to spread across all corners of the Cosmo therefore seeing through all of creation.


-Thought Acceleration: Accelerates the user's thought processing speed by a factor of a million.

-Chant Annulment: Eliminates the need for chanting when using magic.

-Analyse and Assess: Possessing tremendous efficiency, it can discern heavily concealed truths by analyzing and assessing the target.

With a single glance, anything from that of the opponent's [Skills] and [Arts] would instantly be understood.

With this skill, the user can possibly even see through a piece of the truth of Creation. In other words, it's the ability to fully comprehend any phenomenon in this world.

-Copy: Once fully analyzed, the user gains the ability to comprehend any phenomena they encountered, be it a [Skill], [Art], or the likes. Therefore, creating an almost perfect copy of said abilities.

Normally, any abilities can be copied perfectly but due to their nature, any copied [Ultimate Skill] and the likes could only be used up to 50% of their true potential.

Copied abilities: 1-Sacred Tetrahedron Demon Sealing Barrier (77% analyzed)

-Pseudo-Precognition: A combination of [Future Vision] and [Future Sight] along with a [Primordial Rune of Foresight].

The user can see everything that is to occur from the present moment into the far-flung future.

They can "know" everything that lies within that gaze.

Rather than seeing a linear future, they observe all possible futures, even futures of different parallel worlds at once like countless grains of sand in the wind, and can thus act accordingly using the knowledge they gained to anticipate and counter their opponents.

During Combat, the user has no control of what future they observe rather by allowing the user's consciousness to spread across all corners of the world this skill Multiplies the user's range of sight through their own eyes or magic sense creating a rather unique form of Precognition.

[———————————— ——————]

What is [Rune Magic] ?

The answer is quite simple. You see, unlike this world's magic, which is based on the manipulation of [Magicules] in the form of imagination of the exact [Law] behind a phenomenon.

Basically, you embody an image within your head, then gather a bunch of [Magicules] together into a magic circle using your magic power/spiritual force, then those magicules will change their properties to match the specified image.

This makes the physical effects of magic as basically nothing more than a byproduct, the main force of the attack is completely spiritual and is the "image" that was placed into the magic.

In other words, it's the world changing things to match your will.

As such magic in this [World] is the embodiment of an [idea] that produces some effect in accordance with a specified law.

But you see, here is when things get tricky [Rune Magic] is the scraps of creation like the random errors in computer code, discarded and forgotten

left to be picked up and used by those who also find themselves discarded and forgotten.

The Effect is Especially true for [Primordial Runes].

After all, [Primordial Runes] are ancient symbols imbued with the raw essence of primordial forces that existed at the dawn of creation.

These runes are said to harness the fundamental energies that shaped the universe, embodying the very fabric of existence itself.

Unlike traditional runes, which may be associated with specific elements or concepts, [Primordial Runes] tap into the deepest wellsprings of cosmic energy, transcending conventional understanding.

Once all conditions have been met, Each [Primordial Rune] is thought to represent a universal principle or aspect of reality, such as light, darkness, time, or the elements in their purest forms.

In order to seek that power, I was led to the Well of Mimir. Like all things in that tower, it required sacrifice, so Just like [Odin], I gave up one eye to the [Well of Mimir] and hung myself on [Yggdrasil].

There existed 18 different [Primordial Runes], and in order to create all four of my [Unique skills], I've had to permanently sacrifice 9 different [Primordial Runes].

In order to gain [Mid-Class God's Eye], I've had to permanently sacrifice my [Primordial Rune of Foresight].

It was then that Ddraig's deep, resonant voice echoed within my consciousness, cutting me from my lines of memories.

Ddraig: "Alexander, heed my warning. The use of [Mid-Class God's Eye] in your current state is perilous. Your mind cannot withstand the strain, especially with the recent battles and the strain from your injured soul. You risk breaking yourself."

My gaze was fixed on the horizon, on the endless sea in front of me as I responded with determination, "I can't afford to wait, Ddraig. Leon's spy network yielded no information about Satori. If she's in the [Cardinal World], I need every advantage to find her."

Ddraig, ever the cautious advisor, continued, "The consequences could be severe. Your mind may shatter, and the damage could be irreversible. You're walking on the edge of a mental precipice."

Unfazed, I clenched my fists. "I don't have the luxury of hesitation. I need to know, and I'll pay any price for it. If [Mid-Class God's Eye] is the key, then so be it."

Ddraig sighed with a hint of concern. And once again, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of Guilt for making him worry so much about me.

"Very well, but remember, the road you tread is fraught with peril. Be prepared for what you might uncover, and brace yourself for the toll it will take."

With that, the conversation between dragon and wielder lingered in the air as Vimana continued its flight, carrying me closer to the edge of the unknown, where the cost of knowledge could prove to be higher than I anticipated.

In the very moment, I activated my [Mid-Class God's Eye], the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and bend as my consciousness expanded to touch every corner of the world.

As I delved into the boundless expanse of this extraordinary skill, my mind faced an onslaught of stimuli, an influx of information so vast that it threatened to shatter my very sanity, or at least what remained of it.

It was as if I sought to fathom the incomprehensible, to see through the veils of creation itself.

Every synapse in my brain fired at a rate beyond the limitations of normal cognition.

It felt like the universe was unraveling before me, revealing its secrets in a torrent of overwhelming knowledge.

Yet, amid the storm of mental intensity, I clung to a singular purpose – to find Her, the one I sought across the vast expanse of this world.

The pain of my mind breaking, the strain of processing information beyond the scope of human understanding, did not deter him.

Each movement to navigate through the sea of information felt like a trial of sheer willpower.

It was an exercise in perseverance against the chaos of raw, unfiltered data.

The boundaries between self and the world blurred as I once again transcended the limits of mortal perception.

I encountered echoes of countless possibilities, glimpses of divergent futures, and fractured reflections of parallel worlds.

The weight of such knowledge threatened to crush me , yet none the less I pressed on, driven by an unyielding determination to reunite with my beloved.

Amid the mental tumult, the sheer force of my will carved a path through the maelstrom of data.

My Eyes became a beacon, piercing through the veils of reality, until finally, I glimpsed a thread of connection leading to Satori.

And with that, I couldn't handle anything more.

Tears of blood streaked down my face, and nose bled profusely, a stark testament to the toll exacted by the use of [Mid-Class God's Eye].

Ddraig, surveyed the distressing scene with could only describe as a mixture of concern and frustration.

Ddraig: "What in the hells have you done, Alexander? This is Foolishness ! Alexander, Foolishness You're tearing yourself apart.

I explicitly warned you about the consequences!"

"I had to, Ddraig. I had to find her."

Ddraig's "You fool! There's a fine line between determination and outright recklessness. You risk not only your own sanity but the very core of our partnership. What were you thinking?"

After a tense moment, Ddraig, the anger subsiding, spoke with a softer, yet stern, tone, "Tell me, Alexander, how bad is it? Don't spare the details."

Wiping away the bloody tears, I responded with a grim expression, "As bad as Level 30, when I faced Simurgh's screams with no true form of psionic Defense.

I didn't expect it to be this intense. My mind was bombarded with countless images, sensations, and memories."

Ddraig, visibly relieved that the damage wasn't worse, sighed, "You had me worried there. I've had to [Boost] your mental processing speed three times I knew you were reckless. But this... this was beyond recklessness."

A heavy silence enveloped the consciousness between the two of us, broken only by the soft echoes of my labored breathing.

Finally Ddraig, breaking the quietude, ventured a question, "Did you find what you were looking for?"

My Mind wandered through the mental images, settling on the vision of the blue-haired God siting on that strange throne made of what I could only describe as molten stars .

"I don't know, Ddraig. It's all a blur. But there was something else, a Strange Palace that reminded me of the Tower's [Deep Floors]. I need to investigate more."

As the realization settled, A New determination surged anew within me.

Vimana responded to my will, creating a resounding sonic boom across El Dorado as it embarked on its journey.

The quest for answers, fraught with peril, continued, and the partnership between dragon and wielder navigated the uncharted waters of this new World has Just Begun.


Author Notes : Hey Guys

Please tell me your honest opinion about this along with any idea you have for the future

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts