
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 : A Brand New World (Part 1)

(Unknown Point Of view)

I sank into my seat, a mixture of exhilaration and weariness coursing through my veins—the lingering effects of my recent book event. The sense of accomplishment reverberated within me.

"I did it. I really did it," I chuckled with excitement, swiftly pulling out my phone and dialing Satori's number.

"Hey, Satori," I began with a wide grin, "you should've seen the crowd. They loved the book. It was insane!"

Satori Iwata, my Girlfriend of the last seven years, beamed with pride. "I knew they would, Alexandre. Your writing is incredible."

Amidst our exchange of event stories, a sudden disturbance shattered our conversation. Turning to glance out the window, I was met with a chilling sight.

My eyes widened as I witnessed flickering flames just outside the plane's window.

"Hold on, Satori," I stammered, my voice tinged with panic. "Something's not right."

The chaos inside the plane erupted like a tempest, a cacophony of panicked cries and the jarring symphony of alarms. The once calm and orderly atmosphere transformed into a pandemonium of fear as the passengers grappled with the sudden realization that something had gone terribly wrong.

Flight Attendant 1: (shouting over the chaos) "Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts and remain in your seats! We are experiencing some turbulence, but the captain assures us everything will be under control soon."

Passenger 1: (panicking) " What's happening ? Is something wrong with the plane ?"

Flight Attendant 2: "It's just turbulence, folks. Please stay in your seats and follow the safety instructions. We're doing everything we can to ensure your safety."

Passenger 2: "This isn't normal turbulence! What's going on ?"

Flight Attendant 1: " We understand it's unsettling, but we need you to stay calm. The captain is in control, and we're here to guide you through this."

Passenger 3: (frantically looking around) " I think something's wrong! Why are we shaking so much ?"

Flight Attendant 2: " We're experiencing unexpected weather conditions. The captain is taking necessary actions. Please remain seated ! "

Passenger 4: (yelling) "I can't stay calm! Are we going to crash ?"

Flight Attendant 1: "No, we are not crashing. Please trust us and follow the safety procedures. Keep your seatbelts fastened."

Passenger 5: " I need to call my family. I need to tell them I love them."

Flight Attendant 2: " We understand your concerns, but for now, please focus on your safety. We'll update you as soon as we can."

Captain:" Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are experiencing some unexpected turbulence, but rest assured, we are working to stabilize the situation. Please remain calm and follow the instructions of our flight attendants."

Flight Attendant 1:" The captain has assured us. We're doing everything we can. Please stay seated and remain calm. We're here for your safety"

The plane shuddered violently, and the overhead compartments swung open, releasing a cascade of luggage that added to the turmoil. The abrupt turbulence jolted everyone out of their seats, sending belongings flying through the air and passengers clutching onto anything stable for dear life.

As the stark realization set in that the plane was in grave trouble, fear clenched my heart. "I... I love you, Satori. I wish I had more time with you. I wanted to make it back home to you, but I don't think I can. I'm so sorry."

Tears welled up in Satori's eyes as she clutched the phone, her voice trembling. "Alexandre, what's happening? Please, don't leave me."

"I was going to propose to you when I got back to Japan," I confessed abruptly, my voice choked with emotion. "I wanted our lives together to truly start tonight. I love you so much."

Outside the window, chaos intensified—the plane shuddered with increasing turbulence, and the air filled with muffled screams from fellow passengers.

"I'm sorry, Satori," I whispered. "I love you more than anything."

With a heavy heart, I ended the call, the weight of my words hanging in the air. Mocking irony enveloped me—my first life ended in a plane crash, and now, it seemed history was cruelly set to repeat itself.

As the aircraft spiraled out of control, I reflected on this twist of fate with a grim smile. "I guess some stories just have the same tragic ending, no matter how many times you rewrite them."

Amidst the impending doom, I found a small solace in the fact that, at least this time, I had expressed my love to Satori before the final chapter closed.

As the plane plummeted from the sky, an indescribable wave of terror washed over me. The once-joyful atmosphere had transformed into a cacophony of chaos and impending doom. The gravitational forces pulled at every fiber of my being, making my stomach churn with a sickening blend of nausea and fear. It felt as if the very air I breathed had turned thick and suffocating.

The turbulence intensified, sending violent shudders through the entire aircraft. Each jolt, every bone-rattling tremor, inflicted a physical and emotional agony that resonated to my core. The force of the descent pressed against my chest, making it difficult to draw breath. The sounds of creaking metal and distant screams reverberated in my ears, a haunting symphony of despair.

Time seemed to warp, elongating each agonizing moment as the ground rushed up to meet us. The flames outside the window danced with malevolence, casting an eerie glow that highlighted the terror etched across the faces of my fellow passengers.

The pain wasn't just physical—it was an all-encompassing, soul-rending torment.

In the midst of this catastrophic descent, I clung to the memory of Satori, the one constant in my life. The realization that I might never see her again intensified the pain, a sharp ache that pierced through the layers of chaos surrounding me. Regret, love, and the crushing weight of an unfulfilled future mingled in a symphony of anguish.

As the seconds ticked away, each passing moment seemed to stretch and contort, amplifying the torment. The finality of the situation pressed against my consciousness, a relentless reminder that this could be the last experience I would ever know. It was a visceral and visceral pain that transcended the physical, seeping into the very essence of my being.


The first thing I felt as I slowly woke up was a throbbing ache, a relentless drumbeat that echoed through my head.

Sounds became discernible, initially distant and muffled, gradually gaining clarity.

The world unfolded in a series of blurred shapes and muted colors, as if reality itself was still hesitating to fully reveal its form.

My eyes flickered open, adjusting to the newfound light, a sharp pain gripped my chest. Each breath felt like a struggl. The taste of metal lingered on my tongue.

Its been a while since I had that dream

Slowly I looked around and I winced my armor was cracked and broken my left leg was gone and so was my right arm and I was pretty sure those were pieces of my spinal cord laying next to me

Now normally this would have been nothing but a scratch if that ba*tard didn't somehow seal most of my {Skills} away

The only reason I was alive right now was thanks too all the {Vital Energy} that I've been storing in case I've had to rebuild my body from scratch or Use The {Blade of Tathagata} to its full potential.

A smirk graced my face as I inspected my severed right arm, focusing my attention on the cube ensconced in various talismanic constraints.

"You really did a number on me, didn't you ?"

That thing thing was a real Monster aside from its regenerative abilities it's power to adapt and evolve was terrifying

Thankfully it had no true intelligence so sealing it became my only option.

" but still to think you would destroy your own {spiritual Core} just so you can destroy my soul"

This was it for me; physical damage aside, my soul was literally cracked. The damage it had sustained from that last attack, along with the strain of using {Diabolos Dragon God} and the rebound of activating {The King's Body} without {The Sage Wisdom}, was too much for me.

And I was fine with that but I would've loved nothing more than to see her face one last time

[Congratulations, esteemed {Player} Alexander ! You have successfully completed the final stage of the {Tower of Babel}, reaching the extraordinary milestone of 100 levels.]

[Your unwavering determination and skill have brought you to this monumental achievement, and as a reward, your heartfelt wish to reunite with the individual known as Satori Iwata shall be granted by the {Tower of Babel} .]

[In order to fulfill this wish, the system will undergo recalibration to suit the {cardinal world} .]

[Be Warned Spatial shifting will commence immediately.]

[Prepare yourself, Alexander, for the culmination of your epic journey is at hand.]

[May the threads of fate weave in your favor as you embark on the next chapter of your existence within the {cardinal world} .]

My eyes widened in astonishment as I gazed at the floating blue screen before me.

the familiar interface that had guided me through countless trials and tribulations.

The system's proclamation hung in the air, and I could feel the anticipation building within me .

a surge of emotions flooded through me —joy, relief, and a sense of accomplishment. The prospect of reuniting with Satori, the one constant in this tumultuous journey, fueled a warmth in my chest.

However, before I could fully grasp the magnitude of this moment, a blinding light enveloped my vision.

The brilliance washed over me , obscuring the interface, the tower, and everything else around.

In that fleeting moment, I felt a strange sense of lost , as I was being carried into a realm beyond the confines of the {Tower of Babel} .

As the light intensified, I closed my eyes, surrendering to the unknown with a mix of anticipation and gratitude. The promise of a new beginning, the prospect of reuniting with my love, hung in the air like a tantalizing dream.

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