
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 49 - Forgiveness

I looked at Velzard and teleported her into my «Imaginary Space» alongside me, Ciel was already present there when I entered the «Imaginary Space» she was sitting on the ground, her head was down in shame and she was on her knees. Velzard's face became pale after seeing Ciel seating on her knees and without saying a word she follow suit and get into her knees. I made a chair and seat in front of them, at least she has a little shame and knows what she did was wrong.

"Ciel so what exactly did you do with my 'Female Form' tell me."

I narrowed my eyes and locked into Ciel's pale face, I tried very hard to not show any anger but for some reason, I'm feeling very angry... Ah! I get it, it must be because of this damn female form, but I can interrogate them in this form. It will be more helpful because they both already know just how unstable my emotions are in this form.

Well, they are not unstable, but for someone like me, a cool-headed person these emotions are way too unstable.

<<Master described all the things right, but there was one more thing the 'Female Form' also increases sexual desire.>>

"By how much."

I asked her with a sharp tone, she always hides crucial information from me, you can take the current situation as an example she said to me my 'Female Form' increases my sexual desire but not by how much.


Three..? What three, 3% is not that much so I can overlook this... I guess.

"Three percent that's not a problem."

<<No— not three percent but...>>

Wait! Was she trying to trick me again by only saying three, well, if it's not three percent then— this can't be.

"Three times!! This can't be— but now it all makes sense to me, even earlier when Velzard squeezes my breasts I wasn't able to resist her."

I yelled at both of them. What am I, a toy or an experiment rat? No, even an experimental rat was used for one experiment but they tried several experiments on me! I didn't know how am I supposed to feel right now.

Irritated..? Sad..? Angry..? Or happy that they didn't go too far?

"Ciel and Velzard you both— you both have gone too far this time."

I barely held myself from yelling at them, even seeing their faces is making me annoyed.

<<I'm sorry Master.>>

"I'm sorry Rimuru."

Both of them said at the same time and bowed their head, their head is soo low that they touched the ground. Humph, like I will forgive both of you with a simple sorry.

... But they looked genuinely sorry.

They are even bowing that deeply...

Should I forgive them for one time? Humph, I'm benevolent so I will let them go this— Wait!! Why am I forgiving them so easily, is it also because of this 'Female Form' no it can't be I'm benevolent and forgiving from the beginning... Right?

Argh!!! I will forgive them this time they both looked pathic while bowing.

"Stop this! Because this is your first time I will let you two go— but if this happens ever again."

I didn't finish my sentence, they both are smart enough to know what will happen if they do something like this again.

"Ciel fix my 'Female Form' back to normal."

I ordered her and she nodded silently, then I felt my human flash changing back into a slime body. My sensitivity was back to normal, my emotions were stable, and most importantly I didn't feel sexually active.

On the other hand, Ciel was thinking something entirely different.

<<Phew, I was glad I also increase the mercy and kindness emotions otherwise today would have been a disaster for me and Velzard.

I have to admit I didn't expect Rimuru-Sama to find out about all those things this fast. But I'm glad I was prepared for this day from day one.>>

Ciel thought to herself with an all-knowing smile completely unknown to me.

After checking the 'Female Form' I transformed it back into my male form.

"Velz let's go."

I said to her and teleported both of us outside my «Imaginary Space» all the boys were wide awake when we exited the «Imaginary Space» so we decided to go and eat something first.

And of course, Chloe and Alice were also with us they were just playing downstairs with dolls and I have to say it was amusing seeing a 'Ture Hero' who was more than two thousand years old play with dolls. Chloe also looked embarrassed when she saw us watching her and Alice playing with dolls.

'Sensei Alice asked me to play with her.'

Chloe sends me a message through «Thought Communication» as soon as I exit the room.

'Yeah-Yeah, I know~ fufu.'

I replied to her with a teasing laugh, and her face became beet red in embarrassment.

'Sensei, don't tease me, please.'

Oww, she looked like a real kid, to be honest, acting all shy and embarrassed.

'Don't lie, you were enjoying Rimuru teasing don't you?'

Suddenly I heard another voice in my head, was it Chronoa— the manas of Chloe.

'Well, I will stop for now come out fast others are waiting for you and Alice.'

I replied to her and cut off the «Thought Communication» with her.

After eating a late afternoon meal or you can say evening meal it's 4:40 pm, we made our way to the park because the kids want to play. Velzard also looked happy so it's fine... Humph, I will teach her a lesson tonight in her way.

After ten minutes or so we reach the park, and the children look happy and started to play tag among themselves, Velzard was looking at them with her big bright blue eyes and I know she also wants to play with them but was embarrassed to ask them.

So as a good boyfriend or you can say fiance well because we finally decided to marry, we were supposed to marry a long time ago but I want to marry her in front of my subordinates and friends and that's why I didn't marry her in past and we just have an engagement.

But that's different now, well we will discuss this later. As I was saying as a good fiance I contact Chloe through «Thought communication» and told her everything.

After a few minutes, she arrived in front of us with other kids.

"Velzard nee-san please play with us."

Chloe said to Velzard while pulling her hand's other kids just nodded in agreement.

"Don't make them sad by saying no, they look in a very good mood."

I also added seeing her hesitate a little, a smile appeared on her face as she said 'Yes' with a cheerful face.

Who would believe my words if I said that this girl is more than twenty thousand years old? Playing with children like a little child herself, you can say she has her charm even while acting a little childish.


She turn around, bent a little, and shouted my name while running backward, the smile never left her face, and her eyes glittered with the sun ray.


At that moment when time seems to have stopped, where even blinking felt like a waste of time, a sudden urge came to me.

I was filled with the desire to pull her into my embrace and bury my lips on her skin.

Both my body and soul desired her— I have known this for a long time and I want her to understand this.

Why did make changes in my 'Female Form'? Why did she do something that stupid I will never understand that but what I know was I will never let her go, not in this life or not in the next life, or any life.

She was mine, she is mine and she always will be mine.

They say love is blind it makes you irrational and you will never be able to make a correct judgment. But to me, it doesn't matter if the judgment that I make was right or wrong as long as this girl is with me everything is alright.

<<Master is just too possessive.>>

Humph, I already know you don't have to tell me Ciel-San.

What can I do? Look at her just how lovely she is, who in the world can oppose her. Her smiling face is glowing more than the sun, and those cerulean blue eyes are like gems.

Don't you agree?

<<She is indeed beautiful but not as much as Rimuru-Sama, humph.>>


'Hahaha, Ciel-San you are sulking again. Stop acting like a kid already.'

I said to her playfully but she just humped again in response. Well, she has been like this from the very beginning... It's fine, that's what makes Ciel-San, Ciel-San... I guess.