
Tensura:A Different Rimuru Tempest

Hello Im your average/crazy guy.I got struck by lightning while crossing the road I got killed by Truck-kun. My name is a nobody a name that will be forgotten in the annals of history. I got runover and killed because of a mistake of Truck-kun and God whose lightning struck me at the same time. got to meet an apologetic God in an office room of pure white A while ago in the void which is a torture which you feel your excistence getting torn apart and becoming part of void as cosmic dust and getting in reincarnation wheel without your memories. and i call those Isekai Protagonist is DOGSHIT!!!. Well if not for God catching his mistake in a last second i would be in so much pain right now and you know what come's next. "Hello Kiddo you are awake" "Where am I?" The I reincarnated as a slime name rimuru tempest"

AJaxxjaA · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Let Me Cook! A Gourmet Trip to Dwargo

I looked at my subordinates and my citizens that will follow me to my journey at my kingdom or nation even an empire.

"Good morning everyone I called all of you here for my announcement that is to be made, I made three simple rules!" I explained as I held up my three of my fingers.

I then turn into my slime form and use my haki and ultrasonic as I anounce my ambition

"I am Rimuru Tempest a slime who will unite all the monsters it could even be all races and build a kingdom under my banner Tempest, but, as monsters we are discriminated and hated so on so I have solution for this predicament that is by being humble and confident we will be respectful with everyone not thinking we are superior their is a big difference in being confidence in one self and being cocky even with evolution we are still weak so practice at you're own fields and strength I will be here to witness you..." as I pour my heart out I feel commander taking effect at them.

As they clap,cheer and howled excited in amazement.

This is my ambition after eating ranga father and situation I understand that strength is reign supreme that might makes right so I will be the strongest that is capable to protect and cherish what's important and precious to me.

As I made up my mind unknown to mea seed of obsession and hope is taking form inside my soul.

"If the humans and others rejected us, discriminate us even attack us because we're monsters I will show them the real monster and so I give you permission to make them regret it,fight back and crush them returning what they did to us though shall they truly surrender give them mercy and you're on top and in favor."

I then turned into my elven form and clap loudly sending Shockwave signaling the end of my three rules.

I then looked at Rigurd and Gobta as they straighten their backs.

" So that's that to the next topic is that I will be leaving to go in Dwargo the Dwarves Kingdom to get supplies and dwarves crafts men who will build the city and clothes as before I gathered you all here I talked with Rigurd about it seeking advice and he recommend that I take Gobta a brave goblin who traded with dwarves before who build the huts so he will be the guide I will also take Rigurd the 2nd a couple of goblins and Ranga and also a couple of Tempest wolves to make the travel fast." I announced to the ecstatic goblins and wolves who got selected as Ranga shakes his tail creating gust of winds.

"Hai(Yes) suu! " said Gobta with his verbal tick his appearance remaining the same even after evolving to a hob goblin looking like a green child with a ball shaped nose, ball shaped head and a purple Mohawk hair.

" Were gonna go after a few hours after eating and so I will divide everyone in their own Roles after I will leave the managing of the Village to Rigurd my command to you is recruit the nearby other goblin villages and manage them."

"Yes,Lord Rimuru I will not fail your orders!" Rigurd always strangely emotional and crying as he kneels.

"The Goblins and The Tempest Wolves will form a pair as equals forming a group of Goblin Riders with the captain of the group Rigur and the vice captain position is still absent though you can get it by sparring after we got back from our travel"

"Yes Lord Rimuru I accept my position and will lead them with my best" said Rigur.

Rigur the son of Rigurd before evolving he was a green child wearing a red bandana and the leader of the patrolling goblins now with a six pack and 5 11 foot.

I looked at their most defining characteristic after evolving purple hair of the goblins and the purple sheen of the tempest wolves fur after theorizing with Great Sage it seems they take after my magicules and Veldora's resulting in shape or form resemblance to lightning granting them affinity to it and the possibility of forming a thought communication to the tempest wolves and later a type of dragon ball skill FUSION!!!.

Which I can get later with the goblin and Hobgoblins mimicry I got which I got skills like [Precocius] when birthed It's born quickly, it grows quickly. [Cunning] Receive a moment of inspiration during critical situations. [Night Vision] Able to see in the dark and [Fertility] high reproduction rate and the last [Species Charm].

The effect is that which I noticed after turning into a goblin (yes the more muscular form I used is Hobgoblins I used on the Slaughter of a fight on the alpha of the direwolves) I get swooned and the goblinas has the heart eyes it seemed to be not as pronounced as elves charm though as the goblinas have different preferences.

But there's an issue in the skill Cunning!.

"Cunning huh... Receive a moment of inspiration during critical situations. Chotto matte Gobta!" as I narrate the skill Cunning a epiphany comes in.

When gobta has been forgotten wrapped in a cocoon he in a difficult situation use a skill shadow step to escape later he have the capability and genius to fuse with ranga who is reluctant but agrees and last but certainly not the least the skill Sage he obtains it.

Also my rank has been promoted during my stay in about two days stabilizing to special A rank.

Which is due to me being exposed and born in Veldora's magicules and naming the entire goblin and direwolves I have lost my magicules and gained more and gaining more affinity to Veldora's magicules making me stronger and more leaning to demon slime but man... *sigh* I want to be a fairy slime leaning toward spirits but I don't want be that ramiris lackey.

Also because of gaining skills that is turned into energy like coercion, night vision, drain etc. As a result giving me more magicules.

*cough* I've been sidetracked back to the topic the goblin riders that have been form is establishing a hunting team to hunt for food which means we need a cooking group to cook the games and so Gobchi the leader of Food War's! the name of the group with a few other goblins that is curious and seem to have talent in cooking.

The goblin riders have also form a guarding and patrolling system and so we set of to Dwargon the Kingdom of dwarves.


In the Jura forest a four pairs of hob goblin and tempest wolves is seen running as fast as the winds the one leading them is a more unique wolf that has a horn and star shaped symbol and white stuffs of fur Ranga and on its back is me on my slime form Tha most majestic and comfortable.

Our journey consist of traveling on the north ameld river which we face a mollusk which shoots out stone which I quickly imitated by eating rock and shooting it out as sharp cone [Stone Bullet] and quickly defeated it and used Predator to eat it and gained [Stone Skin] and [Liquid Secretion] but the stone bullet and skin has given me [Earth Manipulation] by the VoW leaved the mollusk shell to gift it to Gobchi later.

We sometimes rest at night and eat a multi legged chicken which I roasted slowly with my own goblin hands and seasoned it with salt resulting in a simple but delicious meat it releases a appetizing aroma which we quickly eat like a barbarian with the merit to Great Sage who made the recipe and salt to earth manipulation.

We talked about gobta experience and I confirmed many things the Dwargon official title Armed Nation of Dwargon led by the Hero King Gazel Dwargo a neutral free city state that many races can be found even monsters.

On Canaat Mountains we travel nearing Dwargon we also encounter a literal Fire ants colony who can fire a fire duh but with fire resistance it deals no damage I also got fire manipulation after eating one I turned to Ranga and others to fight as I was feeling lazy no to train them and with Ranga's Black Lightning and the Hobgoblins strength and team work as if they're one beings with Gobta's lead who wants to run and hide they discovered shadow step after a grueling battle we eat them while earning strange looks but Gobta's tired ass couldn't care and so we discovered that ants are super spicy and tangy.

"Thank you for your mighty sacrifice Gobta..."(joke)

Gobta gained fire resistance that day.

After a gourmet trip journey which would've take 2 months but with Ranga and his group in 3 days we finally arrived at Dwargon.


Authors note: Daily Chapters!

While I was writing the draft keeps getting deleted but I persevered leaving only one its rage (Fang Yuan lol) it was about 200 words which keed getting deleted as I don't have load in school I used watapad and so that's why.

Who are your favorite tensura character?

Mine top 3 is Rimuru then Gobta who I plan to have a new race called vajra who conquered black lightning and then shion purple empress a mask and sado


Thank you for the support Urego and OldCZE!

Ps I was about to post it then the the 2nd day mark hits making this a not daily chapter.

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