
Tensura: A Cat's Life. [DROPPED]

Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Executive Meeting!!

Deep inside the lake, Lucifer can be seen laying down on the bottom, eyes closed.

It's been a few hours since he's been here, and he seemed to be contemplating.

Until suddenly, he opened them and jumped up, back onto land.

It appeared to have become dark, the moon highlighted Lucifer's beautiful purple hair swaying as he was in the air.

Doing a back flip in the air, he landed, feeling a soft sensation below him, looking down it was sand.

He crouched down and picked it up, letting the wind slowly blow it out of his hand.

The only sound that could be heard was of the water dripping from his body.

'Last time in the fight with Charybdis I lost my cool when I saw Rimuru get hurt. I can't make a stupid mistake like that again, I was lucky that Charybdis was just a mindless monster and didn't take advantage of the situation.'

'But do I really love Rimuru or is it just an infatuation because of his looks?' Lucifer questioned inwardly.

His eyes seemed dim, his usual flamboyant attitude was nowhere to be seen.

His face seemed rather neutral, currently, he was looking at everything logically rather than emotionally.

He was trying to understand what he feels or what he could have done better.

'There is a time and place for such emotions, but now I have subjects that depend on me, I need to be much more responsible.' Lucifer thought.

Lucifer in his past world was an expert at controlling his emotions, but it's been so long since he could genuinely trust someone that his emotions were rather rampant.

Soon, his mouth curved up into a smile.

"Who cares! I just won't make the same mistake again, I'm just on the road of life, whatever happens, happens!" Lucifer exclaimed, talking to no one but himself.

He didn't like stressing over such mistakes which can easily be fixed.

Walking towards his black sweatshirt, socks, and slides and putting them on.

Raising his right hand in the hair.


Snapping his fingers, all the water on his body and hair disappeared.

Disappearing from his spot, he was Shunpoing back towards the center of Tempest, he was going to call all the executives including Rimuru to come to the meeting room in order to inform the executives of the situation and to formulate a plan.

While he was Shunpoing, he recognized a familiar aura signature nearby and changed his direction.

Appearing in front of a pub, he entered.

Inside was a similar design to the Seven Deadly Sins, Meliodas's Pub.

Wooden stools around multiple rounded wooded tables.

The counter in the back with a certain green-haired beauty, Treyni, was managing it.

Multiple stools in front of it, meant for drinkers.

One could see a certain red-haired ogre, Benimaru, sitting down on one of them drinking.

Not noticing that Lucifer just entered, he continued.

While Treyni continued on cleaning her utensils behind the counter.

The whole pub seemed empty, only the two of them remained.

"My my, what do we have here." Lucifer casually strolled in and sat down next to Benimaru.

Benimaru almost spit out his drink but covered his mouth before he could.

Treyni seems just as surprised but just bowed respectfully and served Lucifer as she would anyone else.

"Lord Lucifer, what may I get you?"

She knew that Lucifer and Rimuru didn't really like it when they were treated overzealously or in more simple terms, as gods.

So she kept it simple.

"Whatever he's getting." Lucifer points towards Benimaru.

Treyni just nodded and started to get his drink.

Benimaru eventually got out of his stupor.

'Did I let my guard down because I was drinking? No, I was still on guard this whole time, yet he easily got this close without even making a sound. As expected of my Lord!' Benimaru praised inwardly.

"Welcome back Lord Lucifer." All the ogres basically treated Lucifer and Rimuru the same as they would each other, but just called them by their respective honorifics because of how much respect they hold for them.

"Tough day?" Lucifer questioned.

"Nothing new, how was the trip?" Benimaru responded.'

"Pretty interesting, I learned lots of things and had some fun while at it." Lucifer explained.

"You know Shion's been looking for you since you came back, she went to Rimuru's office earlier but they said you were busy, she was going to barge in but Rimuru just gave her some side jobs to distract her with." Benimaru chuckled.

"Next time I see her, I'll be sure to dote on her! But back to why I came here, it was to inform you there will be an emergency meeting tonight, so inform everyone else." Lucifer told Benimaru.

"I understand, but may I ask what's this emergency meeting about?" Benimaru asked curiously.

"Future battle plans, I will inform you of the specifics at the meeting." Lucifer replied.

Benimaru's eyes widened in shock, but his expression soon turned into glee.

'Finally, we have a chance to be of more use to Lord Lucifer and Lord Rimuru.'

"As you command." Benimaru got up with a smile and seemingly disappeared.

Treyni soon appeared and gave Lucifer his cup, which seemed to be multiple drinks mixed together.

"Where'd Sir Benimaru go?" Treyni questioned.

"I've sent him on a task." Lucifer replied while drinking the cup of mixed alcohol in one shot.

Treyni nodded in understanding.

"I'll see you later."

"Lord Lucifer!"

As soon as Lucifer was about to Shunpo out, a voice called out to him from the pubs enterance.

Shion seemingly appeared, and she looked angry.

"You didn't even come and say hi to me! You even visited Shuna and Benimaru but not even me!" She exclaimed with an angry pout.

Treyni seemingly disappeared, wanting to not be involved in it.

Lucifer seemed as carefree as ever though, he just chuckled and walked towards the entrance.

"Come on, we can walk while we're heading to city hall." Lucifer stated while walking past Shion, outside to the cobblestone pathways that connect all over Tempest.

Shion soon followed after him, with a pout because of his carefreeness.

"Come on."

While he was walking, he pointed next to him, indicating that she should walk by his side.

Shion listened and started walking next to him.

"First of all Shion, I can do whatever I want, whenever I want-"

Shion's eyes widened in realization, her eyes seemed downcast.

"But, the reason why I didn't visit you fast is that I know you are strong, as are the others. I only visited them because of certain tasks they were doing for me. I was going to visit all of you later today anyways." Lucifer explained with a relaxed expression.

"Ah!" Shion's eyes widened in realization, realizing she was going to see him at the emergency meeting later today anyways and the fact that he considered her strong, made her instantly happy.

"You really think I'm strong!?" Shion questioned excitedly, seemingly forgetting her past anger.

"Yeah, you are strong, beautiful, and immensely talented." Lucifer honestly replied.

She truly was beautiful.

'Her strength was something so powerful in the original, she was nerfed. She could have had the power to kill Rimuru, who was evolved into a True Dragon at that time which is something very impressive. But Ciel blocked her evolution and Rimuru agreed.' Lucifer was annoyed by their decision.

He couldn't believe that Rimuru/Ciel would have the audacity to stop Shion's evolution because she could kill him.

'The fact is, Shion would never betray her masters, so the fact that Rimuru decided to block her potential was something I was immensely disappointed about.'

'But i'm gonna make sure such potential isn't wasted in the future..'

'She would have had the power to become the literal strongest subordinate, which is debatable because even someone like Diablo is not someone to be underestimated with his skill and IQ.'

Lucifer started to look at Shion with admiration.

After Shion was praised, she had a ting of red on her cheek with a proud smile.

"I'm beautiful and strong aren't I?" Shion questioned in a smug tone to herself.

Soon Lucifer's admiration gaze disappeared.

"Are you studying well?" Lucifer questioned, with a piercing gaze.

"Y-yes, o-of course." Shion sheepily replied while avoiding eye contact.

"Ah, whatever, just study battle strategies and fighting styles to improve yourself." Lucifer chuckled, seeing through her shitty lie, he understood that studying other subjects just wasn't her forte.

"Understood!" Shion smiled in relief, she hated studying subjects like math because she believed they would be of no use to her in the future, but she liked studying battle-oriented subjects because they could help her become a better fighter and leader.

It seemed when they were talking and walking, they already reached the city hall already.

Transforming into a cat, Lucifer just jumped onto her neck and let her take him there.

Shion was surprised, but just started to rub her face against Lucifer soft fur while walking.

Lucifer was feeling quite lazy, even though they already reached their destination.

"Whenever I feel your fur, it still always amazes me at how soft it is!" Shion purred.

Shion walked directly to the meeting room and entered.

There could be seen a long rectangular table, with over a dozen chairs.

All the chairs were filled with all the current executives, except one which was Shion's.

Rimuru was also at the end of the table with his own chair and one empty by his side meant for Lucifer.

Lucifer jumped off Shion's neck and jumped onto Rimuru's neck.

Rimuru was startled but soon calmed down and just left him be.

He was going to tell Lucifer to go sit in his own seat but his fur was way too soft to let go so he didn't mind the soft pillow on his neck.

Shion seemed sad about Lucifer leaving but once she saw where Lucifer went, she smiled at the cute duo.

"Okay let's start the meeting!" Rimuru exclaimed.

Lucifer and Rimuru explained the situation to the Executives and Lucifer told Rimuru it was fine to tell them everything he said except the part about Shion dying because he didn't want her to worry.

He would be observing everyone, to make sure no one dies.

"Wow, to think such a thing is possible, as expected of Lord Lucifer." Geld muttered under his breath.

"To think we would go to war so soon." Hakuro sighed.

"It's fine, we can definitely win, just like we did in the future!" Shion exclaimed, with her arms crossed, nodding proudly.

This started to boost the other's morale.

"Yeah! We have Lord Lucifer and Lord Rimuru too!"

"Lord Lucifer!"

"Lord Rimuru!"

"Lord Lucifer"

"Lord Rimuru!"

Gabiru started to chant our names, which managed to make the others chuckle.

"Lord Lucifer, it seems Noir wishes to participate in this meeting." Souei stated.

The others seemed confused about who this, "Noir", was but the stronger ones could sense an ominous aura outside the meeting room door.

Lucifer just nodded his head.

As soon as he nodded, Noir entered.

Noir walked up to Lucifer and Rimuru and bowed respectfully.

If one would look closely, he was strictly looking at Rimuru and ignoring Lucifer's presence.

No one noticed except Lucifer.

'This bastard.' Lucifer inwardly cursed.

Rimuru nodded.

"Your Noir right?" Rimuru questioned.

Lucifer already explained Noir's situation.

"Yes My Lord." Noir replied.

"So you would like to serve me?" Rimuru questioned.

"Yes, I wouldn't need anything but me being allowed to serve you." Noir replied humbly.

Rimuru sweat dropped.

It seemed Noir really just wanted to serve him with no-strings attached.

But soon he got out of his stupor and replied.

"Sure! From now on you'll be my personal secretary/butler." Rimuru replied nonchalantly.

Unlike in the original, Shion isn't Rimuru's secretary since Lucifer plans on taking her for himself because of all the wasted potential.

"Alright from now on, you'll be Diablo." Lucifer took the initiative to name him, just to annoy Diablo.

Diablo was covered in a cacoon and a good portion of Lucifer's Magicules entered him.

Slowly the cocoon disappeared with him appearing in a new butler outfit.

His aura significantly increased, this guy was now just as powerful as Lucifer and Rimuru, probably even stronger by a bit. (Not including Lucifers Ultimate Skill.)

The connection between Diablo and Lucifer opened, they now have a Soul Corridor!

Diablo's face momentarily changed into a scowl because he wanted the, "Supreme Being" to name him, not some Mongrel.

Lucifer's cat form outwardly was just as calm but inwardly he was surprised.

'This guy seriously took a good portion of my Magicules, I feel so sleepy but I can't nap now and look weak. HaHaaHaa! It was fucking worth it though.' Lucifer snickered inwardly.

Everyone at the meeting table was surprised at the aura Diablo was emitting but he soon controlled it.

Benimaru's balled his fist under the table determinedly.

'I must become the strongest subordinate and surpass my limits. I will need to up my training schedule and find a sparring partner.' Benimaru swore in his heart.

Shion also had the same thinking and her eyes seemed as if they were lit up by a fire.

After introducing Diablo to everyone, they started to talk about the battle plans.

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