
Tensura: A Cat's Life. [DROPPED]

Lucifer Azoth, a genius among geniuses. He was known for his many talents. After some crazy things happening, he ended up dying and finding himself in the world of Tensura. He is bound to have the adventure of his life and to become the strongest while at it. _________________________________ I’m not sure if I’m gonna do harem or no harem yet. Toon In To Find Out!!

Luxuriant · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Battle Against The Orc Lord!! Jura Tempest Alliance!!

(Lucifer POV)

Me and Rimuru are currently standing in front of the Orc Lord.

"I AM STARVING, I WILL EAT ALL OF YOU!!" I just started to ignore all his ramblings and looked toward Rimuru.

"So Rimuru, we need to implement those mixed baths, when do you think they will be prepared?" I asked randomly.

"Oh, I think in a couple of months our buildings and the mixed baths will be implemented, we will also expand and modernize our village." Rimuru just played along with the conversation.

"Also, what should our duo name be as kings?" I questioned curiously since I currently had no idea.

"We'll figure it out on a later date." Rimuru replied.

We already agreed that we would rule together as partners for the monsters.

"Oh, so you wanna go on a date?" I question with a teasing smirk.

"Ugh, you bastard!! Come here!!" Rimuru started to chase me around in circles.

Even though we look like we're just messing around, we were still observing the battlefield and the Orc Lord.

While I was observing the Orc Lord, he seemed to be dumbfounded that me and Rimuru were casually ignoring him while running around playing.

But his dumbfoundedness soon turned into anger.

"I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU!!" The Orc Lord exclaimed.

Me and Rimuru stopped playing and quietly waited to see what would happen.

Benimaru, Hakuro, Shion, and Souei rushed in front of us in a defensive formation.

I just looked at their back weirdly, what's the point of protecting people who are stronger than you?

Rimuru also seemed perplexed but just observed silently.

The Orc Lord started to advance toward us, he was walking at first but that soon turned into a full sprint.

Reminded me of Madara's walk when he went against the millions of shinobi.

Once Shion and the rest noticed this, they immediately advanced forward in order to cut him off his path.

Benimaru and Souei let Shion and Hakuro attack first in order to observe the Orc Lords capabilities.

Shion clashed her greatsword against his greatsword but she was thrown back, she recovered quickly and attacked him again doing the same thing.

This time she put even more force and pressured him, while he was distracted, Hakuro immediately took this chance and sliced off the Orc Lords head with a katana.

"Nice!!" Rimuru exclaimed with a relieved smile.

"No, keep watching." I shake my head and tell him.

He looks confused but continued to watch nonetheless.

It seemed as if the Orc Lord caught his own decapitated head and reattached it.

The ogres looked shocked, how could you have regenerative abilities which allowed you to stay alive even after getting your head cut off?

The only person they have seen with regenerative abilities like that is when Hakuro cut Rimuru's arm off.

I mean me and Rimuru have the same ability but they haven't seen me use it yet, hopefully, they won't have to but that's just wishful thinking.

Benimaru and Souei concluded that the best option is to just obliterate him.

So in turn, Souei trapped him with his sticky threads and completely encased him, right after, Benimaru threw a ball of black fire at him which encased him whole.

Ranga soon joined in the fray and brought down black lighting upon the Orc Lord.

Everyone waited to see the aftermath of all their attacks.

Eventually, the smoke cleared away, and what appeared was the Orc Lord with scorched skin that was healing slowly.

As soon as it recovered, he immediately shot dozens of red beams of light toward them.

"I guess it's our time to shine." I smiled.

(Shion POV)

Damn, its regenerative abilities are as strong as Lord Rimuru's, how can we defeat such a monster?

Once it recovered, it immediately shot dozens of red beams at us, I was getting prepared to dodge but for some reason, they never came to hit me.

I realize Lord Lucifer standing in front of me, it was like there was an invisible wall protecting him because anything that came in his direction was instantly deflected.

I have such an amazing lord!!

I should make him some dinner later as a thank-you gift!!

"Are you okay Shion?" Lord Lucifer questioned me.

"Of course!" I exclaimed with stars in my eyes.

"I'll teach you things like this once we go back." He chuckled, and seemingly read my thoughts because I was very interested in the abilities he used.

Lord Rimuru seemed to have protected the rest, by seemingly absorbing the attack.

"Let us handle this, eventually you guys will get stronger and stronger over time so don't be sad but be determined to become stronger." Lord Lucifer explained.

Yes, I must get stronger! We can't keep getting protected by Lord Rimuru and Lord Lucifer.

The others determinedly nodded and in turn we all backed up in order to give them space to fight.

In the empty battlefield ahead, we can see Lord Rimuru and Lord Lucifer standing side by side while staring at the Orc Lord who towered over them, they were over 10 feet away from the Orc Lord.

(Lucifer POV)

Look at this big bastard.

"The bigger they are, the harder they fall." I immediately pull out both of my pistols and immediately shoot, but this time I increased the Magicule power and used explosive bullets.


The explosion encased over 400 meters, me and Rimuru had to back up in order to not get caught in it.

Once we were at a safe distance Rimuru just looked shocked.

"What the hell was that!?!?" Rimuru exclaimed.

"I just used explosive bullets and increased the explosion with Magicules." I explained simply, but even I was surprised by the effect, it didn't even take that much Magicules to shoot them.

I'm basically a ticking time bomb, imagine what I could do with my Ultimate skill or once I get even stronger.

"Just decrease the output, we don't wanna get our allies caught in the crossfire." Rimuru sighed.

He's right, the only reason no one was hurt was because they backed up earlier.

"Wait he's still alive!! Well I guess that makes sense, now that I think about it." Rimuru was surprised but he soon realized that it makes sense that the Orc Lord would be heat resistant.

Deep in the explosion, the Orc Lord could be seen coming out with a burned body but it was healing, slowly albeit.

I wasn't surprised, I already knew he had a [Heat Resistance] skill, I just wanted to test out how powerful the explosion would be.

It seems even though I wasn't trying my hardest, my explosion still burned him even though he has resistance, probably because of the potent Magicules in the explosive bullet I shot.

I could definitely kill it if I used my Ultimate Skill or if I just increased the output of my bullets to make it even stronger compared to the previous one.

But that wouldn't allow Rimuru to get the [Demon Seed] which he needs to become a demon lord.

The ogres looked amazed at my magical powers.

"Alright come on, I will keep weakening him while you eat him." I quickly explained my plan to Rimuru.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." Rimuru responded.

As soon as we finished speaking, we launched at the Orc Lord.

I would constantly riddle him with mini explosive bullets, while Rimuru would cut off all his limbs using his katana that was branded in black fire which didn't allow him to regenerate.

I noticed his eyes turned red and he had an emotionless face.

It seems he's trying out his auto-battle mode currently and with my help we're completely destroying him.

Eventually, Rimuru's eyes turned back to normal and our movement was in synch as if we have been partners forever.

Eventually, the Orc Lord was immobilized and couldn't do anything anymore.

Rimuru looked towards me and I nodded in confirmation.

He put his hand out and absorbed the Orc Lord, albeit slowly, I think they were having a conversation about the orc's circumstances just like in the original.

Eventually, Rimuru finished eating him and everyone started to approach us with cheers.




Cheers could be heard from all around us.

Me and Rimuru simply smiled at the display.

Benimaru, Shion, Souei, and Hakuro walked up to us with smiles on their faces.

"We've discussed and we want to continue to serve you indefinitely." Benimaru stated speaking for everyone.

Me and Rimuru smiled at their words, even though I expected it, it still felt nice that people trusted you enough to choose to serve you.

"What about the chief?" I question.

"We can make our own decisions, if the chief decides to serve you as well, that would be good too but that is his own decision also." Benimaru reasoned.

I nodded, agreeing with his thoughts.

Suddenly I feel 2 soft things against my back, I turned around and see Shion giving me a hug with a goofy smile on her face.

Does she not understand how this can turn me on, I'm gonna have to teach her the common sense of this world more.

I disregard my raging hormones currently and look towards the orcs, around 2 thousand still died but that's way better compared to canon, around 198 thousand survived which is great and bad for us.

They seemed to have come back to their senses and their faces are mixed with guilt, sadness, and regret.

Gabiru and the lizardmen walked up to us and bowed down immediately.


Me and Rimuru just nodded at his words.

(Few Hours Later)

We were inside the lizardmen's base discussing the terms of the Jura Forest Alliance.

Well, I wasn't really in the conversation, I was busy playing with Shion in my cat form.

She would either pet me or play with my paws while I lay in her lap.

"Lord Lucifer you're so cute in this form!! Your also so soft!!" Shion started to choke me between her breasts.

"Your choking mee!!" I exclaimed in my feminine cat voice.

Shion finally let go of me and put me back down on her lap.

"My apologies Lord Lucifer." Shion apologized while smiling.

"I'm not gonna lie, your thighs are heavenly! You are definitely one of the most beautiful women I have met before." I speak my honest thoughts.

Shion seemed surprised but just smiled smugly with a tint of red on her face.

"Thank You, Lord Lucifer!"

I chuckled at the irony, she's usually always the bold one but now she looks a little shy.

"-From now on Rimuru and Lucifer Tempest will be the chancellors of the Great Forest of Jura." The discussions finally finished.

I let Rimuru handle the talking since I didn't really have anything to add.

I'll make sure to tell Rimuru to explain everything to me, just to make sure I didn't miss anything about the alliance.

Rimuru just looked at me with an annoyed glare probably because while he had to work, I was just playing with a beauty like Shion.

I jumped out of Shion's lap which made her momentarily frown but she returned to her bright self in no time.

I sat next to the slime.

"You ready for this?" I questioned him with my paw out.

"Always." He fist bumps me back with his non-existent slime hands.

From then on, we traveled back to our village.

Sorry for posting late! I was a little busy!

Let me know yall thoughts!!

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