
tensura:- Authors adventures

life of reincarnated person through tensura world. all rights belong to author I don't own anything except OCs

isekaigiffy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


//Roberto's POV//

When I returned home I saw not only my mother who visits us sometimes but my father too who rarely visits us and the air around was tense for some reason and I felt faint pressure coming from my father " what's with tense air?" I said lightly to make the atmosphere less oppressive "Roberto seat down I have something important to tell you!" Father said seriously after which I sat down sensing seriousness of matter he wanted to say.

//Daniel POV//

When Roberto finally arrived I sighed once and gathered my resolve to tell them about the tenma war, it's always hard to bring difficult conversations before family members. " I have received grave news and we will have to prepare for that eventuality." As I said even Roberto looked somewhat worried, though I didn't want them to get separated from their new born daughter I am sure they have potential to become 'enlightened' like me and we will need all hands if we want to survive this tenma war. " Daniel don't beat around the bush what is it!?" My wife angelica said losing her calm for the first time in a decade, " In a decade a cataclysmic event will occur in 'the tenma war'." I could see their surprised expression as this was one of the major folk tales we hear from elders. " Dad so this is just an elaborate prank!?" Roberto said exasperated voice, he seems to think I am just pranking them. "That's right Daniel it's not funny I was actually worried!" Angelica said in a little angry tone but she too relaxed and sighed " it's not a prank, I am serious." I said in a serious tone showing them I am serious.

".... So your saying like those myths 1000000 of angles will attack whole western nations!" Isabella said with a little shudder, I just nodded with a heavy heart as our life will be flipped because of such unreasonable event.

" ....Are you serious?" Roberto asked still not believing me "... unfortunately yes." I replied. " What is source of this information?" Angelica asked reasonable question. "It's archbishop Marchet" I replied as he is no-non sense type of person angelica should know the information is viable.".. so Marchet..then what shall we do .." she said with little uncertainty in her voice.

"I want to train some talented youngsters, and if we get even 10 people who can beat hazard class monster we will be relatively safe." I said resolutely.

"Really .... I will also take apprentice than. I am have defeated one though it was on weaker side." Roberto said with some difficulty, he doesn't seem sure.

"No.. only angelica and I will take apprentice, we will train you and arrange quest with more powerful monsters " I said . " Roberto, isabella you need to get atleast strong as me, you both are young and have lost of potential only by fighting strong individuals you will grow." I continued.

" W-hat .. If something happened to us what will happen to Chris!" Isabella said in flustered voice. I could understand her feelings as Chris is only 3 months old " I understand your feelings but it's for Chris and your safety, entire western nations will be attacked, their is no safe place for commoners." I gave them my honest feelings even though I was also feeling bitter but nobles of this country will not allow knights to move and most of the strong adventures who are money driven will also be hired. "Dad how strong are those angles?" Roberto asked after sighing trying to calm Isabella down. " They are just one step below hazard class individually." I said grimly as this is most troublesome part of angles army. Individually they were so strong that they could be stronger than most advanced adventures. My reply left them lost for words . "How.. how much will we face." Angelica asked. I expected that question from her. " Atleast 500 as this is just normal city. But the problem is we can't just defeat them and be done with it!" I gritted my teeth " tenma war last about 7 days if we defeat them too fast, more will come." I could see despair and resignation on Roberto face, I can't allow that he and Isabella are our hope for future, as they are just teenagers and already strong as hazard class. But before I could say anything I heard crisp slap and I was surprised isabella was one who slapped Roberto " what type of eyes are you making !?" She shouted. " Young man that look is of coward!?" Even angelica seemed furious with his look, " your are blessed with talent even more than your father! You are our hope, you have what it takes to become strongest in Kingdom but with that type of will you will not only dissapoint people who believe in you but also your daughter!" Angelica was scolding him like no tommorow. " ....but I ..." He muttered and looked down I could tell he was embraced for making such expression. " I know.. you will have to train your willpower and acquire unique skill" I said bluntly. " Unique skill is it rumoured power of heroes?" Isabella asked she seemed to have calmed down. " Yes it is unique power that awakens in those with strong wills, thats why Roberto and Isabella you have to leave your all insucurities out of this" I explained. " How are we going to train will power?" Roberto asked as he seemed lot more hopeful after hearing about unique skill. " Your mother will help you will just have to allow her to allow her to cast a spell on you' I said with confident grin. "Your so insensitive to ask mother to cast in something like that on her children." She said with sigh.

"But that's only way we know dear." I said with solemn atmosphere. "Your saying you know how to acquire unique skill other than summoning from another world!" Isabella asked in suprised voice " well it worked for me, but others gained extra skill and rare skills." I said in proud tone. " Okay, we agree for our and our daughters future we are ready for your training!" Isabella anouced Roberto nodded. " We will start training after Chris turn 1 " I said . "I am not demon that will separate his children from their infant." I said and left with angelica who followed me.