
tensura:- Authors adventures

life of reincarnated person through tensura world. all rights belong to author I don't own anything except OCs

isekaigiffy · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


//Christina's POV//

//Next Day//

When I woke up the next morning I couldn't help but grin after remembering last night and feeling that I could activate said skill with just thought so I just did that and activated my first subskill- script and made setting "I will grow stronger physically each day without appearing any different" and as unique skill uses magical power(provisional)to activate it will be pitiful at first but it will become more formidable in future it was not most broken setting I can come up with but it is still it will do for now because I can't really influence with low magicules amount of infant. And the next setting I did was " 20 percent increase in magicules amount everyday" which seems to be the most I could do as something seems to prevent me from doing anything more significant.

//Isabella Pov//

It's been 3 months since Christina's birth and she is growing healthy without any concern at first I was extremely nervous but after seeing her roll over yesterday my worries were greatly reduced . After seeing that I took her outside our house for the first time at first she gave cry of surprise from a sudden increase in light when I took her outside after some time she started to look interested "lets go meet your grandfather."I asked as she giggled a lot when I asked her she is really cheerful child.

//Christina's POV//

When my mother took me outside I couldn't help but observe everything it was reminiscent of the European middle ages , The city is paved by stone but that is only for high class and middle class districts. "Let's go we will meet your grandfather ." Mother said as, to my surprise since last night I could understand everything my parents said because this is my second subskill automatic language mastery. Because of this I was able to gather even more information than before while I was thinking only some second had passed in the real world because of my thought acceleration subskill. My mother took me to the second biggest building in the area and to my excitement "Adventures guild"was written on board outside the building.

I couldn't help but grin at the dream-like setting I already knew this world is the world of magic but now it became clear this world also has monsters so I decided to do any normal fantasy enthusiasts will do "I will become adventurer" I decided with firm resolution.

/Roberto's POV//

It's been three months since my daughter was born at first I was even scared to take her in my arms and hurting her accidentally as she looked really fragile but my mother said all babies are like that and Chris was a particularly energetic child so everything should be fine, I was also working extra hard on quests so I can buy bring more money so isabella can dress our daughter as she always wanted I always return home tired but with smile of my beutiful wife and deep sleeping expression of my little daughter blows all stress and fatigue blows away in flash .when I returned home that day I was greeted with "dear it's good news" isabella shouted

With beutiful blooming smile on her face I could just stare at her due to her enthusiasm during this late hour "Chris rolled over today!" She dropped biggest bomb of today I couldn't help but hug her with emotions that I couldn't put in words . Both of us were incredibly nervous when we first learned about her (isabella's) pregnancy as we were not ready for children just yet but my mother and father helped lot and when Chris was born healthy I was really glad but now knowing that child is growing healthy makes all hardships we went through together due to sudden increase in responsibility all the more worthwhile "thank you for this wonderful gift dear" I said as I passionately kissed her she was surprised at first but after some time we got to bed.

//Christina POV//

After my mother took me to the top floor of the adventure guild through the back door I glanced at the person in his late forties it seems he is my grandfather "it's you isabella, and what do you have here!" He said with a goofy smile and took me from my mother's hand "Chris- chan do you remember I am your grandpa." He said in a doting voice .

///Daniel POV///

When my daughter in law isabella entered with my grand daughter I couldn't help but be happy, as according to Roberto it's her first time going outside she brought her daughter directly to me which warmed my heart.

After playing with my granddaughter for some time I remembered something I heard from an old friend who is now archbishop in western saints Church about a cataclysmic event that occurs

every 500years [ARMAGADON]. When I heard I searched through all guild records and found fragmented papers about 500years old and 1000yrs old both these paper mention attack of angels from sky and this cataclysmic event will happen in about two decades according to my friend.

"Isabella I will like to talk with Roberto and you, it's really important! I will come tonight." I said decisively as these two are the most talented youngsters in satia city, according to estimates each angel is stronger than veteran adventurers but falls short when dealing with a champion class individual, these two have to become at least strong as me.

"Huh? What's this suddenly?" Isabella asked .

"I will tell you at dinner , you should leave now Christina seems sleepy." I suggested.

" I see than I will be waiting, be sure to bring mother-in law!" She said and left the guild.