
Tender trifles of desire

A story about a boy named Claude Wilson who was in love with a girl and they were happy just to be together but life had other plans for the boy and he met the tragedy of his life when he met a car accident and lost his ability to Walk and at the moment he came to his senses he was struck with reality that he can no longer live a normal life and the love of his life also left him after knowing all about the accident. He had lost all the hope for life and was ready to accept his Destiny untill he met the girl Luna jam who was like gift send to him from heaven. Luna was cheerful ,kind and tender person and Claude was shocked to met a person selfless like her. It seems like life has other plans for him.

Atiafiona · Fantasy
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14 Chs

"A Day Apart"

Chapter 11: "A Day Apart"

The next day, Luna woke up with a mix of worry and curiosity. She had

decided to inform Claude about her

plans to go to the office, eager to see

how he would manage without her constant presence. As she

approached him, she gently held his hands, expressing her concerns.

Luna: Claude, I have to go to the office today. I thought about leaving you at Mr. Keith's house. Don't worry, I'll be back in the evening, and we can be together again. Just take care of

yourself while I'm gone, alright?

Claude looked at Luna, his eyes

reflecting a sense of understanding

and reassurance.

Claude: I trust you, Luna. I know you'll always come back to me. I'll manage, and I'll be here waiting for you.

Luna smiled, appreciating Claude's trust and confidence. She knew she could rely on him just as much as he relied on her. She sought reassurance from Claude's mother, Ms. Roise, who was also present.

Luna: Ms. Roise, do you think Claude

will be alright on his own today?

Ms. Roise smiled warmly, her voice

filled with reassurance.

Ms. Roise: Luna, my son is strong and

resilient. He will be just fine. Don't

worry too much. You should focus on

your work and trust that Claude can

take care of himself.

Luna nodded, thankful for Ms. Roise's support and advice. With a renewed sense of confidence, she left for the office, knowing that Claude was in capable hands.

Throughout the day, Luna couldn't

help but wonder how Claude was doing. Her mind kept drifting back to him, and she occasionally checked her phone, hoping for a message or update from him. Despite her trust in his abilities, she still felt a pang of worry deep within her heart.

As the evening approached, Luna eagerly made her way to Mr. Keith's

house to pick up Claude. However, upon arriving, she discovered that Claude

was nowhere to be found. Confusion

and panic gripped Luna, and she turned to Claude's brother, Henry,

seeking answers.

Luna: Henry, where is Claude? Why

isn't he here?

Henry looked at Luna with concern,

his voice gentle yet filled with


Henry: Luna, I'm sorry, but Claude isn't

here. I don't know where he went.

Luna's heart raced, her mind spinning with possibilities. She couldn't fathom why Claude would leave without

informing her, and fear began to

creep in.

Luna: Did he go alone? Is he okay?

Why wouldn't he tell me?

Henry, trying to ease Luna's worry,

shared what little information he had.

Henry: I believe Claude went with Melissa. They wanted to spend some time together. I'm sorry I couldn't give you more details.

Luna's eyes widened in shock, and a

wave of hurt washed over her. She couldn't comprehend why Claude would choose to spend time with his ex-girlfriend without letting her know. Confusion and a sense of betrayal clouded her thoughts.

Luna expressed her gratitude to Henry, trying to maintain composure, but her voice trembled with a mix of


Luna: Thank you, Henry. I appreciate

your help.