
Tenacious Me

A strangely unique girl is just trying to make it in her own world... As well as others? Follow along on her adventures, struggles; life as a whole! Uncover the past along with the present to put the pieces of the puzzle together! Does it all have a meaning? (((Story trigger warnings: Cussing, Violence, Light "Gore," Sickness, Death, Abuse, Weight mentioning (+ loss), Discussions/Mentioning of other serious topics like mental illness, Self-harm, Injury, Illegal activities (Stealing, Human trafficking, Corrupt Gangs/Individuals in general + Drug use), Consensual Sexual Activity, Deities, Religion, and lastly, the occult. If you feel any other trigger warnings should be added, please let me know anytime. I don't want to hurt anyone or anything with my story whatsoever, and I'll do all I can to fix any issues! Thank you to all those supporting me; for everything!)))

ancb19 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The Best Years Of Our Lives

Bianh continued with the tale, explaining that Leopold would use his brother's names now and then for different kids he came across. Leopold noticed that every time he was around people, he would get even more sick and started to lock himself away. He knew what was happening, and eventually, despite what he truly wanted, one day Leopold caved and devoured a helpless child. Never before had he felt so powerful. Before long, he rose in power in both ways; throughout the district, as well as physically.

Whenever Leopold had the chance, he'd find an unsuspecting and/or easy target, usually a child, to feed on. It made him more powerful the more pure-hearted the individual was. Bianh was taken in by him since he had pity for special/abused kids, thinking he could help them unlike the others in life who have failed him. Forever feeling guilt from losing Séthyan but not addressing it just made it a lost, delusional cause, considering what he did in the first place. Bianh was taught it was right for so long, he never suspected anything wrong or felt guilty until he discovered how to access the internet especially. The public library helped as well.

"I discovered that he's what many people call a 'Soul eater.' And... I guess Leopold was angry you weren't killed, or cursed like he was." Bianh said, looking down at Spark. "Well... I was about to be eaten fully, but then Mika saved me. From what you told us, Séthyan is way meaner, and dangerous."

Mika sat up suddenly.

But she just sniffled and didn't say anything.

Spark was against it at first but sighed and looked away before mumbling out: "Thank you for telling the truth at least. It makes sense after all, so I believe you."

"Thank you too, for even listening, but... I can't just apologize and expect things to be better after all I've done."

"Obviously." Spark looked up and stared at him with narrowed eyes. "So... I'm going to go. I just need to... Work out everything. Leave this place and never look back. I don't want to be anything like that man who basically helped raise me. I'm so conflicted, but I don't want to do anymore damage either. This whole town is a mess... I wish you both the best."

Spark was a bit relieved to not be so on guard anymore after Bianh started leaving, and also glad that he didn't end up betraying the two of them or something. Spark spoke quietly after thinking on it: "I hope you can find peace."

"You too."

Bianh grabbed some supplies from the house and packed up; going to the backyard to untie Phuoc from his leash next, checking on him in his doghouse. After seeing he was alright, they carefully left the property.

Spark then turned back to Mika after watching them go until they disappeared. She seemed calmer but thoughtful and very confused. Spark decided to jump onto the seat beside her, staying by her side in case she needed to talk, but left her in silence to process otherwise.


For weeks, Mika was quiet and seemed more angry. Especially after they left Leopold's property. They definitely didn't want to be caught there, with a dead body just outside. It decayed pretty fast, which was also abnormal, but it was still intact enough to be recognized as a "human" body. Bianh left his keys behind, so they were able to grab more food and supplies themselves before leaving.

Spark was disgusted while doing this, but pulled out and disposed of the knife Mika used, not wanting anyone to discover what she'd done and lock her up for it. Spark ended up burning it up in the fireplace, watching until he was satisfied in thinking that it wouldn't be a problem anymore.

Once they were ready, the two left out of the front after finding out where the cameras were and how to shut them off. Since they were small enough, they were able to squeeze through a part of the gate's barrier. Spark was glad Mika wasn't upset with him, but he could tell something changed in her, which wasn't much of a surprise after what took place in their lives so far.

They once again had no idea where to go, no destination in mind, but at least they wouldn't have to worry as much about food for a while this time. Making it easier to carry their stuff, Mika decided to take a wagon they stumbled upon that was in the garage. It was heavy, but she pushed herself to keep on going.


It was already 4 years since then. And there were many, many changes. Over their monthly travels struggling to survive, they came upon another kid who they thought was like them, but that wasn't exactly the case. After Mika was nice enough to share some of her food with him, they ended up being followed. Spark realized it and got ready to fight, warning Mika as well, but it was just the same boy from before, with a group this time. They were all different ages.

They proposed that Mika join them. That they were a "family." Mika was wary and was also tempted to be mean, until they suddenly started bringing by more gifts and flaunting their ability to get away with many things that most weren't. They even offered her to get up to mischief with the group now and then. And Mika becoming unhealthily desperate for friends, along with wanting to seem cool like the group, she went along. Taking her anger out on broken windows, rebelling, changing her style while trying to figure herself out over the years.

Mika always felt a bit guilty being "bad," but now she wasn't alone. She even now had a roof over their heads. After she was "initiated" in, they let her stay in their secret hideouts. Spark wasn't thrilled, but saw that pushing her would just make her confused and angrier. So he usually kept his distance while Mika chose what to do, but he was always there in some way, especially in situations where she could most likely get in trouble. Her "initiation ritual" was to successfully steal a big package from a neighboring "head honcho" without getting caught. Mika almost was, but sweet-talked her way out of it.

Everyone celebrated that day, besides Spark, knowing it had to do with drugs, and Mika felt bad about it but the praise from her new "friends" made her feel important. Like she had a purpose, unlike before. Life felt meaningless in a way... So, why even bother being careful anymore? Mika felt like she could do anything with no consequences. After a while, she didn't want to be associated with her old name, so she started going by "Taiga." Everything was going well, but why was she still so upset deep down?

Spark tried letting her know she didn't have to keep up a tough front all the time, and that she didn't have to do things she was uncomfortable with to keep these people around. Taiga was silent whenever he spoke to her like that, but never exploded on him unfairly. Usually she would stay long enough to hear Spark's full pieces of advice, but then leave. It broke Spark's heart to see her struggle so much, but just kept trying his best to be there for her when needed. As long as Taiga kept doing favors for the group, she could stay.

At first, she was surprised they didn't care too much about her appearance around here, but they actually seemed to think it was awesome. They'd always tell her so. Taiga sure wasn't used to that, but it made her feel more confident. Meanwhile, Spark kept getting worried. He knew Taiga said everything was ok, but he didn't buy that the gang in the town over would just let her go so easily like that. The group they were in was definitely planning something. Spark didn't want to lose her, but she needed to see the truth herself. He just hoped it all wouldn't go too far. She never treated him bad either, but it was still terrible seeing her go downhill like this from these crowds.

It wasn't even their lifestyle he had a problem with. But if they try and hurt Taiga, then it's for sure a problem. So from now on, he kept watch on everyone even more, even losing sleep to see if anything was amiss.

Taiga knew Spark just cared, but felt that she deserved this kind of life in a way.

She didn't want to think this way, but it was a very enveloping feeling dragging her down day by day. To try and get rid of the feelings she'd impulsively jump into things without thinking of the consequences, to herself and/or others. She stayed away from what most of her friends consumed or used, but Taiga was thankful they didn't push her to. It was all so overwhelming, despite what her fake smiles said. Only Spark could tell how truly unhappy Taiga was.

Going down the street that night, Taiga saw a cat a ways down the road from her, watching from the other side of the sidewalk. But it looked different than an average cat. It had almost lilac, maybe lavender fur like her, which made Taiga do a double-take at the seemingly ethereal feline, but then it suddenly was gone. She blinked a few times, feeling a strange wave of multiple feelings washing over her, but then decided it must have been her imagination. Shaking her head, Taiga continued on with her walk.


Something she did truly look forward to though, was her training sessions. The first boy she shared food with, grew to be interested in boxing, becoming very strong, as well as the new leader. Taiga truly wanted to learn from him and become more powerful. Whenever he dropped by on certain weeks in the mornings, she'd excitedly wake up to go start. His name is Ohto, but preferred to go by Bear in English.

Over the years, she became even better than him, and Ohto was jealous of that. So sometimes he'd purposefully fight dirty. But Taiga, thinking they were just more lessons, would note it down in her head to try in the future and thank him each time.

Spark was fuming, not believing he was teaching Taiga to fight like that so willingly. He was about to call him out for once, but was snatched up and taken away; his cries being muffled.


One day was different, however. It was quieter around, which was weird. Usually most of the group would stay up late, and even early in the mornings it'd be a bit noisy. Taiga got used to it all after a while, but her sleep schedule was such a mess. And where did Spark get off to? She got up and got dressed, before a sudden knock at the door startled her.

Taiga was confused but answered: "C-Come in!"

She was shocked to see that boss she stole from before standing in the doorway. He was smiling and wiping his fists, his knuckles had sores like he was punching something, or someone a lot. Now Taiga felt very anxious.

"Can I help you...?"

He slowly took in her appearance. Today she was wearing a simple black and white-lined hoodie. With a blue t-shirt underneath, sweatpants, and matching blue, black soled shoes. "Yes, actually..." He spoke. "It's time to go now, we've been waiting long enough."

He threw the bloodied cloth he was using on his knuckles onto the floor. Taiga scoffed and raised her eyebrow in confusion. "Your friends can't pay up. We were watching you for a while because you're nothing like we've seen before, but it's gotten boring. It's cute how you all thought you were untouchable. But after having to be a little rough with them, they gave me an interesting offer."

Taiga frowned. "And the one's still alive would be smart not to go against me again, for that matter... So, long story short, you're going to work for me, and if you come quietly, I won't hurt you and make a bigger mess of things." Taiga realized what her "friends" did. They were planning to let this creep take her for payment instead. "You two will make me lots of money." Taiga saw Spark in a slightly bloodied crate.

He was ok, but as soon as she saw the blood on top of there, her entire body froze. "Are you listening to me!?" Taiga was spaced out, her brain panicking before her anger started to rise more than she's ever felt before. Suddenly, he slapped Taiga to try and get her attention. Then he grabbed her wrist hard and pinned her arm behind her back after twisting it a bit. Not enough to break anything, but still sending the message. Taiga was reminded of her mother again, that day she had to get rid of Aito and a eerie black aura started to come from her.

Spark got scared for her and called out her name. Both things occurring made the man pause in shock, right before doubling over in pain, because Taiga swung her leg back and up, hitting him in the crotch. When he stumbled back, Taiga jumped on him, knocking him over. She wasn't hearing Spark saying to just run. She started hitting him over and over, causing some of his teeth to fly out after a bit. Her hands killed her, but she wasn't paying attention at the moment. Darkness was almost completely filling her but the rage was causing her to lose control of her emotions slightly, and not be consumed by it.

Spark was now wondering from that aura if Séthyan maybe tried to corrupt Taiga back then when they first met. Probably hoping that part of herself she parted with would make Taiga become like her. Spark tried to get out of the crate but couldn't. Taiga was starting to laugh while sobbing. "How's this for payment!? You sick coward!!!" Then she bit down as hard as she could and ended up ripping the man's ear off.

He let out a gargled scream, since his mouth was filled up with blood, before passing out. Spark was shocked, and after a bit, Taiga was too after realizing what she did. Spitting out the chunk of the man's ear, and stumbling away, puking and sobbing more. "WHAT DID I DO!?!" She screamed out once she caught her breath.

Spark saw she was breaking down again, like before with Leopold, but this time was worse. That aura was getting worse as well, surrounding her, but Taiga didn't notice. Spark started talking gently: "I know, I know... Let's just get away from here for now, Okay? We can talk later, but we need to go before someone else possibly comes for us."

Taiga was a mess, but slowly got up for him, letting Spark out of the crate and hugging him tightly. She grabbed whatever she could that was nearby quickly, taking their wagon, trying to ignore all the bodies around, and leaving to the outskirts of the town. Collapsing at the nearest patch of grass; exhausted. For the whole trip, Taiga was silent, but now she let it out, so many negative thoughts going through her head. She saw blackness around her and almost started to panic again before Spark got into her face so he took up most of her vision.

"Listen to me as best you can... I'm not saying he didn't deserve that, and if he died, I most likely wouldn't even care myself... Now they'll lose a lot more than money. But I know how you can get, especially when you defend yourself. You get so scared, angry, confused, guilty..." Spark shakes his head, fully snapping out of his shock.

"Even I'm guilty of it, maybe even have been technically worse sometimes. And that's all valid...! But you're still in control, Taiga. Mika. Whoever you want to be! And it's not too late. That's the first time I've seen it get that bad."

He started to share with Taiga his thoughts of what Séthyan possibly did, and Taiga's eyes widened a bit, looking at herself. She visually looked back to normal, but understood and kept fully listening to Spark's words. But the fact you even feel anything about your actions at all also shows just how much of a wonderful soul you have. Just because you make mistakes doesn't mean that's all you are and you can't come back from it. I couldn't get to you, which I'll struggle processing through myself, even though I know you can handle yourself when need be... I just don't want you to lose sight of who you truly are from all these intense feelings. I know the world's been hard on you, and your loved ones, and it's SO unfair."

Spark's voice started to break, and his tiny form shook from the passion of his words. Taiga noticed that. She noticed everything in this moment. "But becoming just like everyone else can hurt greatly. Especially someone... Some thing like Séthyan. You're so special, and I love you for who you are, but please, PLEASE don't give up on yourself."

It was silent for a long time.

Taiga knew, deep down, that he was right. It wouldn't solve all her troubles automatically, of course... Especially her mental ones, but being with Spark right now reminded her that even when she's feeling the worst, she should still be careful. She didn't want to hurt herself, and especially those who care for her, like Spark. Taiga truly didn't want to give up, even if things got hard. She could try and find her purpose, maybe.

But it would be easier with Spark by her side, as usual. How could she forget that? "I'm sorry..." Spark just nuzzled her and didn't move away. Even though Taiga was feeling guilty, she wanted to keep trying. Like Spark always told her, it's not too late.

"You're not a bad person. It's possible to gain control of your emotions in healthy ways... We can help each other. Like always. No matter how hard it gets. If you want."

"...Of course."

Her voice was very hoarse, but she nuzzled him back weakly and smiled.

"And... I love you too. For who you are and more."

Spark started to purr again which helped her relax more. Taiga wanted to try and remember that even though she's being careful, she'll still try and see the good in others, and not be fully untrustworthy like she was for so long. "It will take work... But it's ultimately your choice for who you want to be moving forward in general, though. Always will be."

Taiga started to remember her self-worth again and sat up a bit, drying her tears. Her weary eyes still held true happiness within, despite everything. Which made Spark even more emotional. Grateful to see that again. They shone for a split-second like stars, but Spark didn't comment on it; grateful life seemed to come back into her more.

"You're right... I can... I WANT to do better. I deserve better! I owe it to myself to be. I don't care what they do; it's their lives after all. But I don't want to be involved anymore with this shady stuff."

Taiga hugged Spark close again.

"And as long as I can help it, I won't let them, or anyone else I come across prey on others again... But I especially promise, I'll try my best to be safe about it, Spark. Thank you. For everything."

"I'm so proud of you, Taiga. I know it's hard."

"Oh... It must have been harder for you. Watching me act like this. But you didn't push me too much or leave. I can't express how grateful I am to have you in my life."

"Of course... I know how truly amazing you are inside, and you just keep getting better. That's a fact, no matter what happens. I won't leave your side. And I'll keep helping you in both our journeys to keep being better."

Thinking on things, Taiga realized that her new nickname made her feel safer a bit, too, in a way. She asked Spark if he wouldn't mind keeping her true first and last name a secret whenever possible; especially her first, explaining why. Like it's a fresh start, and protective measure. He understood and agreed. That's when they both came up with the idea to go with the name "Aki" whenever asked.

"Thank you... And, actually... I think after we get some rest, I know exactly what I want to do for our better start."

"Really? What is it?"

Taiga looked truly inspired and determined now, standing up and gently setting Spark down onto one of their blankets in the wagon. After brushing off some of the dirt and grass bits on her clothes, Taiga put her hands on her hips and looked off at the horizon; speaking up after taking some nice, deep breaths in.

She truly loved sunsets.

"Leave this town, and look for a job, so we can finally get our very own place."