
Tenacious Me

A strangely unique girl is just trying to make it in her own world... As well as others? Follow along on her adventures, struggles; life as a whole! Uncover the past along with the present to put the pieces of the puzzle together! Does it all have a meaning? (((Story trigger warnings: Cussing, Violence, Light "Gore," Sickness, Death, Abuse, Weight mentioning (+ loss), Discussions/Mentioning of other serious topics like mental illness, Self-harm, Injury, Illegal activities (Stealing, Human trafficking, Corrupt Gangs/Individuals in general + Drug use), Consensual Sexual Activity, Deities, Religion, and lastly, the occult. If you feel any other trigger warnings should be added, please let me know anytime. I don't want to hurt anyone or anything with my story whatsoever, and I'll do all I can to fix any issues! Thank you to all those supporting me; for everything!)))

ancb19 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


<p>((A/N: Since I can't put images in here on WebNovel, I will have links included for certain parts. I apologize if that takes anything away from the story for you, but that's the solution I currently came up with.<br/><br/>The photo of Taiga below was made by: https://www.inprnt.com/profile/untamed.draws/<br/><br/><a href="https://tinyurl.com/4zttxwc2" target="_blank">https://tinyurl.com/4zttxwc2</a><br/><br/>They're amazing, and I'm so glad I chose them while their commissions were still open. If you can afford it and need their services, I definitely recommend working with them!<br/><br/>I have had so much inspiration and motivation lately, and I had so much fun writing this new chapter. I hope you all enjoy~! Regardless, I'm proud of myself, and to all of my fellow writers/artists in general... You should truly be as well! ☆♡<br/><br/>Story now also on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/260809201))<br/><br/><br/>"Thankfully that didn't take too long to clean up." Taiga mumbled to herself as she opened up her umbrella and shielded her figure from most of the chilling sprays of rain; making her way to a bakery a few blocks away. Since some more motivation hit her earlier while getting ready for the day, Taiga put on some red lipstick that looked nice paired with her beanie. The shine from the makeup against her lavender-like skin absolutely seemed to pop out the most from the rest of her outfit, along with one of her favorite navy blue skirts that complimented her fully. The fabric stopped right above her knees, until more gusts of wind made it flow about like waves.<br/><br/>However, she added black leggings underneath since she didn't want to show too much of her skin. Especially at her potential new job. The rest of her outfit consisted of a long, and casual styled black coat with gray faux fur; the belt attached was tied securely around her waist to help in keeping her warm. Underneath the coat was a black shirt, matching with her beloved black boots that have silver lined bottoms. On the shirt were the words: "Cat lives matter." In a simple, white font.<br/>...Lorem Ipsum, maybe? She could always research it later.<br/><br/>(https://i.quotev.com/vc7ot3vqfvuq.jpg<br/><br/>https://m.lightinthebox.com/en/p/women-s-plus-size-sophisticated-fur-coat-solid-hooded-fall-winter-white-black-faux-fur-raccoon-fur-thick-tops_p5224601.html?prm=1-<br/><br/>'I'm so glad I've been able to keep these boots from wearing down, they're so comfortable.' Said girl thought in relief, looking at the slippery sidewalks that were mostly unsalted, and then other random things started to race through her mind again like they were track stars.<br/><br/>Taiga does own a nicely conditioned black and light blue hybrid bicycle, but most often than not, preferred walking to her destinations.<br/><br/>It helped her calm down and get her thoughts straightened out more, especially when her anxiety or depression was at its worst. Taiga usually felt more relaxed out in the fresh air, just being. At the moment however, she couldn't spend too much time getting distracted by said random thoughts since she was on a time limit.<br/><br/>Taiga sighed softly, trying to stay calm, her nervousness rising the closer she got to the ever-approaching building with the sign: '(N)Eat 'n' Sweet' on the front.<br/><br/>"I've seen some of their staff, they seem to be more accepting of their employees...<br/><br/>I'm sure it'll be ok."<br/><br/>She said as she subconsciously pulled down her beanie even more. Her confidence was draining by the second. Especially once a certain memory popped into her head.<br/>The thoughts and images always flash by, but she sure could remember each detail.<br/>Sometimes it felt like the memories were being re-lived, and sometimes as if they lasted an eternity...<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>"I'm sure everything will be... alright, Mika."  Ramond said softly, but at the same time, it was not very convincing.<br/><br/>A young, barely 4-year-old Mika Taira was dressed in a slightly worn out, tattered white and baby blue dress. Along with small, black buckled chunky platform school shoes that had frilly white socks underneath them...<br/><br/>There were some holes in them that were hidden, but she never really minded, especially when it was a much warmer day like this. She was ecstatic to even get these clothes as a birthday gift from her dad a few months ago. Mika was looking up into her father's eyes while he was kneeling down to her level.<br/>It was the first day of preschool, and she was very nervous about having to be on her own for the first time with all the strangers around.<br/><br/>At the same time, she wanted to show that she could be a "big girl," as her father would usually encourage her to be, and that she could do this. Mika definitely didn't want to disappoint her mother and possibly get punished because of it.<br/><br/>She was conflicted, overwhelmed, scared... All of the emotions hitting the tiny girl caused her to quickly tear up, even though she tried hard to hold back the already falling tears.<br/>Ramond was also worried about what his wife would be like if she knew their daughter's attendance record wouldn't be "perfect," knowing she'd most likely overreact and berate him for letting her come back from school.<br/><br/>"What would the other parents think? We already have such a bad reputation! You can't even do such a simple thing and take her to school! I knew I should have gone instead, even if I'm sick-!"<br/><br/>"Daddy...?"<br/><br/>Ramond snapped out of his dazed state he was in while thinking of his wife's possible actions, and focused back on his daughter, feeling terrible that she was crying, but he also knew she could potentially have a better time here away from home for a while. She didn't deserve the harsh treatment from her mother that she consistently would get, but he knew Abigail was just scared... Like he himself usually was.<br/><br/>However, Ramond didn't snap as easily. Although, he rarely ever wanted to deal with her in her bad states she could possibly get into either, it was already torture enough to deal with all the paperwork, and the cost to even get his daughter approved to be in this school. Taking on three jobs lately took even more of a toll on the father mentally and physically. Thankfully he could keep them despite what the higher-ups thought of his lifestyle. But their family still was barely just surviving and getting by. Ramond was mostly just grateful he could do what he could for his family. Plus, seeing his precious daughter's smile could keep him going until his last breath. So, he straightened up more and put on another tired, but real smile, deciding to keep trying to encourage Mika to go inside the classroom. At least they got there early, so he wouldn't have to rush and leave her.<br/><br/>"You are so strong, Mika. You're going to do wonderfully." Her father warmly said while gently wiping away her tears. "You've always been so bright. Plus, I bet you'll make some lovely friends while you're here!" He then softly sighs, looking down at the ground for a split second, then around at the teachers and other children slowly gathering around and collecting into separate classrooms.<br/><br/>"...It's ok to be scared. It's natural. But I'll always be here to protect you as much as I can. Alright?" Ramond genuinely smiles wider at his daughter while closing his eyes.<br/>She sniffles a bit but smiles back before giving him a big hug.<br/><br/>Ramond hugs back but does feel a slight pang of guilt, knowing he can't technically always be there for his little one, but seeing her smile quickly makes him push those thoughts to the far back reaches of his mind.<br/>After the two finish hugging, Mika takes some deep breaths before feeling more confident and ready to take on the day.<br/>She remembers when her father will be back to get her, and that thought makes her feel more prepared and less scared.<br/><br/>"I love you." She hears her dad say, and is slightly taken aback when he suddenly sneaks in a little boop on her nose, but it makes her giggle nonetheless.<br/>"I love you too, daddy!"<br/><br/>The pair say their goodbyes, and when she can't see his silhouette anymore after he exits the building, it truly sinks in to the small girl that this is all really happening.<br/><br/>However, she stabilizes herself again, turning around to finally enter the classroom. There was still some time before class started, and Mika slowly took in her surroundings.<br/>It was small, but the room had a cozy and cute atmosphere. Perfect for a preschool. There was a reading area to the left of the chalkboard with dinosaur patterns all around, desks with each kid's names on paper cards, the teacher's desk in the right corner by the aforementioned chalkboard. At the moment, the teacher was seemingly looking over some paperwork before the bell rung. The rest of the parents seemed to have left as well. Besides the exit, the back areas had supply closets and an open cleaning station that was closer by the door with wooded floors instead, as to not make even worse potential messes elsewhere in the classroom. Especially where it was carpeted.<br/><br/>The other children were scattered around, a group of girls were in the corner chatting, a few other children already sitting at their assigned seats silently, some looking bored while others looked excited to start the day.<br/><br/>Mika decided to go look for her seat since she didn't really know what else to do.<br/>When she went past the group of girls she saw however, she heard them start giggling a lot, so she got curious and looked at them. <br/><br/>They were staring right at her, a couple covering their mouths, but the others weren't hiding that they were laughing at her at all.<br/>Mika didn't really notice they were laughing at her and was wondering what was so funny, but got too shy to actually go up and ask. So she just ended up taking a seat at her assigned desk farthest in the back at the left corner.<br/><br/>Mika smiled slightly to herself. She seemed to like this spot already and felt like she was getting a bit excited about this new experience herself, wondering what all they would end up doing.<br/><br/>Once the day officially started, everyone sat down. When the teacher got up and started introductions, Mika still felt at ease because even the teacher seemed nice. Their name was Ms. Tien and they sure were bright and bubbly. On the board she could barely make out "Chantria Tien."<br/>Taiga softly spoke up and said: "Y-You have a pretty name, Ms. Tien."<br/><br/>The teacher said thank you but didn't really look at her fully and seemed uneasy, quickly moving on to the rest of the children. Who, unlike with Mika, actually addressed by name and made direct eye contact with.<br/>Mika just thought she was shy too and didn't think much else of it.<br/>Ms. Tien kept going down the rows of desks, instructing that after introducing yourself, you should state something you like as well.<br/>Mika was enjoying learning about everyone's interests, but then got a bit bashful when lastly, it was her turn and all the kids were staring at her.<br/><br/>She didn't fully take in all the varieties of their looks since she immediately looked down at her desk in embarrassment, but still stated: "H-Hello. I'm Mika Taira, a-and I like... Animals, and making friends. I hope we can all be friends too someday!"<br/>Again, there came some giggles from the same group of girls from before, except not as loud this time.<br/><br/>Mika was relieved she could be heard the first time and didn't have to repeat herself, but was once again confused by the laughter, her cheeks going a deep shade of red until all eyes were finally taken off of her when the teacher announced that since it's their first day, they'd do some fun outdoor activities.<br/>Ms. Tien led the way, after putting her sun hat on and a whistle around her neck.<br/><br/>"Single file line please, everyone!" After all of the children got situated and ready, she smiled and gestured to which way she was heading. "Now, follow me!"<br/><br/>Everyone started heading towards one of the back doors that led to the playground, but one of the girls from the group earlier roughly pushed Mika out-of-the-way so she could be closer to her friends, while calling out to them:<br/>"Wait for me!!"<br/><br/>Mika, not expecting this, fell over onto a kid who was at the back of the line. The two didn't get hurt thankfully, but Mika still sincerely apologized to them.<br/><br/>The boy smiled kindly and slightly shook his head: "It's alright. It wasn't your fault. Are you ok?" He carefully got up and helped Mika up as well.<br/>"Y-Yes. Thank you." She shyly looked down afterwards, but then realized they were the only ones left in the classroom.<br/>"We should probably catch up, Mika!"<br/>The boy said, but stayed walking with her instead of running ahead, seeming to enjoy her company.<br/><br/>Mika took in his appearance fully this time, feeling more brave and really wanting to make a friend. He had blue eyes, curly dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes. His skin was pale, and he was a bit taller than her. The boy actually seemed to be the tallest kid from every one she's seen so far at the school. The boy was wearing dark brown shorts, a small white button-up, and buckled black loafers.<br/><br/>Making herself stop after realizing she was staring, she looked away and softly spoke.<br/><br/>"Sorry, I couldn't remember everyone's names, even though I tried... What's yours?"<br/><br/>"It's ok! My name is Markus!" He said and held out his hand for a shake.<br/>"And I would like to be your friend too!"<br/><br/>---<br/><br/>Seeing his appearance again in her head made her forget the bad memories for now, and Taiga felt more at ease, smiling.<br/>"...You can do this."<br/><br/>Finally reaching the front door underneath the awning, she carefully closed her umbrella and shook it dry. Taking a deep breath, she stabilized herself once again, and entered the building.</p>