
Ten Thousand Years: Loving You Through Time and Rebirth

[HIATUS] "I would crawl through Hell to find my way back to you. Thousands lifetimes, thousands reincarnations. I would do the same thing again and again. For you...my beloved." *** As the Princess of Beast Mainland, Ouyang Xueqing spent her whole life being sheltered and pampered. Being an impulsive thirteen-years-old little girl she was, when human male Mo Yujian caught her attention, the only thing she could do was to sneak out and disguised herself as a male to get close to him. Through a string of events, she succeeded in becoming his one and only disciple. Everything started only with a favor repayment. But when Ouyang Xueqing found herself grow fonder and fonder of Mo Yujian, what should she do? Go back or stay by his side? When the secret of demonic bloodline in her ancestral was exposed, would Mo Yujian still choose to stand by her side even if it meant to go against the whole human race? It was a forbidden love from the start. A human and a beast, the good and the evil. They knew that it was a taboo...yet they couldn't stop. Even if everything ended in tragedy, all they ever wanted was a chance to love each other again. Just like what had happened a long, long time ago... However this time, would the Gods finally give them a chance to be happy? Additional tags: Romance, dragon, gender bender, fluffy, forbidden love, action, adventure, powerful love interest, love triangle, tragedy, important side character(s), mildly gore, survival, war, slowburn, mature, past play an important part Volume 1 - The Beginning Volume 2 - Blossoming Love Volume 3 - The Awakening Volume 4 - Blood, Love and War Volume 5 - To be continued > Disclaimer: cover from Pinterest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server: bit.ly/delanadiscord Discord: delanasiwarka#1490

delanasiwarka · Fantasy
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457 Chs

Unlucky Soul 2

They both alighted from the carriage and walked steadily toward the center of the Palace where the Emperor was.

When they entered the main hall, a guard shouted to announce their arrival. "Her Highness and her mother is here!"

Almost instantly, all heads turned to them, mainly ministers lined up reporting their work as usual.

The Emperor was sitting on his throne, wearing a golden robe with a majestic crown on his head. He look like a handsome middle-aged uncle, but his sharp eyes and cold aura were so domineering that he could easily controlled those old and cunning ministers below him.

He was Wang Ze, the Emperor of their mainland.

Beside him were two of his most trusted subordinate and bodyguard, one of them look like a gentle scholar, her eyes soft and gentle, his lips curled slightly, looking like a refined gentleman from every angle, but the glint across his eyes show his shrewd mind. He was Ren Yupei.

While another look like a bandit with his evil smile, his behavior nonchalant and indifferent even in the main hall where every important figure were present. When his eyes fell on Ouyang Xueqing, he smirked and waved, looking so much like a ruffian without any etiquette. He was An Zhengnan.

Ouyang Xueqing didn't like them, mainly because they always annoyed her and played with her whenever and wherever they want. But no matter what, she couldn't deny their fondness for her, and she always treated them like brother.

Two annoying yet affectionate older brothers.

They ridiculed, mocked and played pranks on her, but if someone else were to bully her, they would be the first in line to get revenge for her.

Ouyang Xueqing humped and ignored An Zhengnan, making the poor man's expression crumbled and lips turned downward. He turned toward Ren Yupei for help yet got ignored again.

Ouyang Xueqing nodded slightly to Ren Yupei before following her mother's steps and walked passed rows of ministers.

Her steps were soft and elegant, making her dress flowed like cloud, freely yet enchanting. Her back were straight, her slight smile showed confidence and her fiery temper. His long black hair reached her waist, swaying with her every step. She was the epitome of grace, courage, and beauty.

Even if she was only ten years old, one could almost imagine how she would grow up to be a devastating beauty.

She curtsied elegantly and her soft voice reverberated, melting every single hearts with her cuteness. "Qing'er greets Imperial Father."

The emperor remained cold as ever, but his eyes softened and warmth were seen circulating in them. "Rise."

No matter what, he was fond of this girl. She was so adorable and silly that she successfully stole the Emperor's heart who had no daughter.

"Are you here for the shaman?"

Ouyang Xueqing nodded. "Imperial father, is the shaman here?"

Wang Ze nodded. He waved slightly to dismissed the ministers. "He's here."

Ouyang Xueqing's eyes lit up. When one was a child, one's curiosity were high. She was no different. Like everyone else's, hearing the shaman's reputation and seeking to meet one made her so excited that she could barely slept last night.

"How is he? Is he old and wrinkly like grandpa? Or is he handsome like you?"

"Qing'er!" Her mother berated instantly. This child! How could she ask the Emperor like that? Furthermore, she had the audacity to say that The General was old and wrinkly! Wait until her grandfather know, he must surely be brokenhearted.

The Emperor's lips curled faintly, and he couldn't help but chuckled. Maybe in this entire mainland, only Ouyang Xueqing could make this terrifying and domineering Emperor laughed out loud. Not even the Imperial Crown Prince or his concubines had ever done so.

She stepped forward and clutched onto the Emperor's wide sleeves. Her big watery eyes shone brightly like stars. "Tell me, tell me, Imperial Father, how is he? Or is it a she? Is he rude to you? You must tell me and I will beat him for you!"

"Qing'er!" Mother hollered exasperatedly. She suddenly had a headache, maybe bringing her daughter here is a mistake. "Where is your manner, little girl? Let go of the emperor!"

"No!" Instead of letting go, Ouyang Xueqing hugged the Emperor's leg as if her life was depended on it. "What's wrong with what I said? Two days ago, An Zhengnan told me that every shaman were pretentious and arrogant with great pride. If he's rude to Imperial Father, Qing'er doesn't want to meet him!"

She harrumphed and raised her head, blinking innocently at the Emperor like a child seeking reward.

Wang Ze's heart mushed into puddle and he bent slightly to scoop the little girl up into his arm. "An Zhengnan told you?"


Poor An Zhengnan were implicated just by standing like a wallflower. He knew it! He knew that this girl bore grudges for his pranks!

He glared at the girl, but shrank his neck almost immediately when the Emperor glanced at him. He smiled fawningly. "Hehe, My Lord, let me explain…"

"Clean every toilet in the Royal Palace for three days."

An Zhengnan paled. "M—My Lord!"

Ouyang Xueqing grinned cheekily. Served him right! Even if she was small and powerless, she could always tattletale to her Imperial Father and got him punished.

She stick out her tongue mockingly, but when the Emperor turned his head back, her grinned vanished and she put her utmost earnest and innocent expression, making him rubbed the girl's head lovingly.

"Ren Yupei, make sure he got it done with his own hand."

Ren Yupei smiled and nodded. "Yes, My Lord."

An Zhengnan gritted his teeth in fury. Ouyang Xueqing chuckled and put her head on the Emperor's shoulder like a coquettish daughter she was. "Imperial Father, An Zhengnan glared at me!" She looked aggrieved, portraying perfectly the bullied and powerless little girl.

Wang Ze: "One week."

An Zhengnan pointed his finger speechlessly. "You…you..."

Ouyang Xueqing smiled sweetly. "What?"

He spat out angrily. "You are the most filial and beautiful princess ever!"

Ouyang Xueqing giggled while An Zhengnan was dragged out by Ren Yupei. "Thank you for your compliment. This humble one shall accept it."

"My Lord…" Ouyang Xueqing's mother, Xia Wei, called worriedly.

"It's okay, Xia Wei. Leave Qing'er to this Lord."

Even though she was so worried, Xia Wei didn't have any choice but to comply. "This subordinate understand."

She then turned to her daughter and lectured her sternly. "Remember to listen to the Lord, don't go beating people up, restrained yourself a bit, okay?"

Ouyang Xueqing grinned widely, excitement bubbling through her. "Okay, mother!"

"Mother will wait for you in the carriage with your favorite snacks."

She gave her thumbs up. "Mother is the best! Don't worry, Mother. Qing'er is the most obedient!"

Xia Wei rolled her eyes inwardly. As if she would believe that! She looked at their disappearing backs with uneasy heart. Dear God, please bless Qing'er not to offend the shaman! She really loved her daughter and her heart ached immensely every time her daughter got injured because of her bad luck.

She really hoped…the shaman had a way out for Qing'er.

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