
Ten Thousand Years: Loving You Through Time and Rebirth

[HIATUS] "I would crawl through Hell to find my way back to you. Thousands lifetimes, thousands reincarnations. I would do the same thing again and again. For you...my beloved." *** As the Princess of Beast Mainland, Ouyang Xueqing spent her whole life being sheltered and pampered. Being an impulsive thirteen-years-old little girl she was, when human male Mo Yujian caught her attention, the only thing she could do was to sneak out and disguised herself as a male to get close to him. Through a string of events, she succeeded in becoming his one and only disciple. Everything started only with a favor repayment. But when Ouyang Xueqing found herself grow fonder and fonder of Mo Yujian, what should she do? Go back or stay by his side? When the secret of demonic bloodline in her ancestral was exposed, would Mo Yujian still choose to stand by her side even if it meant to go against the whole human race? It was a forbidden love from the start. A human and a beast, the good and the evil. They knew that it was a taboo...yet they couldn't stop. Even if everything ended in tragedy, all they ever wanted was a chance to love each other again. Just like what had happened a long, long time ago... However this time, would the Gods finally give them a chance to be happy? Additional tags: Romance, dragon, gender bender, fluffy, forbidden love, action, adventure, powerful love interest, love triangle, tragedy, important side character(s), mildly gore, survival, war, slowburn, mature, past play an important part Volume 1 - The Beginning Volume 2 - Blossoming Love Volume 3 - The Awakening Volume 4 - Blood, Love and War Volume 5 - To be continued > Disclaimer: cover from Pinterest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server: bit.ly/delanadiscord Discord: delanasiwarka#1490

delanasiwarka · Fantasy
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457 Chs

King of Hell and Human Intruder 3

Never once did Sheng Li ever cry. Even as his body was breaking and his soul was tattered in the Eighteen Layers of Hell.

It was said that a single soul could only withstand the torture of one layer of Hell according to his greatest sin, but for his beloved, Sheng Li was willing to endure eighteen of layers, eighteen times of suffering a soul could feel, and when he was still in his mortal body, the pain he felt was doubled.

But even then, Sheng Li just gritted his teeth and endured.

Never once did he cry. No matter how painful it was. No matter how long time has passed. No matter how many lifetimes he had gone through. He never gave up.

He never forgot her. Even if he was reborn over and over again, only she remained in the deepest part of his memory.

It was as if her soul had been marked to the core of his soul, body and bone.

Never to be erased and forgotten.

Even if she burned to ashes, Sheng Li would still recognize her at one glance.

Even if Sheng Li forgot himself, he could never bring himself to forget her.

It's been ten thousand years.

He has been looking for her for ten thousand years. One could imagine how strong Sheng Li's love and determination was. He had broken through Hell countless times, but every time his body couldn't withstand the torture and he died. Then, he reincarnated and broke through, then died again, again and again…

It was the extent of Sheng Li's love.

He could go through anything to go back to his beloved. He would crawl his way through Hell to find his way back to her. No matter how hard it was, Sheng Li never cried.

But, at this moment…

When he saw her little black soul and how weak she was, Sheng Li couldn't hold his tears anymore. It flowed down his cheeks and dropped into the ground, blurring his gaze.

His heart felt so much pain as if there were thousand of swords pierced through it and poured salt water onto it.

How Sheng Li wished he could take her place, to feel all her pain and suffering, to shield her from all of the pain she felt, to let her live with her beautiful smile and eternal happiness.

How he wished he could turn back time and let him bore through all her sins.

How Sheng Li wished to took that soul and embrace it tightly, never let her slipped through his finger ever again. But it was all but a regret. It was an unfulfilled wish that could only be buried deep in his heart.

My beloved…I wish you a happy life. Lead every single day with no regrets, feel all the happiness this world could offer you, the happiness that you deserved. Laugh, cry, angry, and…fall in love. You have to be free.

Just the thought of his beloved being in love with someone other than him was enough to make him lost his breath. It was so painful that he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

But that's okay, because in the future, he could never be by her side again, he could never gave her happiness ever again, so he hoped…he hoped that someone could take his place and made her happy.

That's enough. He couldn't ask for more.

The King waved his arm lightly, and just like that, the little black ball flew away and disappeared. "Done. Now, that soul is on its path through reincarnation. All its sins would be yours to take."

Sheng Li's gaze lingered on the direction which the soul flew. He didn't retract it for a moment as if saying his last goodbye.

He closed his eyes tightly and his lips curled up. His body felt so light as if all his burden had been carried away. "I'm ready. Let me bear all her sins."

The King chuckled loudly. "Good."

He point his finger toward Sheng Li's forehead, and the next second, Sheng Li's soul was sucked out and landed on his palm. His soulless body crumbled into dust and disappeared with a gust of wind.

Sheng Li's soul was so bright and strong that it made all the ministers screamed and closed their eyes in pain.

They had never seen a soul so bright in hell before. It was a righteous and untainted soul and looking into it could make them burn.

The King squinted his eyes and laugh happily. Never had he ever gained such a pure and strong soul. It could quench his boredom in the next thousand years.

When The King pinched his finger, the soul contracted and trembled hard as if suffering under an intense agony. Sizzling sound were heard with rotten and burned smell floated out.

Slowly, that pure and bright soul turned black as if something dirty was being forced into it.

Not a sound of Sheng Li's screams were heard, he gritted his teeth and groaned hoarsely to bear the pain.

But, before Sheng Li's soul could turn black completely, suddenly there was another earthquake.

This time, the earthquake was so much stronger that the sky in Hell cracked and the eighteen layers were in the danger of being merged into one.

This was evidently, the most disastrous thing ever happened on Hell. The bright red crescent moon couldn't hold itself and fell.

And if not for The King who blocked it, the Hell would be destroyed for sure.

The King was pushed back by the light that seeped through the crack in the sky. A purple blood flowed down from his mouth.

"Your Majesty!"

"My King, you're injured!"

"What—what the heck is happening?!"

Every creatures on Hell is panicking. They had never felt this kind of danger before.

Twice. It had been twice today.

The King narrowed his eyes and growled in mad annoyance. "Buddha! How dare you!"

A streak of light with a speed that couldn't be seen flow through the crack, whished through The King and brought Sheng Li's soul away with it, leaving the Hell with chaos and destruction everywhere.

In the middle of all the panicking ministers, The King stood silently and contemplating.

His pale lips were raised and he laughed out loud. "A soul that could make Buddha moved to help it. How interesting!"

With a wide step, The King was seen stepping down the stairs.

"Wait—Your Majesty! Where are you going?!"

Without stopping, The King answered. "Of course, to the human world. I will never miss such an interesting show." He rubbed the corner of his lips and licked the blood on it with his dark purple tongue. "That damn Buddha dare to steal my soul and push it through reincarnation. Of course I will return this gesture a hundred fold!"

Before The King's figure vanished completely, he gave a command. "Solve this mess. I want everything back to the way it was when I'm back."

The ministers all dropped on their knees and gave their respect. "At your disposal, Your Majesty!"

The King was so curious he couldn't hold himself back. In a blink of an eye, he arrived at the base of the stairs. If he was not wrong, that brat Sheng Li's soul had been half tainted, and no one could remove that stain except him. That means, even if he's reincarnated, that stain would follow him to be his misfortunes through his life.

Hehe, this will be a very interesting show, indeed.

He could pulled that soul back whenever he want when Sheng Li died. One lifetime was a very, very short time for him. He could wait.

The most important thing is…he wanted to be in the first seat in these life dramas!

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