
Ten Thousand Years: Loving You Through Time and Rebirth

[HIATUS] "I would crawl through Hell to find my way back to you. Thousands lifetimes, thousands reincarnations. I would do the same thing again and again. For you...my beloved." *** As the Princess of Beast Mainland, Ouyang Xueqing spent her whole life being sheltered and pampered. Being an impulsive thirteen-years-old little girl she was, when human male Mo Yujian caught her attention, the only thing she could do was to sneak out and disguised herself as a male to get close to him. Through a string of events, she succeeded in becoming his one and only disciple. Everything started only with a favor repayment. But when Ouyang Xueqing found herself grow fonder and fonder of Mo Yujian, what should she do? Go back or stay by his side? When the secret of demonic bloodline in her ancestral was exposed, would Mo Yujian still choose to stand by her side even if it meant to go against the whole human race? It was a forbidden love from the start. A human and a beast, the good and the evil. They knew that it was a taboo...yet they couldn't stop. Even if everything ended in tragedy, all they ever wanted was a chance to love each other again. Just like what had happened a long, long time ago... However this time, would the Gods finally give them a chance to be happy? Additional tags: Romance, dragon, gender bender, fluffy, forbidden love, action, adventure, powerful love interest, love triangle, tragedy, important side character(s), mildly gore, survival, war, slowburn, mature, past play an important part Volume 1 - The Beginning Volume 2 - Blossoming Love Volume 3 - The Awakening Volume 4 - Blood, Love and War Volume 5 - To be continued > Disclaimer: cover from Pinterest Find me on: Instagram: delanasiwarka Discord server: bit.ly/delanadiscord Discord: delanasiwarka#1490

delanasiwarka · Fantasy
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457 Chs

Beautiful Shaman 2


He choked on his tea and coughed, raising his sleeves and covered his mouth, looking like a perfect and refined beauty. Ouyang Xueqing's eyes shone, this…this is the true elegance!

Her mother had always berated her for being rough, yet she couldn't understand how she could be elegant.

But now, looking at the elegance oozing from the man's every step more than what a woman could attempt, she didn't feel repulsed or disgusted, just pure admiration.

"Could…could you lean back a little?"

Ouyang Xueqing blinked. "Oh."

Unknowingly, she had leaned her body too close to the shaman and made him uncomfortable. It was natural to be drawn to something beautiful, okay?

She smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, esteemed shaman."

She complied, yet her gaze stared unwaveringly, enquiring his every action and every moves, making him the one fidgeting when he is the one that is supposed to intimidate people.

Her eyes…it was too pure for him. He hadn't encountered any like them in his almost century years old. It was understandable that he couldn't stand the brightness.

As expected of the righteous soul!

He sipped his tea to cover the smirk. His brain whirled, he really didn't believe that the damn brat that dared to trespass into his territory had been reborn to be such a…silly and adorable fool. He thought that he would be a crippled or handicapped man.

Well, that darn Buddha still softened in the end, it seems.

"Broth—no, I mean esteemed shaman?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"Well…" Ouyang Xueqing spoke carefully. "You've been sipping your tea for a while now. Are you that thirsty?" While saying that, she still poured his cup until it filled to the brim.

He stared at his cup for a second. Why…did it sound so weird? He changed the topic abruptly. "You are seeking an advice from me?"

Ouyang Xueqing nodded firmly. "I am! Esteemed shaman, you…must have heard of me from Imperial Father right? You see, I was born with such a bad luck, really."

Remembering all her experiences and her grievances until now, Ouyang Xueqing couldn't help but feel angry and resentful.

Her chubby cheeks reddened. "Am I cursed by The King of Hell or something?!"

His mouth twitched.

Well…you're not wrong, brat.

"Haha." He laughed softy. "Why do you think so?"

"If not, then what? Why am I so unlucky anyway? Did I commit a huge sin in my previous life? I am soo frustrated!" If she could, Ouyang Xueqing would be pulling her hair now. "Who else would go out as if prepared for war? Me! Who else would be checking the weather every time before doing something? Me! Who else needed a life-saving talisman stuck on her body? Me! Who else?!"

Her chest huffed and puffed. "Esteemed shaman, enlightened me please. Am I a sinner in my previous life? What would I do to get rid of this bad luck?"

The shaman blinked. "…"

He…was kinda speechless.

In his life, never did anyone ever vent anger in front of him, or even blabber and sprayed saliva everywhere. He glanced at his sleeve and frowned.

Suddenly, he missed that gloomy and straight-faced brat that treat his words like gold. Who was this blabbermouth?!

He almost couldn't see the resemblance between them if not for his abilities to recognize souls.

He pulled his chair back discreetly, trying to make some distance, but this annoying brat was like leech that kept leaning her body forward and looking at him full of expectation and hope.

His temple twitched.

"You…" He massaged his temple, seriously, what made him came to her this day? He should have just waited on the sideline and watch.

Blame he's such a busybody that he couldn't sit still!

He frowned and closed his eyes as if getting an epiphany, gasping faintly. "I heard the God's voice."

Ouyang Xueqing's eyes widened. "What? What did the God say?"

Fortunately this brat was so easy to fool. He coughed to hide his sneer. "He said…" He looked at her with bewilderment. "Little girl, this bad luck is what you choose yourself ah!" He shook his head with pity in his eyes.

"Wait…what?!" Ouyang Xueqing was flabbergasted. She pointed at her own nose. "Me? Choose the bad luck myself? Am I retarded?!"

He nodded solemnly. "You are."

"…" Damn it!

Ouyang Xueqing's mouth twitched. "I choose this bad luck myself? In my past life?"

"Yes." He nodded. "As for that, you can't change your fate no matter what."

Her expression sank. She cursed in her heart a thousand times. "Why? How could I make this decision?"

He fiddled his fingers as if counting something. "Someone caused this ah. He is the source of your misfortunes, the one that caused you to be born so unlucky!"

Never once did Ouyang Xueqing doubted his words.

Someone caused this? Good! Very good! Fury and resentment bubbling inside her heart. She spat the words out with gritted teeth. "Who?! Who dared to mess with me?! I will make him pay!"

He sneered inwardly, but his expression was clouded with worry. "He's not your opponent, little girl. You are too weak."

"Doesn't matter!" She harrumphed. "Even if he's strong, I have a thousand ways to make him wish for death! Do tell me, esteemed shaman, who is he?!"

"Fret not." He sipped his tea to calm his parched throat. Damn it, it's been so long since he had to speak so much. He is still not used to this ah! "Both of your fates are intertwined with each other. Sooner or later, you will meet him."

She snorted. "Very well!" Hateful! How could someone messed her life up? See how she will teach him a lesson!

"But let me warn you, destiny were unpredicted. You may be mortal enemies, but you may also be…lovers."

"L—Lovers?! Pui Pui!" She spitted angrily. "What do you mean? How could I be lovers with that person?!"

He blinked worriedly, looking innocent and fragile. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Humph!" She folded her arms in front of her chest. "Don't worry, esteemed shaman! If I, Ouyang Xueqing, were to be that person's lovers, then I am a dog!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Don't forget to add it to library! Thankyou and have a good day!

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