
Ten Thousand Lives

A collection of short excerpts from the lives of ten thousand people. Warning: Contains light to heavy gore and suggestive scenes. MxM, FxF, and MxF relationships.

Stick_of_Butter · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Bai Renshu and Wei Zheng

Strands of Bai Renshu's ink-colored hair fell across his face as blood trickled down from the wound on his forehead.

His eyes were stony, a grimace of pain twisting his features as he fought to suppress the heavenly qi in his body.

"...I was careless." He exhaled slowly, blood spilling over his lips as he reached up to grasp his injured left eye, where black veins pulsed through the damaged skin.

The flesh had been sliced through so deeply that bone could be seen beneath.

"I did not expect you to improve so quickly in just a week," Bai Renshu remarked, curiosity rising within him as he regarded the young man before him.

He was bleeding heavily, his tanned skin slick with sweat as he struggled to stand upright. Despite the severe injuries, his grip on his sword remained firm, and his sharp eyes held a determined expression that bordered on fierce.

"That aside, you should know better than to interfere with the Demon Empress's affairs, Wei Zheng." Bai Renshu chided calmly, observing how the man bristled at the name.

Wei Zheng raised his sword in response to the reprimand, his blade enveloped with heavenly fire.

Ignoring his actions, Bai Renshu let his gaze travel down the length of Wei Zheng's blade, the silver hilt gleaming like a starry sky under a waning moon.

The young man reminded Bai Renshu of himself when he first rose to power, an arrogant and reckless youth who dared defy the heavens themselves.

In retrospect, it was all so ironic; that upright youth had become a demon, the very thing he'd once sworn to eliminate.

His eyes flickered as he recalled the days before he failed his immortal ascension, when he had fought and battled against the demons and vowed to uphold justice and righteousness throughout the lands.

However, those ambitious days were long gone, buried under centuries of bloodshed and betrayal.

"Why do you persist?" He pressed, watching the man tense, his grip tightening on his weapon as his blue eyes narrowed, their depths burning with fury.

Wei Zheng did not immediately reply. Instead, he stepped forward, leaving deep footprints in the snow as he advanced toward Bai Renshu, expression unreadable. He stopped before him, staring into his dark eyes for a brief moment before his lips pulled into a mirthless smile.

"To kill her." Wei Zheng's voice was flat and cold, as devoid of emotion as the winter night itself.

He lifted his sword high, and Bai Renshu watched, bemused, as he swung, cleaving downward with brutal force. He smirked; it seemed Wei Zheng had found courage even in his dire situation, which was commendable.

Bai Renshu found the man rather interesting, but it was a pity; his sense of justice would only kill him in the end.

"Kill her?" He chuckled, voice dripping with amusement.

"You are too weak, Wei Zheng." Bai Renshu sneered, condensing his demonic energy into chains that bound Wei Zheng and stopped his attack. He tightened the chains, forcing Wei Zheng onto his knees, his sword falling to the ground and clattering against the ice.

Bai Renshu took a step forward and leaned down, grasping Wei Zheng by the chin and lifting the man's head to meet his gaze. His dark eyes bored into Wei Zheng's blue ones, his fingers gently caressing the man's neck with every passing second. Wei Zheng met Bai Renshu's gaze evenly, unflinching, his azure eyes glinting dangerously.

Bai Renshu could feel the heat radiating off of Wei Zheng despite the chill of the night, as well as the pulse that beat steadily beneath his fingertips.

He smiled, his heart quivering at the sensation, feeling something stir inside him.

It wasn't exactly love–in fact, it was quite the opposite; it was a desire to ruin, to drain away all of the other emotions Wei Zheng had until nothing was left except hatred and resentment.

He wanted to make Wei Zheng understand what it felt like to be truly powerless and alone, to experience pain and suffering for eternity.

And yet, in spite of this, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He could easily crush Wei Zheng with one flick of his wrist, could kill him as he kneeled before him now, but instead, he found himself reaching for Wei Zheng's wounded brow, gently tracing the edges with his fingertips.

Bai Renshu lowered his eyes, his lashes concealing his thoughts as he pressed his thumb against the bloody gash, smiling faintly when it reopened.

The scent of freshly spilled blood flooded his senses, intoxicating him more than anything else in the world.

"Play dirty if you want to survive. Your integrity and morals are strong, but they won't save you in a battle." He spoke softly, his tone lightening slightly as he placed the palm of his hand against Wei Zheng's forehead.

A brilliant flash erupted from his fingertips, engulfing Wei Zheng's entire body in a crimson hue that shone brightly against the night. Wei Zheng's wounds began to close rapidly, his torn muscles and broken bones repairing themselves as a golden glow spread along the lines of the cuts, sealing them shut.

Then, without another word, he drew back, his hands falling loosely to his sides as he released the chains binding him.

For a moment, Wei Zheng remained kneeling, his chest rising and falling steadily as he looked up at Bai Renshu.

His expression hardened as he surveyed him, his cerulean eyes flickering over to the discarded sword lying on the ground.

"...I'll kill you next time." He spoke, at last, his voice low and icy. Then, he grabbed his sword and stood up, sheathing the weapon as he turned and began walking away.

"You said that last time, and the time before that too," Bai Renshu called after him, amusement dancing in his eyes when Wei Zheng halted.

He didn't speak again, but Bai Renshu knew no words needed to be exchanged between them.

They understood each other just fine.