
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
120 Chs


While Qi Xia was trying to turn the table, he said:

"The positions of 'Ningxia' and 'Shandong' can form a horizontal line."

"'Inner Mongolia,' 'Sichuan,' and 'Yunnan' can form a 'stroke'."

"And 'Guangxi,' 'Guangdong,' 'Shaanxi,' and 'Jiangsu' can form a square, which is the character for 'right'."

"No matter where Han Yimo's hometown is, as long as it's either in Guangxi Province or Taiwan Province, it will form the character 'mouth' , so the answer has been determined from the start."

As they quickened their pace, the people around him looked at him with strange eyes.

Qi Xia's way of thinking was too unconventional, but he had managed to uncover the mystery twice in a row, which made everyone start to doubt.

Qi Xia himself realized this, so he spoke to the crowd:

"Don't misunderstand, if the next game involves abandoning you all to save myself, I would also unhesitatingly choose to survive."

Hearing him say this, everyone could only fall silent, gritting their teeth and turning the table.

Nine people sat around the table, continuously moving it to the right.

"How many circles have we turned?" Qiao Jia asked.

"Twenty-six," Lin replied.

"Can you really count that?" Qiao Jia asked, squinting his eyes. "The table looks the same to me."

"I counted by looking at the bloodstains on the table," Lin Qin said seriously, "Counting is very important for us as psychological counselors."

Qi Xia frowned and said, "We haven't turned it thirty times yet; we need to hurry."

Everyone then quieted down and sped up their actions.

But the table became harder to move as they progressed, as if the internal chains were getting tighter.

"What's going on?" Qiao Jia said through gritted teeth, "This is too heavy."

"Keep going... Maybe it's really connected to the door!" Tian Tian said, also gritting her teeth.

Her words gave everyone a glimmer of hope amidst despair.

The door.

Since this room could create holes out of thin air, why couldn't it create a door?

Everyone's arms were aching, but they kept turning the table, lap after lap.

"Don't give up, everyone! We only have the last five laps left!" Lin shouted.

At this moment, everyone was gritting their teeth and exerting themselves, no one dared to relax.

With the last lap completed, the table was clearly embedded into something.

Everyone finally let out a sigh of relief, and the soreness in their arms gradually emerged.

At this point, there were only three minutes left until one fifteen.

"Where's the door?" Qiao Jia shouted anxiously.

The surrounding walls showed no change, and in the dark void, the cold glint of the fish spear could still be seen.

"There's no door!" Qiao Jia's voice carried a hint of despair.

"We were wrong! We guessed wrong!" Xiao Ran screamed, "We should have turned left, right?! We shouldn't have trusted that liar! We're all going to die here!!"

Qi Xia frowned slightly...


Before anyone could react, the clock in the center of the table suddenly behaved unusually.

It trembled slightly, then emitted eight beams of laser light.

The eight beams of laser light moved from the clock to the edge of the table and stopped.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, the clock precisely divided the table into several sectors of the same size, like a pizza.

With a loud crash, the table split apart.

The clock in the center now stood on a small wooden post.

Qi Xia took a closer look and saw that there were nine small sectors and one large sector.

No, it would be more accurate to call them "triangles," as the base of each piece of the tabletop was flat.

Time was running out, and everyone was in a flurry.

"What is this?" Han Yimo exclaimed in surprise, "Why did the table break?"

Officer Li then noticed that there were handles on the back of each sector of the tabletop, and his years of professional experience instantly made him understand what was happening.

"These are shields!

He picked up the largest triangular tabletop and held it in front of him.

"We can use these shields to block the fish spears!

Upon hearing this, everyone also raised their tabletops, but there was only one large tabletop, and everyone else could only get a small triangle, barely enough to cover their bodies.

However, within just a dozen seconds, everyone realized the problem.

"How are we supposed to block them?" Lawyer Zhang Chenze rarely showed a hint of panic, "If there are fish spears coming from all directions, we can only block one direction."

"We need to cooperate," Qi Xia said, regaining his composure, "Let's form a circle and cover each other's backs."

After hearing this, everyone quickly adjusted their formation and waited quietly.

At this moment, everyone was so quiet that they could only hear each other's breathing.

Nine strangers had now become teammates, indispensable to one another.

Qi Xia then inadvertently glanced back at the writer Han Yimo and noticed that his face was covered in fine sweat, and he was trembling all over, looking particularly nervous.

At this time, a distant bell rang again outside the room.

"Are you alright?" Qi Xia asked.

"I'm fine, it's nothing..." Han Yimo shook his head.

"Hey! Dr. Zhao, turn your tabletop upside down!" Zhang Chenze suddenly said.

"Why?" Dr. Zhao looked at the tabletop in his hand, with the pointed end down and the wide end up.

"You can't cover my legs like that!" Zhang Chenze said nervously, "I'll be hit!"

"But if I turn it upside down, I won't be able to cover my head!" Dr. Zhao also argued, "Is the head more important than the legs?"

Some people, after hearing the argument between the two, thought Dr. Zhao's words were reasonable and actually started to turn their sectors upside down, with the pointed end down and the wide end up.

This created a bizarre situation.

The fish spears flying in from all directions would only be blocked from the upper half, and everyone's legs would be injured.

"Is this really the right way?" Xiao Ran hesitated, "Even if we can hide our legs in the pointed ends and block the front, what about the fish spears coming from behind?

And what about the fish spears flying from above?"

"I'll block the top!" Officer Li raised his large tabletop, "Everyone, come closer, I'll protect you."

It has to be said that this solution seemed to be the best one for now, with the largest tabletop held up by one person to block the top, and the rest covering the sides. However, Qi Xia still felt that there was something wrong.

Lin quickly thought for a moment and said, "The rest of us should place our tabletops in an alternating pattern, one up and one down."

"That makes sense!" Qiao Jia also agreed.

"No, that's not right," Qi Xia interrupted the two, "If everyone's tabletop is perpendicular to the fish spears, it will be too easy for them to penetrate."

"Hey, then what do you suggest?" Qiao Jia asked.

Qi Xia's gaze fell on the sheepskin mask on the ground.

"Why is the bamboo shoot not afraid of the rain?"

The last hint made Qi Xia pensive.

"Wait, wait... Give me a little more time." Qi Xia frowned.

Everyone held their breath as they watched the seconds tick by, with only one minute left until the fish spears were launched.

"Let's just ignore him!" Dr. Zhao said coldly, "Let's just place them in an alternating pattern as Lin suggested!"

"You shut up!" Qiao Jia also shouted, "I believe the trickster's words."

"You!" Dr. Zhao gritted his teeth and swallowed his words.

What does the large tabletop and the small tabletop really mean...?

"No..." Qi Xia suddenly widened his eyes, "It's a 'lie'! The large tabletop will kill us!"

"What?" Officer Li looked at Qi Xia with some confusion.

"Officer, drop the large tabletop and take the last small tabletop. Everyone, point the tips upwards!"

Although the crowd was a bit skeptical, most of their minds were blank, and they could only follow the instructions for the time being.

Dr. Zhao thought for a moment and then also turned the tip of his tabletop upwards.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Officer Li also picked up the last small tabletop.

"Everyone, crouch down!" Qi Xia continued, "Move the tips backward and close together. Officer Li, you don't have to block the top anymore, join us!"

Under Qi Xia's command, everyone actually managed to slowly align all the small tabletops, forming a conical shape.

No one had thought that after discarding the large tabletop, all the small tabletops could fit together perfectly to form a pyramid, blocking the gaps from all directions and directly above.

From a distance, the pyramid looked like a bamboo shoot, waiting for the arrival of a heavy rain.

Everyone's hearts were pounding with tension in the dark space, with only the sound of breathing echoing among them.

"It's coming..."

Qi Xia calculated the time in his heart and softly signaled.

The next second, everyone only heard the sound of the wind splitting, as an invisible object struck the tabletop held by Qi Xia with great force.

Immediately after, the sounds from all directions were like a storm, sweeping in.

The force of the harpoons was surprisingly strong, and everyone felt their arms being shaken painfully, feeling as if they were about to lose their grip on the tabletops.

Fortunately, all the tabletops were pressed together at the moment, forming a delicate balance.


A harpoon suddenly penetrated the tabletop in front of Xiao Ran, causing her to let out a scream.

Qi Xia turned his head and saw that the harpoon had stopped just two or three centimeters from Xiao Ran's eyes.

Fortunately, the tabletop was sturdy enough; otherwise, Xiao Ran would already be dead.