
Temptation {Jungkook x Reader}

You and Jungkook were in relationship but you left him on the anniversary. But did you left him because you didn't love him? no it was because of the message you receive from other girl, who call herself Jungkook fiance. while on the other hand Jungkook felt confused at your sudden disappearance. he search for you but to his vain. he felt betrayed. after five years you both met each other. But everything changed. will you solve the misunderstanding and get together or will the fate bring change.

parkchristian138 · Celebrities
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66 Chs

My brother invited Jungkook

" Good morning y/n"wished your brother

"Good morning brother "you wished back while yawning.

"freshen up I've already made breakfast "said your brother and you nodded.

you quickly washed yourself and changed your clothes.

then you sat down and pour the juice on the glass.

" where are you going? "ask Jin and you look confused

"of course to work office "you replied and Jin laugh making you frown.

" why are you laughing? " you ask

"it's weekend you know my dear sister " said Jin and you immediately look at your phone screen and saw it was Sunday.

"ohh how can I forget " you said and shook your head.

" Y/n since its weekend I invited someone to have dinner with us this evening "said Jin and you nodded while putting bread on your mouth

"won't you ask who? " ask Jin

" who? "you ask immediately win wiggle his eyebrow.

"Your boss C. E. O Jeon Jungkook " said Jin and you choke on your bread coughing.

"why are you choking here drinking this"said Jin giving you a glass of water.

"he... I mean Jungkook wh...why? " you stutter.

"what happened I said his name and you're choking and stuttering " ask Jin and you shook your head.

"Nothing I'm just surprised "you said and he chuckle.

"okay "said Jin when you look at him

" Brother can I ask you something?" you ask

"what is it? " Jin replied.

" I mean how did you meet Jungkook ?"you ask And he hummed.

"I got to know him through Namjoon , the first time we met was at the party held by our company and then he and his father was invited since they were one of the investors in our company "said Jin.

"later he came to us to play games with us and helped Namjoon and I developed some games in our company he's such a talented young man"

" he never hesitate to help me and Namjoon even when we fail or feel discouraged he always make us feel good and help us "

" all the female employees from our company admired him .

one day I ask him why he never try to talk with any girls and he said that he has someone he loves "

"I ask who she was and he said he'll introduce me when he make her his "

"but one thing that time when I ask if I know her he said I don't and yesterday he said I know her "

" That girl is so lucky as he loves her so truly"

"And than one day he suddenly said he wanted to work in his father company here in Seoul which was something we didn't expect as he was such a gamer and model at the same time and he hated to work in office so we were surprised but we didn't ask the reason ,he anyway told us he found something important and that he will tell us later"

"so thats how we met and became close "explain Jin and you nodded but you wonder who that girl was.

"so how is it working with him? " ask Jin

"well it's okay " you replied and Jin narrowed his eyebrow.

"just okay"ask Jin and you nodded.

"Yeah why? "you ask.

"Nothing you didn't appreciate him like I do as he's such a good person "said Jin and you scoff a bit.

"why are you scoffing huh?"ask Jin seeing you scoff.

"I mean the way you appreciate him and the way I see him is different, maybe he behaves good with you guys but believe me he's such a complicated person and stubborn and too difficult to understand"

"Even if I work with him for more than one year I would never understand him" you said and Jin looked surprised.

"That's totally different, he's not difficult though, maybe he's being too strict because of work "Said Jin and you look at him expressionless.

"wow, you're really supporting him, unbelievable " you comment and He chuckle.


"Are you going somewhere? "ask Jimin when he saw Jungkook dressed up in casual but very stylish.

"Yeah" replied Jungkook

"Where?" ask Jimin again

"Y/n house "said Jungkook and Jimin open his eyes wide not believing his words.

"wait are you sure you're going to her house like y/n house "ask Jimin and Jungkook Nodded.

" You mean she invited you or you invited yourself and when did you two became close I mean you guys always fight " said Jimin

" I didn't self-invite nor didn't she invite me, his brother did" said Jungkook with a sly grin .

"what? bro... brother? does she have brother? and why is he even inviting you? do you know eachother? "ask Jimin

"which one should I answer first? "replied Jungkook .

"well, who is her brother and how did you know each other ?" ask Jimin.

"I'll tell you later, I'm late I gotta go now see ya" said Jungkook and drive off to your house.

" Did he just leave me alone , I just came now and " complain Jimin to himself.