
Temptation {Jungkook x Reader}

You and Jungkook were in relationship but you left him on the anniversary. But did you left him because you didn't love him? no it was because of the message you receive from other girl, who call herself Jungkook fiance. while on the other hand Jungkook felt confused at your sudden disappearance. he search for you but to his vain. he felt betrayed. after five years you both met each other. But everything changed. will you solve the misunderstanding and get together or will the fate bring change.

parkchristian138 · Celebrities
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66 Chs


You got up early the next morning.

if it was your house you would have slept more but you remember you were sleeping in His House .

You searched for the kitchen and after finding it you made breakfast for you and him.

Than after that you went to take shower

Jungkook who got up just after you went back came to the kitchen and saw that you made breakfast already.

He sat down and drank water waiting for you.

You wear the same outfit that you wore yesterday which was beige colour blouse and Black Trouser with black hills.

when you came down you saw Jungkook sitting at the dinning table.

"Good morning CEO" you awkwardly wished him when you remember the kiss last night.

"Good morning sit down lets have breakfast together" you nodded and sat down.

" last night did you. .... "

"Last night? " you interrupted him feeling nervous that he would ask about the kiss.

"I mean did you sleep well"

" oh yea... yeah " you felt relief but you also felt bad when he didn't ask reminding you that he forgot about it.

You both ate the breakfast silently.

" wait for me I'll change my clothes " Jungkook left the kitchen.

finishing your breakfast you collected all the dishes and washed it.

Than you went back to your room and took your bag.

The moment you came out and close the door.Jungkook came out too but holding his tie on his hand.

" Help me put this" he come closer to you and gave you the tie.

Taking the tie from his hand you tip toe and put around his neck .

seeing you tip toying he bend down making you flinch at the closeness.

you step back hitting your back against the door . You arranged his tie on his neck but

your eyes kept on blinking as you felt him staring at you and coming more closer while you couldn't step back.

" done " you said with your head lower but he didn't move which made you to look up at him.

He slowly lift his hand and brought closer to your head but you avoid it moving your head to the side when he wiped something on your hair.

" you didn't need to wash the dishes " He left making you confused.

you touch your head where he wiped and felt wet when you look it was the foam that you used for washing the dishes.

" CEO the car key " you ask as you were his secretary and since there was no driver it became your responsibility to drive.

" I'll drive get in " you nodded and open the car back door when Jungkook closed back the door.

" front I'm not going to be your driver" with your mouth gap you got in silently scoffing at his attitude.

on the way Jungkook stop at a shopping center.

you followed him and enter the shopping complex.

" may I help you sir " one of the working staffs ask

" it's fine I'll look myself " the staff nodded and went back .

Not knowing what he was looking you just followed him when Jungkook suddenly pulled you in front and scrutinise you up and down.

" D... do you need any help " you ask.

" yeah wear this " he took the clothes from the hanger and gave you.

" what? " you ask confused why he was asking you to wear when you were already wearing clothes.

" You don't want to wear the same dress you wore yesterday moreover you'll be going to SM company for the contract you have to look more Confident "

" I think it's fine and I'm confident " you retort

" Of course you're confident as the one you're meeting is your friend but your clothes should also look confident and impressive " Jungkook wave his hand signaling you to change.

Sighing you went inside the changing room

' what's wrong with him, if I'm confident that's enough ' you complain to yourself.

after changing you came outside wearing a white trouser pants with cream colour blouse and sleeve blazers.

Jungkook look you up and down again and shook his head like he was unsatisfied. Than he went to the Shoe section and came back with a silver Heel.

"wear this " taking from him you bend down to wear but he stop you.

Than he snatched the heel from you and he himself bend down.

you furrowed your eye when he ask you to lift your one leg.

only than you understood he was going to help you wear.

" it's fine I can do it "

Jungkook sigh " Just do what I say " .

you lift your left foot and he change the heel than you lift the other leg but while he was putting the heel since the heel was bit long you felt unbalanced and quickly hold his shoulder with both your hand bending over to him and right at the moment he look up at you almost touching your lips making you startled .

you both locked eyes at each other.

when two staffs who saw both of you and smile " they look so lovely "

You than realise he was done putting heels on your foot and quickly stood straight.

" I'll go and pa.. pay" you quickly walk to the payment counter and gave your card.

" Ma'am your husband paid already" said the lady and you frown


" yes your husband"

" you're mistaken he's not my hus..."

" we're going to be late let's go " Jungkook interrupted you and dragged you out of the complex.

After getting in the car you opened your bag to take out the money to return Jungkook for the dress he paid when he spoke.

"I don't need your money " you kept quiet not wanting to say anything.

"put on your seatbelt" said Jungkook but you couldn't pull the belt .

you tried again but failed .

Jungkook came closer to you and helped you but when you look up your lips touched his cheek .

your eyes became wide and you froze while Jungkook also froze for a moment but again when he turn his head towards you his lips touched yours making you gasped.

both of you look at eachother eyes and froze ,shocked at what just happened.

you pushed him and looked down feeling both embarrassed and awkward .

while Jungkook casually drove off like nothing happened.