
Temptation {Jungkook x Reader}

You and Jungkook were in relationship but you left him on the anniversary. But did you left him because you didn't love him? no it was because of the message you receive from other girl, who call herself Jungkook fiance. while on the other hand Jungkook felt confused at your sudden disappearance. he search for you but to his vain. he felt betrayed. after five years you both met each other. But everything changed. will you solve the misunderstanding and get together or will the fate bring change.

parkchristian138 · Celebrities
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66 Chs


You sat at your door step smiling widely waiting for him. you knew he would come to see you. There was not a single day where you and Jungkook couldn't meet. Even if you both were busy , you both never miss to see eachother.

From far you saw him coming to you smiling at you lovingly. you stood up and open your arms wide. He quickly ran and hugged you tight "I miss you " said Jungkook

"I miss you more" you replied and he kissed your forehead.

" So where did you went today? " ask Jungkook as you both enter inside the house.

" well I went for shopping groceries and what about you ?" you ask.

" I went for grocery shopping too" said Jungkook and you look at him frowning.

" you and grocery shopping " you said and scoff.

" don't scoff at me y/n you know that really provoke me" said Jungkook and you roll your eyes at him.

" Don't even do that y/n , you know I can do anything to you" said Jungkook

"oh like what can you do" you said teasingly and he smirk

" well anything " said Jungkook and pulled you close to him .

" you do this everytime I'm used to it" you said teasingly again and he smirk.

"alright than let me show you what actually I can do " said Jungkook and within a second he lift you up on his shoulder and laid you down on your bed and hovered above you.

you felt nervous and immediately pushed him " I'm just kidding " you smile awkwardly but Jungkook only smirk

" you're nervous " ask Jungkook and you shook your head.

" no why should I now get off me" you said and try to sneak out of his hold but Jungkook pulled you and pinned your hand above your hand.

" I was just kidding let me go please " you said pouting while blinking your eyes and he chuckle.

" it's not going to work untill I show you what I can do" said Jungkook and smashed his lips on yours.

he kissed you gently and passionately making you close your eyes tight . he lift his head up

" do you like it " said Jungkook and you look at him and pulled his head down to kiss him but he moved his head to the side.

you look at him frowning and he smile at you.

" what you want to continue " tease Jungkook and wiggle his eyebrow.

"who said I want to continue " you said and he chuckle again and stood up.

you quickly stood up too and jump on his back making Jungkook stumble.

" who told you to tease me? " you said as you bite his ear.

Jungkook laugh " so is this your punishment " ask Jungkook and you bite his ear more.

" if this is your punishment than I wouldn't mind teasing you everyday " said Jungkook and you hit his back.


" hey call Jungkook why is he not here still " said Minhyuk.

" he'll come but you know it's very difficult for them to separate so let's just wait " said Bambam.

" Jungkook is so lucky to get a girl like y/n" said Eunwoo

" I envy him" said Yugeoum.

"what's there to envy I mean she's not the only girl right" said Yoonso her face twitching as she did not like others talking about Jungkook and y/n .

Yoonso has been in love with Jungkook from the beginning of their friendship but Jungkook never notice and he only loved y/n which made Yoonso hate y/n . As y/n and Jungkook bond became stronger and stronger she couldn't endure and she changed her college to other country.

But even when she was studying In other place she couldn't erase the feeling therefore she came back. But she didn't just came back to just only continue her love for Jungkook but she had a plan. A plan to ruin their relationship.

" Of course she's not the only girl for others but for Jungkook she's the only girl " said Bambam and others nodded their head agreeing. she could do nothing but clenched her fist and feign a smile.

" tomorrow will be their fourth anniversary their bond is so powerful no one can break them apart " said Lisa

" let's see how strong their bond is" thought Yoonso and smirk.

" sorry guys I'm late " said Jungkook

" we knew you would be late , now where's my gift" ask Eunwoo and Jungkook smile.

"here happy birthday " said Jungkook and handed a key to him.

" it's a key" said Eunwoo and Jungkook wiggle his eyebrow.

Eunwoo immediately ran outside to see the gift.

"Kookie it's been a long time " said Yoonso and Jungkook look at her surprise.

"when did you came? " said Jungkook and friend hug Yoonso.

" last night I missed you so much" replied Yoonso smiling happily.

" miss you too" said Jungkook in a casual and friendly manner but Yoonso took it otherwise.

After an hour of celebrating Eunwoo's birthday everyone got drunk and doze of except one person. she was holding the same glass the whole time as if waiting for them to get drunk and knock off.

after seeing everyone quiet and snooring she smirk and she went near Jungkook side.

"Kookie Kookie " she said softly and Jungkook giggle a bit.

" let me help you okay Kookie " said Yoonso and lift up heavy Jungkook who was not in a conscious state.

Holding Jungkook she took him upstairs and laid him down on the bed before closing the door.

" Y/n y/n" whisper Jungkook making Yoonso angry.

she cares his cheek and kissed his forehead " this will be the last time you'll call her name" said Yoonso.

" y/n I love you so much " said Jungkook his eyes closed.

" I love you too Kookie, I love you so much " said Yoonso and kissed Jungkook lips.

Jungkook kissed her back as he saw y/n in his illusion.

Yoonso started unbuttoning his shirt and started kissing his chest while Jungkook remain there unconscious.

" you'll be mine forever Jungkook you were mine from the beginning " said Yoonso .