
The Normal [01]

"Nothing will get better, if I don't try"

Cecelia Grant

I woke up from my hard dirty mattress with roaches scattered around the mattress. I sighed as I stand up and look through the broken glass window.

It was in the morning around 6am. My school opened at 7:35am so I had plenty of time to change and bathe.

I looked at the corner of my room and I picked up the same clothes that I wore on Saturday but changed the shirt into a baggy grey shirt. I put the clothes on my bed. I stripped out of my clothes and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom in my room is very odd. The shower head doesn't work, we doesn't have water, we don't have light, the sink is broken and dirty, the shower had little rodents running around the broken floor boards, the mirror had cracks in it, I just dealt with it because I know I won't be in this situation for ever.

I hop in the shower. I grabbed my cup and used the leftover water from the bucket to take a shower.

After the very uncomfortable shower, I went to my room and dried myself. I wrapped myself and walked to the my bed. I looked at it and it was a homeless man in my bed. After all it is a cold December morning, who am I to tell him get off my bed when it's cold. He might be freezing.

I let the homeless man be and put on my clothes. I slide on my black vans hightop that I had since the 9th grade. I'm a now senior in Hearst West High (made up name) even though I had bad situations. I let my hair down since Ala put braids in it recently: it still hurts not to mention but it was worth it.

I grabbed my book bag and walked out my room door. I past my brothers room, who was smoking with a bunch of older men. I kept walking, passing my parents room. I looked through the crack of door and saw nothing but my mother getting her cherry eaten by a older men aging up to about 50 to 62 years. I walked further until I was in the living room. My father was on the couch vigorously smelling like hard core vodka with a younger woman, who might be in her early twenties putting her mouth on his area, taking his length down her throat like no one was watching; when I was clearly there.

"Must be nice" I thought. Just saying since everyone seems to be occupied with something, whether it's smoking, having sex or oral sex and here I go waltzing around into your little show and standing there, bet it would creep you out afterwards huh? That's what I thought. Must be nice indeed.

I pushed past the disgustingness and made it to the back door. I say back door because—well the front door is boarded up by whoever lived her before we did.

I stepped outside. I felt the cold December breeze hit my body like loads of bricks. I walked on its dewy grass and made it on the hard cover concrete pavement sidewalk. I walked on the sidewalk, passing apartments, houses, duplexes, you name it and I was passing by it as I walk by. I kept having dirty looks thrown at me, guys catcalling me, kids in that went to my school was calling me "dirty bitch", "stank hoe", "fishy smelling cunt" and my personal favorite "go back to your abandoned house bitch you don't belong here" Ouuu that just hit the spot doesn't it? Of course not but whatever right? If your living on east riverside, on block 45, your business isn't your business anymore because EVERYONE knows about it, talking about it—girl your practically Cardi B minus the stripping, the bluntness and etc. You just ignore it.

I saw the bus stop ahead and I walked faster making sure that I got there on time. I waited for at least 20 minutes until the bus finally made its way to the bus stop i was standing at. I waved my hand and the bus driver stopped in-front of me. The door opened and I stepped in. I took out my bus card and scanned it on the little scanner thing. The light flashes red and I made my way all the way to the back of the bus.

The bus driver started driving again, passing bus stops, picking up people, turning corners. I just patiently waited for my stop. While waiting I looked at the digital clock and I read what it says.

December 12, 2016 at 7:03am

7:03am? Wow I guess I was early again. I looked around the bus and studied people face. I know that's weird but it kills time trust me. I looked at this white lady face first. She has droopy ocean blue eyes with an upturned nose and very thin line for lips. She had freckles but very little of them. She would of been more beautiful if her hair was jet black.

I looked at this man. Damn he was really attractive. He's eyes is dark and mysterious, his pink lips is plump and big that complimented his chocolate skin. He had a tattooed all over his arms, nearly covering his skin. He's tattoos was interesting to me, especially the one with the cross over a heart. It seems like it had a dark meaning. He had black durag covering his hair. His chocolate body was built as if he went to the gym. Perfect, He was just perfect.

"Heading to West Riverside at the next stop" the programmer said and I quickly pulled the slightly red rope.

"Stop Ahead" the programmer spoke as the digital clock had the words "Stop Requested" written on it.

I stared at the man one more time, just admiring his body. The things I would to do to you would probably drive you crazy. It would leave you begging and wanting more as I tease the living life out of you until I finally give in letting you invade my body and my thoughts while our bodies grinding and sliding on top of each other. Leaving me nothing but a moaning, screaming, and crying mess in nothing but my bare skin. Leaving him nothing but a hard, sweaty, sexy, beautiful groaning disaster in nothing but his tattooed cover skin. Squealing as he pushed deeper inside me as our skin slaps roughly against each other.

I felt liquids being rushed to my vagina, I blushed embarrassingly not that anybody saw me or knew what I was thinking about. It's just embarrassing to get wet by someone in a public bus that was all types of fine. I just can't believe it.

The bus stopped at my stop and I grabbed my bag and made my way down the stairs. I was debating on if I wanted to leaving through the side or in front of the bus. I wanted to his face again so I'm just gonna walk to the front of the bus exiting from where I entered. I turned around for a quick second and look at his face.

He looked around until our eyes locked. I was lowkey melting as I saw him. His brown eyes dilated making it look permanently black exchanging a intense look with I who looked as if I struck by a Cupid's love bow. He gave me a weird look and I flashed him a confused look.

"C'mon kid, I don't have all day na' " the bus driver said. I broke eye contact with him and I quickly walked off the bus. I started walking down the block since my school was right at the corner.

I past Taaliyah's house, as I saw her walking to her purple Tesla with her little sister Aria.

I continue walking until I past Aleeyan's house who was walking to her Light pink Kia Soul with her twin sisters, Alonia and Kilonya.

I knew I almost close to the school once I saw Livian coming out her house, jogging to her white dodge charger.

I turned the corner and I was right in front of Satan ass—I mean a beautiful place for learning. I walked through main entrance to the cafeteria, where I was greeted by dirty looks, laughter, shoves and punches. What a great place to be.

I walked to lunch line E where no one was standing. "Good morning miss, what can I get you?" The lunch lady asked me sweetly, maybe I was the first kid she had to deal with today.

"Can I get eggs, grits and toast please?" I asked politely as I watched her put what I asked for onto the tray.

She handed me my tray and I gave her a warning smile. I slide my tray down, grabbing a juice and milk. I walked to the other lady as she pointed to the number pad. I nodded putting my number in it. She nodded, telling me that I'm good to go. I grabbed my tray and sat at the empty table all the way in the back of the cafeteria. Why would I sit there? You may ask, I just wanna be away from people.

"Ah man I forgot to grab some jelly" I said out loud as I looked at lunch line E and my seat. It was a pretty long walk if you ask me so I'll just eat it like that. I grabbed my hard toast and bit into it. I took a bite and pulled it away from my mouth so I can chew the piece of toast I have in my mouth.

The cafeteria door opened and I looked to see who was coming in. It was Taaliyah, Livian and Aleeyan being loud and talkative as they walked in. Everyone looked at them, talked about them as if they were celebrities as they made they way to the breakfast line, grabbing what they wanted to eat and came seating right in front of me.

On they're way to my table, a jock from the football team stood in front of them, mostly staring at Taaliyah as she blushed. I couldn't really make out what they was saying but it looks like he asked her to go out with him to a date because he grabbed her hand. I think she gave a time by kissed her forehead and faint whispering. They made it to my table and they sat in front of me.

"Wazzah bitch!" Livian greeted with a hug.

"Hey Liv!" I greeted her back.

"Bebe, wassup witchu?" Aleeyan asked as she also engulf me into a big hug.

"I'm fine, what about you Lee?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I've been fine tank chu Lia." Aleeyan said as she sat back down on the bench.

"I'm lazy as fuck but hey sus!" Taaliyah screamed from across the table.

"Hey T!" I said back.

"So tell me why Taaliyah was over her blushing when Lamar asked her out to go to the mall?" Livian asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Taaliyah as Taaliyah blushed.

"I mean wasn't she crushing on him for a while now, he even told her that he felt the same. So the best way to do this is to ask her out which he did." I spoke and Aleeyan rolled her eyes, not fond of what I had said.

"Oh no, I talked to chief when I was in the shower and he told me that this is most certainly isn't it." She crosses her arms. "If you gone ask my best friend out the least you can do is make sure it's fucking fancy cause she's too much of a bougie bitch to be going  to a mall. Like nigga hello take T to some fancy restaurants, make her feel like she's expensive and that she's the only person in the planet you would do this too. I'm not bout to let his ass take her on some dumb ass mall date" she snapped and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Oh lord only Aleeyan" I chuckled.

"You damn right" she replied.

"It's fine Aleeyan, I like him and I think it's cute that he wants to take me out in mall knowing that I love the mall." She said as she put her hand on Aleeyan's shoulder.

"Mmmm" Aleeyan hummed.

We sat there for 25 minutes, talking, eating, laughing, and smiling. And yes these are my best friends.

The bell rang, so it was time for class. I said my goodbyes to them and walked to my career class.

On my way to my class, I was shoved into locks by the jocks and even stepped on by cheerleaders. I knew for sure I was going to class with a busted lip to start my day. I sighed as I opened the door and sitting in my regular seat.

The class started slowly filling up as the clock was so close to the bell ring. Once the bell ring the class was settle down.

Mr. Olsen grabbed very large amounts thick packets. The high schoolers eyes widen at the sight of the packet.

"I hope you didn't forget that today is test day. Grab your pencil and review sheets. Place them on your table and I'll have Hannah pick up your sheets." He announced making me take out my review sheet neatly from out of my binder and placing it on my desk.

Hannah swiftly took the high schoolers review sheets. She came by my desk, giving me a sweet smile before taking my paper and walking to the podium where the teacher was standing.

"Thank you Ms.Rose. Maasai may you give your peers this test packet and answer sheet?" He asked and Maasai stood up and took the packets and answer sheets.

He gave the high schoolers the packet and answer sheet. "Is your name Cecelia Grant?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"Yeah" I replied and nod as he gave me my packet and answer sheet.

After everyone receive everything, it was time for the test reading procedures.

"As you know this is your class test, do your very best on it. Try to remember what I taught you. If you study tonight then great and if you didn't, your screwed just do your best. This is a 75 percent multiple questions and 25 percent written responses, use evidence from your texts to support your answer. You may begin." He said, making his lips a crisp thin line.

I opened the packet and read the first question.

"Which of the following words is a synonym for the word adversed?"

A) Disaster

B) Careful

C) Against

D) Opposed

E) Both C and D

Actually the answer for this question is E. So I grabbed my pencil and bubbled E. I guess this test would of been easy then I thought.

"I can't believe smelly girl actually knows these things. I guess smelly girl is smart" some girl whispered to her friend about, I just ignored it.

"Well if your smelly what else you can do then to do your homework" her friend replied.

God please let this class go by faster then usual.


(A/N: New book, who this 🤔? I know its been a awhile but wassup, how you doing? You good? Same.

To be honest I high-key thought no one would be on Webnovel like that but Knowing me, I writing is my escape so akeke bitch if you thought I wasn't coming out with another one.

But for real though, this book was named Exotic until I changed it to Temporarily Yours. It still have its same plot but I just modified a little—A LOT. Some of the characters names had changed and some of the characters has the same name. New characters are added. I also changed the roles of some of the characters just so it can make more sense. That's pretty much it.

How's the first chapter?

Just know if it flops that bitch is going back in my drafts 😂🙄.

Temporarily Yours®️


I made books on this app called wattpad, but I wasn't getting enough views and loves on the books I wrote. I just wanted to explore different type of writing apps and see what writing can take me. I'm Ashonti and I love writing for you guys to enjoy and love.

My writing schedules will be on Sundays and Wednesdays.

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