
Tell them [03]

"You can't act like you care then walk away from me like you don't"

Taaliyah James

"Sinnnnnn! Sin city wasn't made for yoooouuuuu" I sang while I was walking with Livian and the bell rang. We was walking through the hallway, making everyone move on one side. The highschoolers couldn't get enough of us. It figures since we do have a little bit more money then them—actually a LOT more.

"Angels like youuuu!" Livian finished, locking our arms together.

"Shhhhhh Liv" I laughed as I lightly shove her and she lightly shove me back. I let out a smile showing my perfect white teeth, making Livian return the favor.

"Enough of the shoving, did you see how Riker was staring at you for the past minute in class a few minutes ago" Liv said as excitement flashed across her face. Her big brown eyes grew open out of shock as we continued walking to the lunch room.

"Laughing my ass off Liv" I said as I let out a chuckle. "He just wanted to catch my attention, no big deal." I shrugged.

She looked at me with a nonbelievable smirk. I rolled my eyes and flash a smile.

"Besides I like Lamar. I don't like Ryker. I mean he is fine as hell, mysterious, and his body just makes me wanna do things to him but I don't like him" I said looking around, avoiding her vicious stare.

"Mari, stop fucking lying. Even George w bush didn't believe you for a split second. I saw how you light up when I told you he was looking at you" she said, making goggly eyes at me.

"You still call me Mari?" I said changing the subject.

"Is blood thicker then water?" She questioned and I nodded.

"Does that answer your question, Mari?" She asked. I nodded again, chuckling and she flash me a smile.

We ended up walking in the lunch room. Waves of football players and cheerleaders invaded the cafeteria.

"Lord here comes Lizzie" I mumbled as I saw Lizzie and Jay walking towards us.

"Damnit, I can't believe ol'girl is actually coming over here with Jay" Livian said as she crossed her arms, still looking at them.

I chuckled. The two came right in front of us.

"T." He said as he looked at me, I gave him a head nod.

"V." He smirked as he looked at a annoyed Livian. She crossed her arms, tapping her foot rapidly impatiently against the pavement. Jay was enjoying this. He loves making her annoyed with him. He love how her face looked when he looked at her. But it seems the opposite for Liv. She hates him. She hate the fact he love making her mad. She hate the fact he thinks everything is back to normal when in reality it's not. She hate him even more then she thought she did. She hate that they had a past together.

"Good afternoon to you daddy" Liv said to him boosting his ego, only to tear it down.

"You know how much I love when you call me that." He licked his lips and she rolled her eyes

"Oh I don't think so" she looked at him before speaking again. "But I think Zayver would know" she smirked, he rolled his eyes. I laughed so hard once she said that.

"Damnit your still mad about that, it wasn't what you thought it was. Zay is one of my closest friends" Jay said crossing his arms.

"I guess you guys are really close" she said emphasizing the word really.

"Whatever you say I guess" he said with a frown.

"So bad boys frowns now" I question, looking at Liv.

"Apparently this one does" She answered pointing fingers at Jay.

"I only frown when I don't have something as beautiful as you in my arms" Jay said with a flirty smirk making Liv roll her eyes.

"Enough with the flirting and the sarcastic remarks" Lizzie trailed her finger between Liv and Jay. "We only came to here to tell you guys about a rumor that has been spreading around." Lizzie said looking at Jay. Jay was puzzled.

"Huh?" Jay questioned and Lizzie punches his shoulder. "Oh" he said as if his train of thought came back.

"Ow Lizzie." He said, feeling a sharp pain from when Lizzie punch him. He rubs were Lizzie punched him.

"Tell them" she gave him a death stare.

I know I'm stalling and y'all just wanna see the action.. so there's another part to this situation ? I might throw in an omniscient in chapter five Idky ?.

mindenawwcreators' thoughts