
Temporal Sovereign

You've seen the future. What would you do? ... Quan Jiang finds himself in a place where he had supposedly been there a year ago. He didn't know that the he from a year ago was from the future. Time doesn't flow normally for this MC as he solves his own time anomalies. ------------------------------------------ Goals: 100 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter this week. 200 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapters this week. ------------------------------------------ Author's Note: Please share this book with your friends. I'm sure they will also love it!

Eternal_Fish · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Guo Clan Head

'Am I really that awesome?' Jiang thought to himself.

He couldn't imagine how he could say something so profound to a girl like her. He was lost in thought as he listened to her continue talking about 'him'.

After a few minutes, they arrived in the clan hall. A middle-aged man watched a small pond on the side. There were many koi fishes of varying colors swimming inside it.

He heard their footsteps and turned to face them. His eyes immediately settled on Jiang. It scrutinized his very being.

"I can't believe it. It's really you, Dao Nephew!" the middle-aged man exclaimed.

He walked towards Jiang while Xue made way for him. He grasped his shoulders and stared him straight into the eyes.

"You had been gone for a month. I thought you left us secretly because we can't contain an expert like you. You are also barely cultivating…"

"Umm… Who are you?" Jiang asked in confusion.

"*Sigh* I heard from little Xue that you lost your memories. I can't believe it. My name is Guo Song, the Clan Head of the Guo Clan from Tree Bark City," Song introduced himself.

"Uhh… Nice to meet you, …right?"

Jiang didn't know how to introduce himself to someone who already knew him before. His lack of memories of their past only made things more confusing.

"Don't worry, Dao Nephew. I asked the Supreme Doctor from the Peng Clan to come and treat you. For now, you should eat with my daughter. The two of you used to stick together like glue," Song said with a faint smile on his face.

"Before that, can you tell me how we met?" Jiang asked.

"Uhhh… About that, it's an embarrassing topic. Please wait till you remember it," Song replied with a red face.


"Xue, take your Young Noble to eat. I still need to cultivate," Song said, visibly trying to avoid that topic.

Xue embraced Jiang's arm and pulled him out of the clan hall.

"What was that about? I thought I was an esteemed guest here before," Jiang said, confused.

"Hehe… I heard some rumors about how you met my father. It wasn't pleasant to remember," Xue answered with a wry smile on her face.

"What happened?"

"I will answer that after we finish eating. It has been a while, and I'm excited," Xue said.

Her face bubbled up with excitement. The way she embraced his arm and pulled him was so-natural that Jiang only realized it when they reached the courtyard.

"Wait, why are you embracing my arm like that?" Jiang asked and pushed her away.

He wasn't comfortable with her acting so close. He doesn't know her and her actions remind him of Lin Fengfang.

Xue bit her lips and answered, "...Young Noble, I used to hug your arms as we walked together."

"Sorry. It's making me uncomfortable," Jiang explained himself after seeing her wronged appearance.

He realized that he might not remember their past, but she was used to the 'past' him. It was hard for her to adjust.

"It's okay. I understand."

Xue nodded her head. There was sadness in her eyes.

Xue didn't embrace his arm and led the way ahead. They entered a tiny open house with a marble table in the center and a continuous wooden seat surrounding it.

Steaming food was laid out on the table. A maid stood on the side, waiting for orders.

Xue raised her slender legs, revealing their beauty to Jiang, and stepped over the seat to enter inside. She sat down in front of him.

Jiang also entered the seat and sat down in front of her.

Steamed buns, steamed rice, meat stews, and a fragrant tea. It was a lavish feast for breakfast.

"This is quite a lot."

"Consider this a celebration for your return, Young Noble," Xue answered.

She was still sad, but she forced a smile on her face. She picked up a steamed bun with her chopsticks and placed it on her plate.

She slowly started eating it delicately like a refined lady.

Jiang felt hungry after a continuous cultivation session last night. He grabbed a bowl of steamed rice and flipped it over on his plate. He then showered it with the meat stew.

The two of them ate silently.

Xue was trying to get over her sadness, while Jiang simply filled his empty stomach.

The two of them finished an hour later.

"Young Noble, how was it?" Xue asked.

"They are delicious, and I'm feeling full," Jiang replied and smiled at her.

He was happy to get something to eat. His impression of her improved quite a bit. As they say, you can't bite the hand feeding you.

He felt gratitude for her. He knew it was because of their past, but that was enough. She still valued him when he lost his memories and cultivation.

"About how you met my father, do you still want to know?" Xue asked.


Jiang didn't feel it was proper. He could naturally tell that something terrible had happened that day. He could imagine that a fight or an argument must've occurred.

Since that was the case, he thought to himself that it was better to wait for his memories to return.

"Thank you, Young Noble. You would naturally understand once you regain your memories," Xue replied.

As they were talking to each other, a servant approached them.

"Young Lady, Young Noble, the Supreme Doctor is here. The Clan Head ordered me to convey this," the servant said and bowed.

"Let's go, Young Noble. You might be able to regain your memories," Xue said.

She led the way. She became cheery and the gloom around her earlier disappeared. She was excited for him to regain his memories.

Jiang followed after her, feeling quite nervous. He couldn't wait to regain his memories, but it also scared him because it could entirely change him. Right now, he was more comfortable with his current self.

They once again arrived in the clan hall. An old man waited for them there together with Guo Song.


100 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter this week.

200 Power Stones = 2 Bonus Chapters this week.

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