
The Merchant Caravan

Two weeks had passed.

I managed to learn a lot while working in the village.

Most of the houses here were made of wood, but with a foundation in stone.

The main export of the village were the flowers that grew here. The villagers called it Triestina, and the flowers had an unique perfume, aswell some medicinal properties.

From time to time some merchant caravans would appear seeking to buy them.

Before winter, the villagers would gather and prepare a all the flowers that they could, so as to not let the snow destroy them. After that they would create a caravan of their own, and visit the nearest cities so as to buy food and supplies for them.

The flowers would usually be collected by the children, and then their mother´s would prepare them. Most of the men worked tending to the small farms they had, protecting the flocks of sheep or hunting animals and gathering wood.

The village was "ruled" by the current priest, however the village didn´t belong to the church, but to a Duke called Velden, and the Duke was a vassal of the Kingdom of Istria.

The people here didn´t bother asking about my origins. It seems adventurers are a common sight in the kingdom, specially in areas that need them.

Another thing that I learned is that I can click on the skills in my status, and receive a better information about them.



Swordsmanship 2

{General {HEMA Style

+ 1 Sword Movement > Basic Guards Unlocked

+ 2 Reach Perception


The effects and diseases tab also had changed.


#Effects# #Diseases#

Hidden Fangs 2 Vampirism (4%)

{ +4 Bite Attack

{ This individual is capable of sucking blood with their fangs.

Albino Skin 1

Clear Hearing 1


It seems that there are a lot of factors that influence combat in this world.

I also released Roxana of her obligations to me as her master.

It would bring suspect of me in the village if they found out that I am becoming a vampire.

She didn´t complained, and accepted being quiet about the matter.

I was still thinking when I would leave the village, and where I would go, when the church bell suddenly rang.


An incredible pain came through my eyes.

-"I didn´t know this church had a bell!" I immediately covered my ears with my hands.


The doors of the church opened, Alexander came through then.

My ears were still ringing, but I managed to ask him why the church bell was ringing.

-"We use it as an alarm for the city but, since it was not I that rang it, it must be a merchant caravan coming."


Alexander didn´t even covered his ears.

When the ringing finally stopped, I asked how did the caravan ringed the bell.

-"There is no one in here besides me and you!"

-"They use magic. The bell is infused with a signature so, when mages approach the city, they can cast a spell to ring it." Then, he suddenly picked the broom I was using to clean the church. "But, before we go out to meet them, I must ask you something."

He said in a serious manner.

-"When do you plan leaving the village? Aren´t you an adventurer? I´m thankful for the help with the everyday chores, however you are more capable of fighting than tending to crops!"


-"It was not the real threat, but still, you survived the encounter and managed to kill a giant spider!"


I got accommodated with this life already.

It was just like in real life.

Despite having the potential to get good grades, I had already what I wanted in my bedroom: A computer and internet to play all day, nothing more.

-"S-sorry, I got accommodated, hehe." I scratch my head a little. -"I will leave right away."

-"I´m not kicking you out. At least, not yet. What I really want to ask is, what is your purpose in this life? Do you want to be a noble? Or, perhaps, the greatest fighter?"


-"As I thought, you don´t know it yet. But I have something to say: While you were here herding the sheep, you could be saving another life with that skill of yours, like you did with Roxana."


He is right.

Like in real life, I could have saved her that day, if only I payed more attention to it.

-"I believe you won´t find your purpose in here. God must have something for you out there!"

B-but I´m a vampire. There isn´t a cure. I already searched it on the books of the church and didn´t find anything, only tales on how to kill them!

-"I will try to make their leader hire you as a caravan guard. Since this was bothering me for a while now, I already prepared a luggage for you."

-"A luggage?"

-"Yes, here it is." He went in the back of the pulpit and came back with a leather backpack. "I asked Roxana´s mother, Helena, to fix some of your clothing for you, so you could use something else besides the tunic of the church. I also prepared some potions and straps for injuries you might have. I asked the village huntsman to repair one of the rusty swords he had. I still have the gauntlets and boots I confiscated from Roxana after I scolded her. I don´t know how did she get these, but it will serve your purpose."

He continued on over a lot of things like what potion did what, food, drinks, everything I would need as an adventurer.

-"Wow, you really did put an effort on this!"

-"Do you agree with me? Are you gonna try going with them?"

-"Yes! I will find my purpose!"

-"Put up your armor then, and meet me at the center of the village. I will talk to their leader right away."

It didn´t take too long to put the sword in the scabbard and leave the church.

This guy did a lot of things for me! What a nice guy!

Upon arriving at the center of the village, I´m surprised to see it full of people.

The caravan was composed of 5 long wagons.

Most of the people that were there were not from the village.

I saw some trading, telling stories and even arguing.

I searched for Alexander, and found him discussing in the back of the last wagon.

-"So, this is the man who fought the giant spider and destroyed the nest of their lady?"

A massive man, a bit taller than Alexander, but with a lot of muscles to show.


-"Did you not know? A spider nest like the one you encountered is usually controlled by a special spider that we call the lady. The girl that found you after you went to check it was the lady of the nest."

-"I already told him all of the story..." Said Alexander.

-"But I have one condition. I need to see you fighting. Verify if you really are that good."

The leader of the merchants shouted for his son.

A young man, full in armor, came rushing.

-"What do you need father?"

I hesitated for a moment. The look of him in full plate armor made me nervous, however… a gambeson is not a bad protection compared to other types of chest armor. It makes cut´s slip through the clothing, although not perfectly so. It is also more light, but I think this man doesn´t have any problem moving in plate armor...

-"You are going to duel him." He pointed at me. "He is a candidate for guard in my caravan."

-"Be prepared then." The son doesn´t lose anytime, and enters in a combat stance.

-"Wait, right here?" Asked Alexander.

-"Yes, right here." Said the master.

I gave Alexander my backpack.

I should have tested if I could activate skills using the status screen. Now it´s too late.

His son extends his right arm a little bit, and holds the sword 45 degrees from his hand.

While fighting with my friends, I liked to use a guard called the "Fool´s Guard".

Left hand behind, stuck in the back. Right hand down, resting the sword in the right leg.

-"Are you kidding me?" Said my opponent.

We both were using iron sword, about the same length.

He made an uppercut, easily blocked by moving my right arm up.

I step to the left and pushes his sword to the right, while moving my sword for an uppercut.

He moves his sword to block mine, but loses some of his balance while pushing my sword and I away.

He has more strength than I do, because his movement made me lose the balance too, and retreat.

We both go back to our stances.

This time, he tries for an thrust. I meet his blade and move my right arm up.

I unleash my left hand, grabs his right arm and pushes it to the left.

He grabs my left hand with his left hand, trying to move his right arm up, but I step in his direction and perform an uppercut, hitting his helm with the wooden hand guard of my sword.

He moves me back however, and I release my left hand and take some distance.

-"Wow, you sure have some style to your fighting. You must know a thing or two!" Said the master.

-"Shut up father! He is nothing!"

My opponent them leaves his stance and goes straight for an uppercut.

I block, but he charges me together with the blow, making it impossible for me to the deflect the blade.

He releases the grip of his sword, and grabs me by the chest, going down with me with all his might and heaviness from the armor.

Before we fall, I position the blunt part of my blade in his neck, grab the blade with my left elbow, grab the handle of the sword with my right elbow, grab my shoulders with my hands and push down the sword.

-"Ouch! It´s hurting! It´s hurting! Stop!"

-"Only if you say you give up!"

He is smashing my body with his armor.

-"I give up! I give up!"

I release the sword, and both me and him stands up.

-"Hahahahahaha! This was hilarious! Bravo! Bravo!" The master claps his hand two times.

-"This is not funny!" My opponent says.

Alexander helps me clean up my gambeson from the dust and gives me back my backpack.

-"I said you had potential." He says with a low voice.

Well, thanks to my past self watching some youtube videos of people fighting.

At least I learned something.

-"What is your name, hero of Trieste?" The master asks.

-"I´m Reynauld, sir, and i´m just an adventurer."

-"Well, that´s not what that girl said when we talked about you." He points to somewhere behind me.

Hiding near the wagon was Roxana.

-"I-I told you he was a great warrior!" She says.

-"Well, we must continue. Son, tell everyone to prepare to leave."

-"Already?" Asks Alexander.

-"Yes, we are in a hurry right now. Your trip is 3 days behind the schedule. Sorry, we can´t stay here for much longer."

-"That´s okay so, do you need anything else?"

-"No, thank you for all the the services. Maybe we may travel to here yet this year. Have a good day."

He greets Alexander, and walks up to me.

-"Reynauld, I´m Jack, and that kid that fought with you is my son, Baldwin. As a guard, your mission is to protect the caravan while we travel. To protect her, you won´t stay inside her, but follow besides her on foot, so give me your backpack so I can store it alongside the others. We store personal items in the second wagon, if you ever need it."

-"Yes sir!" I give him my back and put the sword back into the scabbard.

-"Talk to my son, he will introduce you to your job better."

And so did the wagons starts to move.

I thanked Alexander for all that he did, and also thanked Roxana.

She gave me a bag of cookies as farewell gift.

-"One day we will find each other again!" Said Roxana.

-"May God help you in this journey." Said Alexander.

And so I did depart.

Hello again.

This chapter I managed to kick out Reynauld from the village. I already kicked him out of his home, so why not?

Anyways, the story needs to progress. We need a clear enemy for the engines to start moving, but it´s not the right time yet. I still need a proper setting.

Thanks for all the support in the comments!

KnightOfCBcreators' thoughts