
Patch 1

#About the Status Screen and the RPG System#


New "Status Screen", now called Character Menu.


Name of the character / Age / Race

_ _

Strength################################/ Abilities Menu


Agility################################/ Skills Menu


Toughness############################# / Effects Menu


Endurance############################## / Inventory Menu


Recuperation############################ / Health Menu


Disease Resistance######################## / Status Menu

_ _

Strength, Agility, etc… are attributes of the character. They range from:

1. Super(Race suffix) Ex: SuperHuman, SuperDwarven...

2. High

3. Above Average

4. Average

5. Bellow Average

6. Low

7. Weak

The attributes are calculated from the medium of the Race of said character. For example, a Human with High Strength can overcome most Humans in a duel, but struggle against a Low Strength Giant.

This attributes ideas are inspired by a game called Dwarf Fortress.

On to the Abilities Menu:


Abilities############################/ Current selected Ability Type

_ ################################_

Ability Type 1(selected)###########→#### / Ability 1

. ################################ / Ability 2

Ability Type 2#######################/ Ability 3

. ################################ / Ability 4

Ability Type 3#######################/ Ability 5

Abilities Types are things like Vampiric Powers, Martial Arts, Fire Magic, etc...


Skills Menu############################Effects Menu

_ _

Sword Proficiency 10#####################Night Vision 3

Spear Proficiency 9######################Strength Debuff 1

… ...

Farming 1#############################Disguised


The Skills and Effects menu are similar to each other. The most important information is displayed at the top, and the less important ones at the bottom. Some of the Effects and Skills can be clicked to show a box with more information about it.

Inventory###########################/ Selected item name(otherwise, equipment menu)

_ *Click to organize button* _

Item 1#############################/ Selected Item information (Or list of equipped items)

Item 2#############################/

Item 3#############################/

You can organize your inventory in various different manners. Show only weapons, only potions, etc…

Health Menu


Image of Human Body with classified parts / Disease effects


If, for example, your right hand is in good shape, it will show up with a blue color.

Blue = Perfect

Red = Damaged

Black = Almost gone or entirely gone.

The Status Menu shows personal information. I don´t have a design for it yet.

#Who has the Character Screen/ Character Screen Properties#

Every creature that has a mind(At least the minimum human intellect) and a soul(which savage animals don´t have in this fantasy world) has access to their Character Screen.

It is possible to show you Character Screen to others. It is also possible to fake them, with magic and some abilities. That´s why most judges don´t use them as a reliable source for information.

#On Characters and Writing#

One error I did commit was not giving the main character a clear overall objective. That will be answered in the next chapter, where I will prepare the ground for the next arc. I started this story with just a cool idea, so the chapters were kinda shallow in content, and the characters weren´t properly established.

For now, I will not rewrite the beginning, but work with what I already have and fill the "plot holes" as I go.

#End Notes#

If there are any more problems with the story that you have noticed, please tell me in the comments. I will try to fix it updating this "patch" or in the next chapters. I actually thought about a lot of things to fix, but then I slept and forgot most of them(Kyon_FacePalm.png).

I also plan to "improve" my "writing style" in these next chapters.

KnightOfCBcreators' thoughts