
A Special Bond

A young girl named Ashu began each morning with the gentle touch of her mother's hand and a loving whisper, "Time to get up, Ashu. It's time to pray." These words were the melody that started her day, and Ashu cherished the routine she and her mother shared. The duo would get ready with a kind of unspoken synchrony, and together, they'd make their way to a beautiful temple tucked away amidst lush greenery.

Inside the temple, the air seemed to hold its breath, filled with reverence and tranquility. Ashu and her mother would bow before the divine idols, offering their prayers in unison. They'd sing devotional songs, their voices intertwined with the serenity of the temple's surroundings. These mornings were sacred to them, a time when they felt an unbreakable connection to each other and the spiritual world.