
(Finding out the truth.

Chapter one:

It was a typical Wednesday in the sewers. There was no training, so everyone was free to do whatever. Raphael was in his room talking to Spike, Donatello and April was working on something in the lab, and Ember was showing Michalagello how to cook. Karai, though, was in a terrible mood. Everyone knew not to cross Karai when she was in a mood, so they avoided her... but Leonardo was gonna find out what's wrong.

Leonardo saw Karai sitting on the couch alone polishing her sword's. He went up to her.

Hey, Karai. Leonardo greeted.

Hey. Karai greeted back coldly.

Leonardo rubbed the back of his neck... So...I noticed your in a bad mood today. You wanna talk about it?

Not really. Karai replied.

Leonardo tried to think. Look, I don't like seeing you upset, so how about we spar?

Karai just looked at Leonardo confused. What?

Sometimes when none of us want to talk about our emotions, we spar our anger out. Leonardo explained. It's the best way to get rid of our anger.

Karai thought for a moment before turning to Leonardo and nodded.


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