
Teenager chapter 1


First day of college a boy new admission in college And he came home and told his father that I want a mobile phone.His father got him a nice Android phone worth Rs 15000.He was very happy.He installed WhatsApp.And Facebook too.And he sent friend requests to a lot of people.And he made friends with many girls.But he was a teenager.That's why he could not control his emotions and he sent friend requests to many married women.And her request was accepted by a housewifehousewifehe wrote hello to the ladyIn return, the woman also answered hellothe boy asked how are youthe lady said i am fine tell youThe boy wrote Always FineThe boy asked what do you do, the woman answered I am a housewifeThat's how they talked a lotthe boy told him you are very beautiful

the boy told him you are very beautiful

and exchange their numbersAnd they started talking on the call everydayAnd the boy slowly started talking to the woman as an adultEven the woman did not want to talk to him like thisThe boy told the woman that I want to kiss you, when are you meeting?And other days they both meet in some room and together with each other they do everything that husband and wife do with each other.

And the boy falls in love with her and the woman B falls in love with him

And they both meet again and again and again and again get intimate, the woman's husband comes to know about it. And ....??????