
chapter 1...

Where it all begins....my new chapter

The ground shook as the woman ran. The frorest grounds were nothing but a dry patched land with wilted fig trees. She ran, inhaling as much air as she could and exhaling loudly, exhausted from the previous event and also frightened. She went deeper into the forbbiden forest, confident that she wouldn't get lost she kept on running until suddenly when she came to a sudden stop. She looked around as if there was something special that she would find right there in the middle of nowhere in that dead forest. She knelt down and touched the ground and then stood up a few moments later, " here," she finally said as she beat her hands together to remove the dust and then let them fall to her sides afterwards. She closed her eyes slowly then began muttering enchantment. Slowly she lifted her hands again attaching them together as if she were praying and sooner than later she was levitating, a brightlight surrounded her and her eyes suddenly opened. They now had a black background and the iris were a shade of red which was more or like like blood. She grow wings and her horns were now exposed. Her nature was indescribable. She then descended as a portal appeared and hesitantly went it, stopping to only take one last glance at the world she was leaving behind. When finally on the other side of the portal she stood there and scanned the area, finally she felt the difference but she had no other choice but to accept the brutal change in her life. She finally let out a almost inaudible sigh as she breathed in the cold air of the winter season.


The vehicle finally came to a stop and slowly i stretched my hand out to grab ahold of the door handle. Slowly i drew my hand downward and pushed open the door and finally i was out. I stood there a few moments as multiple students walked past me. Some lingered around in groups chatting and some were on their phones like always. The skate-boarders skated all around the school premises and others just entered like what i normally do but something about today just made me wonder...

I blanked out again and the only thing i could hear was the sound of shy giggles that Madison Horwman gave of. Automatically i looked forwards her direction, where she stood red-faced amongst her minions who kept on telling her something that made her blush even more. At this point everything became clear, i looked torwards the direction she was starting at and, i was right.... it was Xavier Longman, the new greek god of Rearview High, my school. He had charcoal black silky hair which shined under the suns rays and dusty pink lips that most girls dreamt of kissing let alone even brushing against. His skin was fair, no scares, no pimples, nothing to ruin his "Perfectly good looking" face and his eyes were as black as his attitude towards me, speaking of which, i was still staring at him when our eyes met. He suddenly stopped laughing with his friends and placed his whole attention on me. I slowly looked away as i fished out my phone and i-pods from my pocket and slide in the pods into my ear as i selected a song from my playlist, slowly i made my was to the entrance trying my best to ignore the piercing feel from Xaiver's gaze.

The bell rang and i went to class, and sat at my usual spot at the back then started preparing my books for the lesson. Everyone kept on chatting with each other and well i was the only one left sitted alone. I tried my best to ignore the feeling but someone suddenly came and sat next to me," argh... its you again," i whispered but it was audible enough for him to hear, he sighed," says the girl who was staring at me earlier on today," he said sitting down,"and now you're tired of my face?" I looked at him for a while before looking away," not tired, just annoyed," i finally said and he scoffed,"ohhh really, thats interesting," he said," i wonder how long thats gonna last," then he removed his books and the teacher entered soon after. Fifteen minutes into the lesson and i was already distracted. I turned to Xaiver, who had his face stuck on the book infront of him. He moved his hand multiple times, curving it," ive never seen his handwriting before," i thought but he might have read my mind cause he immediately stopped writing and closrd his note book afterwards. After a few moments he sighed softly and whispered,"if you keep this up i might start believing the side of me that tells me that youre creepy as f*...." then he went silent, fixing his eyes onto the white board infront of us. Soon after i did the same but felt a discomfort again, this time it was sharp and my body went ice cold that it started trembling. "Miss Grey! Is something the matter? you seem rather distracted today," Mr Andrews said and that was the last thing i heard before i blacked out.

I immediately opened my eye and looked around, i was in an empty void of nothingness, only pitch black darkness and myself.... was i having visions again?

"H...hello?" My voice echoed," i... is anyone there?" But there was nothing but silence. I started wondering as staying idle felt pointless. The more steps i took the more i felt anxious. Suddenly there was a vioce, i turned, and infront of me was a girl. She looked like she was around my age. She had long white angelic hair and ocean blue eyes. She looked like a real life princess or at the least a model. She chuckled, and there was another voice, it was her again and there was another voice and another vioce too, the only thing that sounded was her. She looked happy in all scenes except for one. A sad tone was heard from afar, i followed it trying my best to bot loss track of it with all the noise echoing here. After a while i finally found it.... she laid helplessly on the ground as she shed tears, she held pictures on her left hand and a sissors on the other, soon she started cutting them in pieces as she poured out even more. I slowly approached her to comfort her but as soon as i touched her she reacted strongly. She was startled. She quickly stood up and shouted,"w....who's t.. there?" As she looked around. Soon the vosion started fading away then i wake up. I looked around and i was laying down on a bed in an unfamiliar place.... i was puzzled

"Finally your'e awake..." i turned and saw Xaiver, he sat besides the bed i laid on with a face filled with hidden concern which his ego wouldn't allow me or anyone to get a glipse of.

" w... where am I ?" I said as i sat up.

" the school's infirmary..." he said stanly

" what happened to me?" Feeling a bit panicked," why am i here?"

He sighed, " you collapsed in our physics class. Your body went ice cold amd your skin became pale so you had to be taken to the infirmary, buh oddly.... the nurse didn't know or understand what was wrong with you so she just tried her best to stabilize your body temperature and gave you some meds." He explained," you should really go to a hospital and see to your conditions,"

I took a while to process what Xaiver had said, but i always had these minor blackouts which i believed where not much to be concerned about. I guess i was wrong.... was i that much in serious need to see a doctor, but the hospital bill would probably be alot. I looked at Xaiver who seemed to catch on on what i might have been thinking

" why are you here?" I said, trying to divert the previous topic into focusing on him

" you think you walked in here all by yourself," he said sarcastically as he scoffed," you know, you actually kinda heavier than you look, i was surprised really.... especially when you've got a tiny lil body and a pretty looking face, really expected it to be a breeze,"

I turn red, not sure if it was because i felt embarrassed or just the fact that he said im pretty," s... screw you. Its not like i asked for your help," making my way out of the bed," if anything, i would have preferred being left on the ground than having an self centered playboy help me out then complain about it later."

As i was to walk out a lady in an all white uniform entered," ohhh you're finally awake," she said as she wak8ed towards me," thats good," she turned to look at Xaiver,

" thank you so much for taking good care of her," then she turned to me," i know he said you're not buh really the both of you would make a very cute couple,"

I jus stared at her, the tension in the room was suffocating. She broke out in a nervous laughter," a... anyways since you are finally awake, Xaiver can see to it that you make it back home safely," i wanted to protest but that would be pointless so i just simply nodded. Xaiver gazed down at me and i looked away avoiding any eye contact.

" good, you can leave now..... and ohhh, you should have a doctor you and check out what actually is going on in your body," she said as we left.

We walked past the empty halls of our school, silently.

" what time is it?" I asked having acknowledged the silence.

"Its around 4pm..... school is already over," he checked his phone

" wait.... so i was unconscious for that long," i looked at him as we continued to walk.

"But.... the nurse said something about u taking care of me. Did you really stay in the infirmary with me up till now?" Then suddenly he stopped," hey! Its true isn't it..."

" lets go to the classroom... i left our things there," he said coldly as he began to move again and i followed. We entered the room and he make his way to one of the carbins at the far end of the room, finally he came out with both our satchels, with one on the one had and the other on the opposite, along with both our books and my phone place perfectly on top," lets go?" walking pass me