

Christian Jones otherwise known as CJ to his friends gets reincarnated into one of his favourite shows I don't own teen wolf it belongs to Jeff Davis I only own my oc

Demonwolf217 · TV
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22 Chs


~Normal POV~

Inside a classroom Adrian Harris is seen packing stuff into his bag before he comes across a list with other people's name being ticked off except for his, he folds it and puts it in his pocket, he walks towards the door but stops when he hears growling behind there stood the Alpha Peter Hale who looked pissed off, Harris started breathing heavily

Harris: Please don't kill me

Peter: Do You know who wrote that list?

Harris: Laura. Laura Hale did.

Peter: Do you know why she was looking for you?. I know why. Turn around Adrian

He started shaking on the spot refusing to turn around

Pete: Turn around and I'll show you. Turn around!!

Harris: No please

Peter: Turn around and look at me. Look At what you've done! Turn around!

After saying this Peter threw a chair at him which missed him by an inch he picked up two more and started walking towards him, he threw them but Derek came running into the room and pulled him towards the ground and the chairs went smashing into the board

Derek: Get Down!

They both looked up and saw the Alpha was gone no more standing there before he could give chase the police showed up

Officer: this is the police. You're surrounded. No one leaves the building


down a street police cruisers were chasing Derek who looked back before picking up speed in one of the cruiser Sheriff Stilinski speaks into his radio

Stilinski: Repeat, suspect is on foot. We're in pursuit, heading northwest

Derek ran but slid on the ground when he saw Argent's car, running through a alley with the cops on his tail while Argent sat and watched while informing Kate

Argent: His on foot. Just ran into the Iron works

on the other side Kate was confused

Kate: Wait, wait. Did you say on foot?

Argent: <<Yeah, into the iron works>>

Argent still sat n his car before putting on his black gloves and grabbing his crossbow while Kate talked through the phone still confused

Kate: <<Running?>>

Argent: Yes, running!

After saying this he hangs ups while Kate was confused watching as Derek's car that was in front of her drove away fast

Kate: If he's on foot, then who the hell is driving his car?!

in the car was Chase in the driver seat while Stiles sat in the back seat and Scott in the passenger seat clutching his seat belt for dear life, Chase looks into the rear-view mirror while Scott and Stiles looked through the back windshield seeing that she was catching up they looked at each other before looking at Chase who asked them with a happy smile

Chase: Faster?

Stiles/Scott: Much faster

he smiled happily changing the gear and speeding up while yelling out in joy

~~Iron Works~~

outside of a alleyway which connected to one of the buildings cops were gathered around

Officer: C'mon get the dogs

They walked up to the entrance of the alley he ran through let the dogs, while he ran the dogs came running after before he stopped and crouched to their level and growled with his eyes shining bright sending the dogs running back out whimpering Stilinski who saw this was confused

Stilinski: What the hell?

Meanwhile with the boys Kate was catching up to them but Chase was having the time of his life, while both boys looked scared as hell they looked behind them and back to him

Stiles: Hey Chase, I don't think you're grasping the concept of the car chase here

Chase If I go faster I'll kill us

Scott: Well if you don't go faster, they'll kill us!!

Chase stepped on it Stiles looked back only to find an empty road

Stiles: They're gone

Stiles switched the Police radio on

Officer:< All units suspect is on foot heading into the iron works >

they all looked at each other and then back to the radio

Back with Derek who started walking casually before a Flash bolt landed on the tractor, blowing up in front of his face blinding him temporarily he looked up and saw Argent parched on the top floor of the iron works reloading his crossbow aiming it at him and taking the shot, Derek dodged before it could land on him and hid behind the tractor while Argent started reloading his crossbow, while this was happening Chase came drifting into the warehouse, after coming to a stop Scott jumped to the back with Stiles

Chase: Get in!

Derek looks back at Argent who picks up his machine gun and starts raining shot after shot with the beta running towards the car and jumping through the window before they drove off leaving a pissed off Hunter

Scott: What part of laying low do you not understand?

Derek: Damn it, I had him!

Stiles/Chase: Who, The alpha?

Derek: Yes! He was right in front of me and the freaking police showed up

Stiles: Hey, they're just doing their jobs...

Derek: Yeah thanks to two idiots who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state

Chase laughs at the two boys while he continues to drive

Scott: Can we seriously get past that? we made a dumbass mistake. I get it.

Chase: Well if I was Derek I would've killed you by now since the Alpha has two betas but hey if he doesn't want to kill you I get it, now let's move on to why the alpha was there please? thank you

Derek just looks at the two boys behind before looking back at the front staying

Scott: Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?

Stiles moved through the space in the middle looking at Derek

Stiles: yeah both of us

Derek just glares at him

Stiles: Or not, I-I'll just be back here

Derek: Look, the last time I talked to my sister, She was close to figuring something out. She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris

Stiles: Our chemistry teacher

Scott: Why him?

Derek: I don't know

Chase: What's the second thing she found?

he pulls out a paper with a drawing on it right after Chase sees it he starts laughing quietly

Derek: Some kind of symbol

Scott seeing it slumps back into his seat

Derek: What? You know what this is?

Scott: I've seen it in a necklace before. Allison's necklace

Chase speeds ups while starting to laugh at him loudly

The three boys enter the school with Scott looking nervous and Chase smiling at him and Stiles not seeing what the big deal is

Scott: This is gonna be impossible you know?

Stiles: Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?

Scott: How?

Stiles: It's easy, You just say, "Hey, Allison, can I borrow you Necklace. To see if there's anything on it or in it. That can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you..."

Scott: You're not helping

Stiles: Why don't you just talk to her

Scott: She won't talk to me. What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower or something

Stiles: That's why you ease... That's why you ease back into it okay? Get back on her good side, remind her of the good times

Chase: Or you just steal it from her

they both looked at him like he said something wrong

Chase: *Confused* What we've stolen things before why is this so different?

Stiles: No, me and you have, Scott hasn't

Chase: Ok so if this plan of easing back into her good side fails we go with my plan, right?

they both looked at Scott to see he was daydreaming, Stiles pushed knocking him back into reality

Stiles: you're thinking about her in the shower, aren't you?

Scott: Yes

Chase shook his head while sighing to himself

Chase : ok look you've got to focus talk to Allison and get the necklace okay?

Scott nodded and they parted ways Chase and Stiles walking to their lockers leaving Scott in thoughts

~~Beacon Hills memorial~~

Jackson can be seen laying on a stretcher on his stomach as the doctor examines his neck

Doc: What did you say it was that scratched you?

Jackson: It was... It was just an animal. Look can you hurry this up? I'm missing first period.

Doc: Have you had trouble sleeping lately?

Jackson: Kind of. I've been having these dreams.

Doc: Dreams or Nightmares?

he thinks for a moment before answering

Jackson: Nightmares. About a fire. It's this... This house, and I can hear screaming and... Wait what does this have to do with anything?

The doctor grabs some surgical tweezers, as Jackson watches him with scared eyes

Doc: Nothing. I hope

Jackson: What is that?

Doc: Just taking a closer look

Jackson: L-look I-I really don't have much time.

Doc: Just hold still

Jackson: I thought you said you were just gonna take a look

Doc: Yes. But in order to do that, I might have to dig a little deeper.

He drops the tweezers on the table before picking another instrument and looks at the claw marks before dropping the tool and another one, Jackson looks at them with a scared expression on his face

Jackson: What are those?

Doc: Holding still, please.

when the tool touches his neck he lets out a gasp

Doc: That didn't hurt, did it?

Jackson: No, It was... It was just cold

Doc: Good. Because this might actually sting a little bit, so please hold still

Jackson starts to struggle from the pain as the doctor continues

Jackson: Ahh hey! Stop! Stop! that hurts

Doc: Hold still, please. There's something just underneath the skin here. *He grabs another tool* Just one moment longer.

Jackson: Stop! I said stop!

He starts to struggle and scream out in pain as the doctor pulls something out from his neck if you look closer they looked like purple flowers attached to a rope, suddenly it stop but only for awhile when he looks up instead of seeing the doctor in his place stood Derek Hale who looked at him before pushing him back down harshly

Derek: Hold. Still.

Jackson starts to breath heavily and yell out in pain as Derek continues to pull it out blood dripping to the floor as Jackson begins to scream out loud from the pain once more, but he suddenly opens his eyes and finds himself laying on the stretcher in the room he sits up quickly panting heavily looks around the room and to the floor but sees no blood and no Derek

Doctor: All right, you can put your shirt back on. The scabs on your neck are nothing to worry about.

Scott: So I'm okay for my game tonight?

Doctor: Oh, yeah. Absolutely.. But I do want to give you an antibiotic. Have you been eating any strange herbs lately?

Jackson: Like what?

Doctor: Well, you have aconite poisoning.

Jackson: What the hell is Aconite?

Doctor: Well, it's a purple flower, also called monkshood or...

Jackson: Wolfsbane

Doctor: Yes. So you are familiar with it, then?

Jackson: No, I... I have no idea how I knew that

After putting his shirt back on he walks over to the receptionist where Melissa is stationed

Melissa: Hi

Jackson: Hey. Would you mind if I looked something up on your computer real quick?

Melissa: I bet a handsome face like that doesn't hear "no" very often

He chuckles and looks around

Melissa: Aren't you one of Scott's friends

Jackson: Yeah. Good friends actually

Melissa: Yeah?

He hums in response before she looks around and then turns back to him

Melissa: Just be quick, okay?

After she moves to the backroom he types in "wolfsbane" and looks over the results and chuckles to himself before closing the tab and walking off with a smirk on his face

~~At School~~

Jackson walk over to Scott's locker while Scott seemed clueless looking in his backpack he flinches when his locker is banged on he looks up and finds Jackson standing there with a smirk on his

Jackson: I know what you are, McCall

A few lockers down the hallway Chase is putting when he looks up hearing what Jackson said 'for Christ sake I forgot about him finding out' he thought to himself before looking to Stiles who was next to him

Chase: Uh we've got a problem

Stiles: what problem? the only problem we have is the necklace problem what other problem is there?

Chase: Jackson knows

Stiles almost fell over in surprise

Stiles: You told him?!

Chase: No! I didn't

moments later the trio was walking down the hallway

Stiles: How did he find out?!

Scott: I have no idea!

Stiles: All right. Did he say it out loud? The word?

Scott: What word?

Stiles: Werewolf. Did he Say, "I know you're a werewolf"?

Scott: No. But he implied it pretty freaking clear

Stiles: Okay, maybe it's not as bad as it seems. I mean, he doesn't have any proof right?. And if he wanted to tell someone who's gonna believe him anyway?

Chase: Allison's dad seeing as he's a werewolf hunter and her aunt as well, annd maybe her is too

Stiles: Okay it's bad

Scott: I need a cure. Right now.

Stiles: Does he know about Allison's father?

Scott: I don't know

Stiles: Okay where's Derek?

Chase: Hiding out at my cellar, like we told him to, Why

They stop and stare at him for a solid minute

Chase: he needed a place to go so I gave him my cellar to hide out and plus he couldn't hide out in the hale house that's the first place they would look

Stiles: Okay he's got a point, anyways I have another Idea it just gonna take a little time finesse, though

Chase: If it involves kidnapping my brother than no and we have that game tonight

Scott: Yeah and it's quarterfinals and it's your first game

Stiles: I know, I know. That's why we have Chase here, So do you have a plan for Allison yet?

Scott: *sighs* She's in my next class

Stiles: get the necklace

After this they all part ways with Chase going down the same hall with Stiles and Scott going the opposite way

Chase: So what plan do you have

Stiles: I'm still working on it

Scott walks into his class and sees Allison sitting at on of the desks he sees that there's an open right next to her and makes his way over to it but Lydia gets to it first

Lydia: Try another row, sweetheart

He sits behind her and looks at Allison

Scott: Allison

Allison: Hey. Class is beginning

Scott: I know. I'll shut up. I just... I have some stuff on my phone that I wanted to send you. I thought you might like it

Allison: *nods her head* Okay

After sending her the pictures he takes out his books, She opens up the text she got from Scott and sees pictures of them together after looking picks up her books and walks to the door before walking she looks at him nd walks out with teary eyes with Scott following after her

Scott: Allison

she stops walking to him

Allison: Why did you send me those?

Scott: I thought you would like them

Allison: Are you trying to make me feel even worse for breaking up with you?

Scott: No. I thought you would like them. I thought they would remind you of us.

Allison: *tears up* Are you trying to hurt me? get back at me?

Scott: No.

Allison: Please don't talk to me. Okay? I need more time to get to just being friends. Okay? Please.

Scott looks down sadly While at the other end of the hall Chase walks around the corner before backing away slowly going back around the corner 'oh damn, I feel bad for him' he thought to himself before going back to class leaving a heartbroken Scot McCall in the hallways

~~Timeskip To lunchtime~~

Chase sits infront of Scott texting on his phone with a goofy grin while Stiles rushes over to them with his lunch tray and water bottle

Stiles: Did you get her to give you the necklace?

Scott: Not exactly

Stiles: What happened?

Chase: He sent her pictures of them together instead of talking

Scott And she told me not to talk to her. At all

Stiles: So she's not giving you the necklac...

Scott: She's not giving me the necklace!

Stiles: Well did you find anything else out?

Scott: Just that I know nothing about girls, and that they're totally psychotic

Chase: Now we do it my way *they both turn to him* steal it

Scott: *turns to Stiles* couldn't we at least try getting to Harris

Stiles: My dad put him on a 24-hour protective detail, okay? The necklace is all we got. *pulls out a 100 dollar bill hands it to Chase* steal it.

Chase: Thank you

Scott catches Jackson staring at him with a smirk on his face and looks down to his tray

Scott: He's watching us

Chase turns in his seat catches Jackson watching them before turning back around pulling out his earphones playing some music while he eats, Jackson takes a bite from his apple slowly as Scott makes a face he watches him carefully while he chews

Jackson: {{Scott? Can you hear me? You can can't you?}}

Stiles looks at Scott before looking at Chase who seemingly isn't fazed by this before turning back to Scott

Stiles: What's wrong?

Scott: Jackson talking to me. He knows I can hear him. Look at me. Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothings happening

Jackson: {{Are you trying to pretend not to- not to hear me?}}

Scott: Say something. Talk to me!

Stiles: I can't think of anything. My mind's a complete blank

Scott: You're mind's blank? You can't think of something to say?

Stiles: Not under this kind of pressure

Chase: Uh guys he's not sitting with them anymore

they both look towards the table he was sitting at before looking around not finding him anywhere

Scott: Where the hell is he?

Jackson: {{ Looking for me, McCall? I'm right here *chuckles* So what else can you do? can you see better? Are you stronger, more powerful? I knew there was suddenly no way you got that good at lacrosse. Which means you're a cheater aren't you? I mean, can you even play lacrosse? }}

Scott: Yes

Jackson: {{ I'll bet my new co-captain's gonna score a bunch of shots tonight, arent you? And while you're pretending you're not a lying cheat, I'm gonna ruin your life if you don't give me what I want. And you know what I'm going to start with?. Her. }}

Scott looks at Allison while he clutches his water bottle tightly Chase watches him and looks directly where Jackson standing

Jackson: {{ I'm gonna destroy any chance you have left with her. And when I'm done with that, I'm gonna get her all alone, and I'm gonna get my hands all over that tight little body. }}

Stiles: Scott c'mon you can't let him do this. You can't let him have this kind of power over you. Okay?

Jackson: {{ I'm gonna do everything you never got the chance to do. And, Scott she's gonna beg for more. I bet she likes to get loud. Maybe she's even a screamer *Chuckles* how are you gonna feel, Scott, when she's screaming my name? }}

Suddenly Scott snaps his plate in half and looks at the corner Chase is looking at and sees Jackson standing there with a victorious smirk on his face

Later on Allison and Jackson are swimming in the pool while they are Scott sneaks over to their bags and starts going through Allison's while he listen in on their conversation

Jackson: So you're coming to the game tonight, right?

Allison: I was thinking no

Jackson: You have to. We win tonight, we're in the semifinals. It's not because of Scott, right?

Allison: I was thinking it might be a little weird

Jackson: But he's fine with it. He actually asked me if you were coming tonight. He said he hoped you didn't feel weird about it

He stopped for a moment

Scott: I did?

Allison: He did?

Jackson: Yeah. You know, he's a good guy. You can't hate him too much. I mean it's pretty obvious he's a little immature to be dating somebody like you. But then, you can't blame him for trying.

Allison laughs before Jackson splashes in the face with water before she dunks him into the pool Scott watches all of this happen before sipping up her bag and walking away

Jackson walks down the hall smiling to himself right before

Lydia: Jackson! This little text? Not funny!

Jackson: Oh I wasn't trying to be funny. I would have put a "ha-ha" at the end of it. And see, there's no "ha-ha"

Lydia: "Lydia, please give up my spare house key at your earliest convenience as we are no longer dating"?

Jackson: You didn't lose it, did you?

Lydia: What the hell is this?

Jackson: Well, Lydia, in preparation for some big changes, I've decided to drop some of the dead weight in my life. *Smirks* And you're just about the deadest

Lydia: Are you breaking up with me?

Jackson: Dumping, actually. I'm dumping you.

Lydia: Dumped by the Co-captain of the lacrosse team. I should've dated your brother instead

~~Stilinski Residence~~

Stiles walks into his rooms throws his bag near his bed and walked towards sat in front of it and switched it on while Derek stood behind the door glaring at him

Stilinski: Hey Stiles!

He turns around

Stiles: Yo Da-Derek

Derek motions for him to be quiet and move towards the door

Stilinski: What'd you say

Stiles: What? I said " Yo, Dad."

Stilinski: Listen, I've got something to take care of, But I'm gonna be there tonight. I mean, your first game

Stiles: My first game. Gosh, Great. Awesome. Uh, good.

Stilinski: *Smiles* I'm very happy for you. And I'm really proud of you

Stiles: Thanks. Me, too. I'm happy and proud of myself

Stilinski so they're really gonna let you play, right?

Stiles: Yeah, Dad. I'm first line. You bet

Stilinski: I'm very proud

Stiles: Oh, me too. Again, I'm.... oh

they hug

Stiles: Huggie. Huggie, Huggie

Stilinski: See you there

Stiles: Take it easy

he let out a sigh before walking into his room and gets slammed into the door

Derek: If you say one word...

Stiles: Oh, what, you mean, like, "Hey, Dad, Derek Hale's in my room. Bring your gun"? Yeah that's right. If your gonna bring your fugitive ass into my room, it's my house, my rules buddy.

Derek nods his head and steps back straightens his jacket and Stiles does the same to him and walked towards his desk

Derek: Scott Didn't get the necklace?

Stiles: No. He's still working on it. But there's something else we can try.

Derek walks towards and nods for him to continue

Stiles: The night we were trapped. Scott sent a text to Allison asking her to meet him there.

Derek: So?

Stiles: So it wasn't Scott.

Derek: Well can you find out who sent it?

Stiles: No, not me. But I think I know somebody who can. He's on his way here with Chase

Meanwhile Scott sneaks into Allison's room starts looking for the necklace all over the place in her drawers, under her pillows under the bed and still nothing

Back with Stiles. Chase is laying on Stiles' bed on his phone chatting with Quinn while Derek sits in the corner reading on of his books while Danny stood infront of Stiles shocked at what he asked him to do

Danny: You want me to do what?!

Chase: God do you have to be so loud?

Stiles: Trace a text

Danny: I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do.

Stiles: And we will, once you trace the text

Danny: And what makes you think I know How?

Stiles: I looked up your arrest report, so...

Danny: I... I was 13. They dropped the charges

Chase: Whatever

Danny: *looks at Derek* Who's he, again?

Stiles: Umm, My cousin... Miguel

Chase and Derek both look at Stiles before going back to what they were doing

Danny: Is that blood on his shirt?

Stiles: Yeah. Yes. Well, he gets these horrible nosebleeds. Hey Miguel, I thought I told you could borrow one of my shirts.

Stiles nods to the drawer while Chase was laughing quietly at how this was unfolding

Stiles: So anyway, I mean, We both know, you have the skills to trace that text, so...

Derek: Stiles?

Stiles: Yes?

Derek: This... no fit

Stiles: then try something else on

Danny keeps on staring and Stiles notices looks between them

Stiles: Hey, that one looks pretty good, huh? what do you think Danny?

Danny: Huh?

Stiles: The shirt.

Danny: *sighs* It's... It's not really his color

Derek takes the shirt off and looks for another one while Chase laughs out loud

Stiles: You swing for a different team, but you still play ball, don't you, Danny boy?

Danny: You're a Horrible person

Stiles: I know. It keeps me awake at night. Anyways about that text

Derek: Stiles! None of these fit

Stiles looks at Derek then to Danny who quickly speak

Danny: I'll need the ISP, The phone number, and the exact time of the text.

Back to Scott who looks around before something on Allison's desk catches his attention he walk over and picks it up and sees it the receipt from their first he turns it over and something was written on the back it read "First date with Scott" he sat down on the chair and smiled to himself when in the corner of his eye caught his attention he saw a chain dangling from inside the book he opened the book and found the necklace he put it in his pocket when he saw she had a few words

Scott: Loup-garou?

he takes out his phone and translates it from French to English and was caught off guard by what it translated to "Werewolf" he quickly closes the book and rushes to the window

Meanwhile Danny was done with tracing the text with everyone herded around him looking at the location

Danny: There, the text was sent from a computer. This one.

Derek: Registered to that account name

Chase: Are you a 100% sure it's that account name

Danny nods his head

Stiles: No, no, no, no. That can't be right

on the screen it said the account was registered to Melissa McCall

Back with Scott he jumped down from the roof grabbed his bike was about to head off but stopped

Argent: Scott

he looked at Argent with Wide-eyes who just smiled at him

Argent: wanna come inside and wait for Allison

Scott nodded and followed him up the stairs

Argent: She should be home in a few minutes. She sometimes goes for a run after school

Scott: Actually, I should get going. I've got a game to get to tonight

Argent: *Opens the fridge* You want something to drink, I'm gonna have a beer

he puts a beer infront of him

Scott: You don't have to test me anymore. Your daughter already dumped me.

Argent: No test. I'm sorry. Highschool romances . Burn bright, Fade fast. Go ahead

Scott slides the beer over to him

Scott: I'm, good thanks.

Argent: so I was curious about something, Scott. How do you know Derek Hale

Scott: Who?

Allison jogged through the woods and came across the burnt down Hale house she walked inside and looked around the place which gave off a eerie feeling before she crouched down and saw claw marks on the floor she traced it with her hand before she looked up and saw someone standing and screamed stumbling back back calmed when she saw it was Kate

Kate: Damn, you got some lungs on you!

Allison: Did you follow me here?

Kate: Well, you can't blame for being concerned about my favorite niece, now, van you? What are you looking for?

Allison: I don't know. Something. Anything

Kate: You mean answers to lingering questions like...

Allison: *sighs* Why he would want to kill us?

Kate: *chuckles* Well, I mean, come on, look at this place. Could you imagine if your father and I were trapped in something like this place? It might do some pretty interesting things to your head, don't you think?

Allison: *Shakes her head* it wouldn't turn me into psychotic killer

Kate: You don't have to be psychotic to be a killer. You just... need a reason. And even then, sometimes, you can surprise yourself

she looks over at her niece before making her way over to her

Kate: What do you want Allison?

Allison: I want to not be scared. That night in the school, I felt utterly weak. Like I needed somebody to come in and rescue me. I hate that feeling. I just want to be stronger than that. I want to feel powerful

Kate: Allison if you can give me just a little bot of time,*starts walking around her* be just a little patient, I think I can give you exactly what you want.

She walks off leaving Allison deep in thought

Back with Argent and Scott

Argent: Allison said that she's seen you talking to him. Don't you think that seem a little disconcerting, Scott? You talking to an alleged murderer?

Scott: It's not like I'm the only one that knows him

Argent: But you're the only one that's talking to him

Scott: Why are you talking to me like I've done something wrong?

Argent: Have you? *sits next to him* You don't have to be afraid of me. I mean you get that I'm just thinking of my daughter's safety, right?

Allison walks into the house and overhears her dad talking to Scott

Scott: Will you believe me I-If I say I think about it ,too? That it all that I think about. *Stands up* When we were in the school the other night, every choice that I made every single thing that I did was to make sure she was safe

Argent puts his beer down and stands up

Argent: You should go. You don't want to be late for your game

Scott walks down the field in gear while talking to Stiles

Scott: Did you get the picture?

Stiles: <<Yeah I did, and it looks just like the drawing.>>

over in the Jeep Stiles sits in the Driver seat with Derek in the passenger seat and Chase standing outside taking a leak at the back of the jeep, Derek grabs Stiles hand harshly and talks into the phone

Derek: Hey is there something on the back of it? There's gotta be something. AN inscription, an opening, something.

Scott: <<No, no, The thing's flat.>> And no there's nothing in it, on it, around it, nothing. And where are you? you're supposed too be here. Is Chase with you two?

Coach smacks him on the head

Coach: Where the hell is Whittmore and Bilinski? Huh?

Scott: <<Man, you're not gonna play if you're not here to start>>

Stiles: I know. Look, if you see my dad, can you tell him... Tell him I'll be there, I'll just be a little late, okay? All right, thanks.

He hangs up and Derek stares at him

Derek: You're not gonna make it

Chase: Yeah and you didn't tell him about his mom, either

Stiles: *sighs* Not till we find out the truth

Derek: By the way one more thing?

Stiles: Yeah

Derek brings his head down onto the steering wheel while Chase recorded everything while chuckling before quieting down

Stiles: What the hell was...

Derek: You know what that was for. GO. GO!

Stiles got out the Jeep and made his to the hospital while Chase got in the Jeep watching the video over and over laughing at Stiles' pain

Back at the lacrosse game Jackson walks over to Scott and seats next to him

Jackson: It's the bite that does it, isn't it?

Scott: Yes

Jackson: Well then it's easy

Scott: no it's not. I can't be the one to do it, okay? It has be.... *sighs* it has to be an Alpha.

Jackson: Well, then you get him to do it.

Scott: I don't even know who he is. Okay, trust me, This whole thing is more complicated than you think. *Stammers* There's... There's others. There's hunters

Jackson: *confused* Hunting what? What Hunters?

Scott: Werewolf hunters

Jackson holds back his laughter

Jackson: Oh, my god. You've got to be kidding me

Scott: No, Jerkoff! There's a whole family of them and they carry assault rifles. Do you get that?! Assault rifles!

he looks behind Jackson looks at the Argents, Jackson follows where his looking and then turns back confused

Jackson: Them?

Scott: What? no, no, no...

Jackson: Oh, my god, that actually makes sense. Allison Argent. Oh, my god, you don't get it. You've known her this long and you never actually asked her... Her name, idiot. Do you know what Argent means in French? It means silver.

~~Beacon Hills Memorial~~

Stiles walks through the halls looking for Melissa but she can't be found anywhere

Stiles: Yeah I said I can't find her

Derek: <<Look ask for Jennifer she's been looking after my uncle>>

Chase looked forward before looking at Derek

Chase: Hey Stiles check in his uncle's room maybe she's in there

Stiles walks into the room but finds no one in the room

Stiles: Yeah well he's not here either

Derek: Stiles! Get out of there He's the Alpha!

back inside Stiles was cornered as he stood in the middle

Stiles: I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die

suddenly Derek came in and hit Jennifer with his elbow

Peter: That's not nice. She's my nurse.

Derek: she's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people *Turns towards Stiles* get out of the way

Stiles looks between the two

Stiles: Oh, Damn

he quickly crawls away from the two werewolves

Peter: You think I killed Laura on purpose? one of my own family

Derek eyes shine bright for a moment as fangs grown in and he growls at his uncle before leaping from one wall to another and then towards him but he's caught easily and thrown into the wall leaving a huge crack Stiles crawls away and almost crawls into the knocked out nurse, Peter walks towards Derek grabs him by the throat drags him as he speak

Peter: My mind, my personality were literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct

he drops him on the floor before moving to the knocked out nurse and taking out keys from her pocket when suddenly he's tackled to the ground when he looks back up he sees Chase eyes shinning bright fangs bared and growling and right then Flashes of the full moon started replaying his mind how he was decimated by his own beta he shot up and kicked the beta in his Chest sending him flying across the hallway and crashing into the wall and then through the chairs as he groans from the pain The mad Alpha gets grabbed by the shoulder forcefully turned around only to be hit with a punch across the face which doesn't seem to faze him, Derek goes for a another punch But Peter catches it and headbutts him before throwing him through the glass window he turns towards where Chase laid But Didn't find him there he looked to the right but nothing he looked to the Left amd is met with a kick to the face which caused him to stumble on his feet dazed before getting hit with a uppercut followed by a push kick but Peter caught his leg which he used it to pick him up and slam him down to the ground which knocked the air out of him when he tried to get up he was met with a powerful kick to the head which reeled to the side with a sickening crack knocking him out

as he walks towards his nephew, who was slowly getting up, he started talking

Peter: do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness

Stiles to crawl before stopping when Chase knock out so he started crawling over to him before stopping and crawling the other way when he saw Peter slowly walking towards Derek

Peter: Yes, becoming an Alpha, taking that Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I cant help that

He was now standing over him When Derek went to punch him but he dodged it but wasn't fast in dodging the second but block Derek's hand and caught the other hand crushing causing him to kneel down and groan from the pain

Peter: I tried to tell what was happening. I tried to warn you

He picks Derek up before throwing him through the glass and he landed into another room. He started crawling away with Peter walking into the room following him into the dark room

While they were in the room Stiles took this chance to try and wake the unconscious Werewolf on the floor, he shook and slapped him but he didn't wake so he thought of something else

Stiles: Please don't hate me for this.

He raised his fist and punch him straight across the face hard but no response he looked into the room that Derek had crawled into and looked back at Chase. He stood up grabbed Chase slung his arm around him and dragged him towards his Jeep

back inside Peter stood over Derek looking into a mirror inspecting the burns on his face

Peter: I was going to wait for dramatic flare but *Spins the mirror then stops it* when you look this good, why wait? *looks at Derek* Derek you have to give me a chance to explain, After all we're family

Back at the Lacrosse game Scott sits next to Jackson when coach walks up to them and puts his arms around them

Coach: Now this is what I like to see, rivals turned allies. You know there's no "me" in "team," right. boys?

Scott: Yes there is, Coach

Coach: Okay, smartass, how 'bout this... No "A" in Econ if no win on field? Good? Huh? Perfect. Good

he walks away without giving them a chance to respond. Scott looks at Jackson

Scott: So what're you gonna do?

Jackson: *Sighs* Well I'm gonna give you a chance to give me what I want. What's three days, huh? Seventy-two hours. That's all you get Scott. Seventy-two hours

Scott" What if I can't?

Jackson: Oh, come on, McCall. That's not a winning attitude

Whistle blows signaling the start of the match, sheriff Stilinski arrives right when the game starts excited to see his son finally play but when he looks onto the field he doesn't see him. On the Bleacher Allison sits next to her Aunt and looks onto the field and sees Jackson pats Kate

Allison: That one. That's Jackson

Kate: Holy hotness. Oh, if I was in high school again... Maybe just a substitute teacher

Allison: *shakes her head* you are sick

Kate: *Chuckles* you should be all over that

Jackson turns back to the field and Kate sees the scar on his neck

Kate: Chris, remember how we were talking about those two other betas? The younger ones? Can you get turned by a scratch?

Argent: Only if the claws go deep enough. Maybe

Kates: Wonder how deep those went

They both look at the claw marks on Jackson's neck and so does Scott

Stiles drives through the streets hurrying to get to the school when he hears growling beside him he turns his head and gets scared at what he sees where Chase once sat Greyhound sat in his place staring at him his eyes shinning bright and growling right before crashes through the jeep's door and running of into the woods as he roars which echoes through the woods

~~To Be Continued~~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Demonwolf217creators' thoughts