
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 27: Study Group

Chapter 27: Study Group

"Yeah so you can join me and Stacy if you want." I asked Yasmine who was sitting beside me in math again.

This time I was in the corner of the class so the closest Lydia could sit to me was in front of me.

Had to keep avoiding her somehow.

"If you guys don't mind." Yasmine replied.

"It's not really about us to be honest. Wouldn't this look bad on you since your hanging out with a nerd." 

I then used my skill to make sure I got an honest answer. I wanted to see what she truly thought..

"Not anymore, your like the hottest guy in the school right now. To be honest soon the girls are going to want to hang out with you, and Tracy also hangs out with us occasionally so it's fine."

I just nodded at that.

In both worlds I never was popular with the females, but didkf mean I didn't intent to date this time around.

But I didn't know how to feel about such…superficial people.

Who knows though, I shouldn't judge. Maybe I will end up becoming one of those people in the future.

"Excuse me. Can you move? It's not like your friends with Augustine." Lydia asked Yasmine, as she saw all the seats around me taken.

Yasmine was surprised for a second before she retorted in annoyance.

"Excuse me ? What is it to you where I sit?"

"You skank. Move. NOW." Lydia said extremely loudly, drawing the attention of the entire class.

Okay this is definitely getting way out of hand, what the actual fuck.

Seems like I am going to have to deal with this right after the doctors.

"Listen here Miss Princess. Oh wait, you aren't the school princess anymore! At least not after you showed your slutty body to the whole school last year." Yasmine spat what she knew.

Lydia didn't hang out with her 'friends' from the first year after the whole incident of her awakening as a banshee and acting crazily for a couple of weeks.

"Enough you two, Lydia sit somewhere please." The teacher said as she entered the room and broke the potential cat fight between the girls.

"This is not over." Lydia quickly spoke as she left to sit somewhere else in disappointment.

"What's her deal? Why is she so obsessed with you."

Now, there were a lot of ways I could go about answering this question

But my master Sunless taught me one very important thing. The truth is the best deception.

"Would you believe me if I said she's a herald of death from Irish folklore and is attracted to me because I'm a Demi-god?"


"So for now it's just us three ?" Stacy asked as Yasmine and I met up with her.

"Well I have a friend from the anime club who needs help studying if you don't mind." 

"Sure, just bring him over." Stacy replied as she closed her locker.

"Awesome. See you guys after school then." Yasmine commented as she left to get some lunch.

Tracy and I made eye contact, as I did a dramatic mock bow and guided her towards the cafeteria.

"Millady if you would do the honours."

Tracy giggled a little as she held her hand out and continued what I was doing.

"If only I was escorted by a gentlemen."

I raised my hand and let her wrap her hands around mine as she leaned on my slightly while laughing.

"Well your in luck. I am the only gentlemen in this entire school."

"I don't think your gentle, or a man. More looks a kid."

"Oh yeah? How can you tell if i'm gentle or not?" I questioned.

"So your telling me you are gentle?" She asked with a teasing smirk as we started walking.

I gazed at her amazing hair for a moment and paused.

"Well I normally am…but I don't think I can be gentle with you." 

Our laughter could be heard throughout the hall and as we entered the cafeteria, it seemed like my powers amplified our happy atmosphere slightly drawing attention.

The mood changed from being a dull monotones day to being filled with cheer.


"He can definitely influence the environment." Allison noticed that the second Augustine entered she felt herself getting slightly more jovial.

But, she was able to analyze herself and realized it's due to an external influence.

The sun also seemed slightly brighter as it seeped into the cafeteria through the window.

"I agree." Scott said as he continued to eat. 

"Lydia has also been way more crazy, the twins are currently keeping her busy but I don't know if this can go on for long…we might have to keep her away from school for a while." Kira mentioned.

"She knows where he lives too…god what are we going to do." Scott sighed.

Not having Stiles was really affecting him, who knows what he was planning right now.

If there's one person you don't want as your enemy, it's an evil version of Stiles.

"What if we take him with us to my dad and we properly explore his powers. We might find some clues then." Allison proposed.

"I don't know… Augustine doesn't like being bothered…the twins said he made it fairly obvious he doesn't want to be involved in the supernatural world." Kira said.

"I say we do it. It feels like all we are doing is losing recently, and if Augustine can control his powers which if he Nogitsune seems to be scared of, we might be able to finally win in its games."

"Let's go right now then." Allison stood up and urged the other two to follow her.

As they approached Mathew and Stacy, they realised the closer the walked, the more they seemed to be entering a romantic atmosphere.

It literally seemed like love was in the air.

As they were eating, the pair were laughing and making contact through their hands and having friendly banter.

Stacy kept on playing with her hair, while some of it covered her face, clearly showing that she was shy.

Mathew himself was obviously having a lot of fun with the interaction as he couldn't look away from Stacy's face.

Scott made awkward eye contact with Kira, which caused the two of them to stare at each other for slightly longer.

Allison, observing all of this, looking around to see every couple in the cafeteria seemed to be getting on very comfortably.

She snapped her fingers, getting Scott and Kira's attention.

"Focus." She whispered to which the 2 coughed awkwardly.

"Oh hey guys." Augustine greeted as the trio joined him and Stacy.


I could actually hear the whole conversation the trio had about me.

Wanting to analyze my powers? Thanks but no thanks.

You idiots eventually let enemies into your group easily without Stiles guidance, I don't need them knowing my potential weaknesses.

I also was able to realize how my passive aura was was affecting the atmosphere

How I made a simple lunch with a 'friend,' into a date like thing.

Wait…this can't be counted as my first date right ? No way…not in a school cafeteria.  

"Hey Augustine, we were wondering if we could talk to you when your free." Kira asked politely.

"No. She means right now." Allison said as she folded her arms.

Right, I forgot she's in her boss bitch Era. It's something she goes through after going to another country with her father and coming back.

Well, it gets her killed in the original so I guess there's that.

"Is it fine if I talk you later? I was just getting to know my new friend. Stacy, meet Scott, Allison and Kira." I introduced.

Stacy was generally a shy person, so she hesitated before speaking up," Hi. Augustine and I were just discussing an anime we both watched. It's called Naruto, do you guys watch it?

"We don't have time to talk about some cartoons." Allison spat.

Wow, if the manga club heard her they would hate her, and they hate no one.

"Allison. Be nice, we are asking for help." Kira said as she tugged her shirt slightly.

"Augustine i'm sorry but this is slightly urgent. It's about…Stiles." Scott spoke out.

He seemed to be indicating the incident with Stiles and the Nogistune.

"Ah, what happened to Stiles, he hasn't been to clases in a while." Stacy asked. She had interacted with Stiles before, since it was a small school and small town.

"I understand it might be important, but could we talk about this tomorrow ? I will meet you guys and we can discuss it." I reasoned.

I mean, I get their opinion, Stiles was a close friend of theirs and he got kidnapped and possed by an evil spirit from the past.

We are all just teens so it is a bit weird to be dealing with this.

But that being said these seasons are where Scott has to step up and truly become a 'True Alpha.' 

He needs it for the future seasons…even if I will probably eliminate the dread doctors before they cause too much damage.

"I…we understand." Scott said as he dragged Allison with him.

"See you soon Ausgtine." Kira said with a smile.

"See you soon…and good luck with Scott." I said in a teasing tone, just loud enough for the Alpha to hear me.

Kira blushed and quickly went towards the duo who were moving away.

"Now where were we?"

"You were just laughing when I said Naruto should be at Kakahis level after the time Skip. Did Jiraya not teach him any amazing jutsu so he becomes much stronger?" Stacy said.