
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 24: Stage being set


Chapter 24: Stage being set

[Me: So you have an organizer for merch and want to make exclusive merch for me?

Louis: Yes. You have blown up world wide. You must have heard about it from your town too

Me: Not really..

Louis: What type of back water place is this that doesn't even know about you yet? Do they even understand how lucky they are?!]

As I was waiting in the library, I continued to tend to my texts.

I was making a shit ton of money.

The firm was helping me make even more.

And sure, life might have just gone to shit with what was coming, but that was a problem for future me to handle.

Right now I need to teach someone math.

"You're finally here." I said, as Yasmine was coming closer to me.

"How did you even hear me?" She asked in shock.

What a joke, I could hear basically everything within the school if I wanted to. It's just sensory overload was extremely annoying so I limited it to occasionally checking around me.

"Right, calculus." She said, putting her books beside my pen and piece of paper.

"That's all you need?"

"Math is less theory and more practice for foundations. We aren't at parts that are confusing yet, you're just over complicating it." I said, as I tried to make math even remotely sound fun for her.

I myself hated it but she didn't need to know that.

After about 20 minutes, I heard someone else enter the library and couldn't help but turn towards the entrance to see Stacy walk in.

It was like fate was making fun of me, reminding me of what I had to deal with.

"Hey…Augustine, right?" She said, as she walked closer to me, waving her hand a little.

"One and only." I replied, correcting Yasmine from her mistakes.

"Can I join you guys?" She asked. I focused on my senses slightly and realized most of the place was full with seniors trying to study for their S.A.Ts.

"Sure we don't mind, come join us Stacy." Yasmine said, as she held Stacy's hand and slightly pulled her towards the table.

It seemed like they had known each other due to their comfortability around each other.

"Studying physics?" I asked her as she put her textbook down.

"Unfortunately. Light is such an annoying topic." She said as she flipped the textbook to the page on light.

"I joined the class today." I said, finally making eye-contact with her.

"That's how I know you." She said, replying with a slight smirk.

"Right, right. Definitely not from you peeking at my activities." I stated with a teasing smile.

"Peeking on activities?" Yasmine asked in confusion.

"It's not like that Ya…" Before she could finish, I cut off," Yes! Could you believe she was peeking into something that is extremely precious for me! I mean, I put on a good show so it was fine I guess."

"Wait, she's going to get the wrong id…"

"I…See…" Yasmine said, as she gave Stacy a judgy look.

And this was my first time meeting Stacy properly.

After another hour, I checked my phone to see a hundred messages from the group chat Kira had added me to.

They were still looking for Stiles after all.

"There you are!" Lydia said, as soon as I had walked out of the library.

"Here I am indeed…what did you need me for? If it's Stiles I'm telling you I can't help you I have no idea how to." I told her as she tried to…grab my hand.

I walked slightly faster so she wouldn't grab it, but she clearly didn't get the advances, as she grabbed my hand and immediately wrapped herself around it.

I turned to my right, to feel all her anxiety and pressure vanish.

Just one time… shouldn't hurt, right? I'll let her be this once.

But I made sure to control my aura so my control wasn't too strong on her.

"Scott said it's all hands on deck. And you're a part of the pack now." She said as we walked towards the carpark of school.

"Last I met your pack, they wanted to bite my heads off." I told her as I couldn't help but laugh thinking about the hospital.

I could feel her emotions fluctuate a little when I said that, but she soon calmed down.

"They didn't mean it. Anyways I told you, I can feel death. Around you, death almost seems…afraid. It chooses to not come close to you on purpose." She explained to me.

Now that was interesting…was there anyway the god was doing this?

But, altering concepts such as death itself, wasn't that too much? How can one being have so much power?

"Anyways you need to help. We both are going to the Forest right now." She stated.

'Wait a minute, I remembered in the chat they said they had cleared that this morning…shit, she's definitely crazy.' I couldn't help but think, as I turned my head to see Lydia all but rubbing her head onto my arm.

She was way too close right now.

So I yanked my hand away from her.

"What's that?" I said using the classic trick.

'Switch on.' I mentally thought, as a switch flipped and the world around me went silent. I restricted my silent zone to just avoid Lydia so she heard the world, but only selectively.

I then vanished from there. Didn't need a yandere brewing, I have as many problems as I am right now.

As I was driving back home with a car that had a busted window, I was contemplating going to the dread doctor's location in the show.

What if I go and just destroy everything there?

"You better be helpful." I whispered out loud slightly, as I stared at a book with the title of the dread doctors.

A book on word play that makes one remember if they had met the doctors before. Better safe than story.

Suddenly, from a couple of hundred meters before me, I felt intense malice towards me.

It appeared out of nowhere, like it had just sprouted out of the ground.

As soon as I felt it, I immediately stopped my car.

I didn't know whether I should fight it yet or not.

I gripped my steering wheel slightly, thinking about my decision.

I want a safe life.

Something where no one can bother me.

And I chose this place as my home.

It might be because of the Nemeton.

It might be because of the god.

It might be because of the teen wolf cast.

But I chose to stay here, and if I want to live here peacefully, I need to protect myself.

I need to make people not want to attack me.

Like this…3 headed cyclops that is attacking me right now.

'Switch, on.'

(3rd person POV)

"This is the place? Are you sure?" Asked a woman with dark, blue hair as she got out of her car. She was around 5 Foot 4 inches tall and was wearing black jeans with a leather jacket, revealing plenty of her stomach.

It was a red, 2013 Ford Mustang GT, something that had just barely gotten out into the market recently.

"Chiron said it was here." Said a young man as he had gotten out of the car as well.

Standing around 6 feet tall he was wearing bright, red clothes and had extremely blond hair. With a cheery expression on his face he turned to the women.

"Did you see that video? I could definitely feel it! He has to be a brother!" The young man said.

"I did see the video, it's the only thing you damned apollo kids have been talking about in camp. But how sure are you guys anyway, shouldn't demi-gods be led to camp by their parents?" Asked the woman to the man.

"You know as well as I do there are hundreds of exceptions to that rule. Anyways Chrion said he could definitely feel powers. And if it happened through electronics that don't usually work, he has to be extremely talented! Maybe I can make a song with him!"

"You know…" The woman said, dragging her words a little as she opened the trunk of the car, "It can just be that it's fake. Remember that kid Mathew you were so sure was your sibling 10 years ago?"

"This is different. I feel it!" The man said, as his eyes caught on fire.

"Ya ya ya. Just like Greek bastard gods to let their children be left out to die." She said, as she took up a staff, that seemed to be the compressed form of a weapon.

"Let's go! Time to bring a brother back to camp!"

"Okay. So where do we go?" She asked the man.

"HMMMMMMM, I don't know. Woorin said he would be here. And remember she's a child of Athena in MIT so she must have hacked the ip address correctly!" He said with complete faith in his cousin.

"Woorin is a genius…sigh, why can't we let the other kids handle this? I thought we left our questing days behind." She said with a sigh, packing extra weapons onto her outfit.

"I thought so too, but you know what they have to deal with. The whole Kronos and Percy in tartarus thing. The kids have their plates full right about now so we adults have to help our family!" He said, as his shoes turned a bright red color, before he stepped on the air and kept jumping up.

"I shall find Juice world if it's the last thing I do!" He exclaimed, examining Beacon Hills from a birds eye view.

"You idiot, he isn't really named that!" The woman said, as she herself wore some flying shoes and joined him.


(Authors note: For the first time since starting this story story, I have no new chapters in store...please wait till next week so I can continue uploading normally :))