
Teen Wolf: The Singer

Mathew. Someone who was the entire world knows, is blessed by god. Every single instrument he had picked up since the age of 5, he had mastered with relative ease. It took him a year with the piano, to reach levels current musicians took decades to reach, and he was only a good. Only his talent was not a blessing but was a curse. Being taken advantage of since the age of 7, he was destined to live a life of sorrow. When he was 14, he was taken away from the public eye since he had finally broken down. His progress in instrument stopped. He started playing worse, getting sick more often, and the only reason he stayed alive was for Archer. However one day when he was 16, 2 years after being taken away from the publics eye, even Archer wasn't enough for him to stay alive. But when he opened his eyes one day, he was different. Mathew had changed, and now, he would travel to a certain part in the world, to find out why God had placed this curse on him. I do not own the cover or any characters that are not original in this work.

Fat_Cultivator · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Cherubim

Chapter 10: Cherubim

"Mrs Nakamura." I said in confidence, as Archer pushed his head off my shirt, since he never heard me speak in that tone before.

"I don't know what I am. I have told you what I know. Instead of trying to pry information from me I would be happy if you either helped me or let me be."

As I finished my words, a wave of energy left my mouth, as Mr Nakamura got strongly affected and opened his mouth.

"Our hypothesis is th.." *SNAP*

"Calm down. He just used his power." Noshiko said, as Mr Nakamura snapped out of his trance.

She then seemed a little conflicted, as she whispered to her husband something in Japanese which I could not understand.

But I could sense their emotions, and while Mr Nakamura didn't seem to mind the circumstances, Noshiko didn't seem happy.

After their short whispering spree, Mr Nakamura smiled at me as he left the room.

Noshiko then sighed, as she revealed her aura to me and spoke, "This is just a precautionary measure. You don't have your powers under control." She said,

I simply nodded at her, since I felt no malice from her.

Archer seemed attracted by the aura and kept staring at it.

"You're a Cherubim." She revealed again as she continued, "Cherubim are considered an extremely rare and endangered species. Simply due to their immense potential in power. Typically, a Cherubim awakens their powers by getting the bite of an Alpha."

"Why do we need to get bitten? Do our powers not just manifest ?" I asked her.

"Not quite." She said.

"There are very specific circumstances for a Cherubim to awaken their powers. It's one of the 5 most complicated species from ancient times." She explained.

"There are 5 species that require the passing down of powers. Wereanimals being one of them, an overarching category that make up 50% of the supernatural population. There are also Cherubim, which are considered the rarest species to be seen. The reason for that being simple, there can only be 4 awakened Cherubim at the same time."

Archer, who was now comfortable enough, got out of my shirt and sat on my lap while staring at the aura of the Celestial Kitsune.

"Cherubim are described in the Bible as having four faces: a face of an ox, a lion, an eagle and a man. A cherub is one of the unearthly beings who directly attend to God, according to Abrahamic religions. The numerous depictions of cherubim assign to them many different roles, such as protecting the entrance of the Garden of Eden. Nothing concrete is known about the Cherubim, other than each time a new Cherubim is awakened, they get assigned a power by god."

As I let that sink in, my thoughts started to go through my life. All those times when I sang with extreme emotion, the crowd was just easily swayed by my words. Even me playing instruments.

"Yours is Pathokinesis-Pathokinesis, or emotion manipulation, is the ability to sense and manipulate/change the emotions of others to give themselves a tactical advantage or more power. For an unawakened cherubim, this power should barely be usable." She explained.

"However your other supernatural side is applying your powers." She explained.

"Do you know what my other side is?" I asked.

"No clue."

"The conditions to awaken a Cherubim are as follows.

1-There can be no other type of Cherubim similar to the unawakened one. For example, you are a Human Cherubim. If there was a Human Cherubim already in existence you would have died to the bite.

2-They need to be awakened by an Alpha werewolf. It is something like a trial created by god. If you are unable to be able to trick an Alpha to bite you, and survive, God doesn't deem you worthy to be his messenger.

3-You need to have the potential to become Void." She said.

I understood her first 2 conditions, but the last one confused me. Become Void?

"Void of emotion." She continued.

"With my Kitsune powers I can tell you are another but Void, however your ability makes it different. If you harness your powers perfectly, you can also completely control your emotions. The reason a Cherubim has to be void is simple. They cannot have attachments in the mortal world which they can't leave at a moment's notice. Everything should be secondary to God's mission." She explained.

At this revelation, I couldn't help but be a little shocked…I need to cut ties for my power?

After the revelation, Noshiko left the hospital to allow me to rest.

As I was playing with Archer, I couldn't imagine myself doing anything to harm him. I don't know how or why god thinks I fulfilled the requirements, but I would prove him wrong.

I knew myself, and if it meant me having to kill my loved ones to fulfill god's plan I would sooner slit my throat.

"Augustine." Malisa said my name as she walked in.

"While you can be discharged I would like you to stay for 1 more day. Just 1 more to be safe, and you can return in the morning." She said.

"What time do you usually wake up?" She asked me.

"5am." I replied and tried to hold Archer who was hiding again.

"Alright then, get some sleep after eating." I nodded at her as she smiled and left me alone.

I opened the bag to see some Burritos inside and I couldn't help but be happy. I was famished.

I then took a closer look at my body. All the scars that I had gotten were gone. The massive tire marks, burns and even slashes all disappeared.

"Well that's a plus side." I couldn't help but think. All the memories of those dreaded days, all the evidence of my pain was gone, just like that.

"Messenger of God, my foot." I thought as I ate my food and went to sleep.

Just like always. I was up at 5 am sharp. I woke up to see that the sun hadn't risen yet and a slight pain at the back of my ear.

I then turned to my right to see Archer had a mark on the back of his ear too.

As soon as I recognised the mark, I couldn't help but ask loudly as I shook him awake.


"Meowwwwww." He meowed, covering his eyes with his paws trying to sleep.

"No you don't get to cute your way out of this one." I said, as I forced his paws open and tickled his belly.

He quickly woke up and jumped out of my hands.

Then, as we made eye contact, I could sense his annoyance radiating off of him.

However no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn't recall how Archer was supernatural. Sure he could understand me but is that the extent of his powers? Understanding humans? Didn't plenty of animals have that?

I decided to put it at the back of my head slightly. If he was a werecat or something, I would still treat him the same. After all, he was with me since the day he was born. I literally saw his mother give birth to him.

I then decided to inspect my body in front of the mirror. My height hasn't changed, but my skin has clearly become extremely clearer.

The natural curly and wavy hair I had was also gone, as it was just wavy now. My faces shape had also changed slightly, my jawline became sharped and I put on a lot of weight.

( I don't think I properly explained the MC appearance but here it is now)

It's strange to look in the mirror and not recognize the person staring back at me. I used to be a scrawny teenager, barely weighing 40 kg at 1.82m tall. But after awakening my supernatural powers, my appearance changed drastically.

I put on a lot of muscle and my weight increased to around 75kg. My hair, which used to be a dull brown that I dyed regularly, is now a natural wavy golden color. And my eyes, which used to be a nondescript brown, are now a piercing golden color that seems to glow in the right light. It's not just my physical appearance that has changed, though.

I feel different too, more powerful and in control. My powers give me a sense of confidence that I never had before, and I'm starting to realize the true extent of my abilities. But at the same time, it's also scary. I don't know what this means for my future, or what kind of dangers I might face now that I'm a target for others who want to exploit my powers.

It's a lot to process, and sometimes I feel like I'm in over my head. But I'm determined to make the most of this new chapter in my life. I'll learn to control my powers, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect myself and those I care about. Because now, more than ever, I have the power to make a real difference in the world.