
Teen wolf: path

a young 20-year-old named Ye Xuan gets the chance to have a new life, after truck-sama catches him. watch as he makes his way through the world of Teen Wolf! none of it belongs to me! only my MC, kind of ironic that sentence? I don't own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. it's not Chinese!

Cadmus_black · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter- 20

- Stiles POV

I take a deep breath and look in the mirror, I see my eyes glowing golden, my teeth are bigger, my hand that I hold in front of my face, and my nails are bigger.

Everything is coming with a tsunami, smells, sounds, emotions... mostly emotion, the anguish I have been holding onto for so long after my mother's death, the pain of losing something I loved so much.

Having these thoughts was more terrifying than before, it's like everything is amplified 5x, I feel something trying to control me, I feel something calling me from somewhere in the city, calling me to join him, that he has all the answers.


Dad: "stiles, are you there?"

Stiles: "yes, I am" my voice comes out a little hoarse and more low-pitched.

My father stops for a moment and says: "Are you alright, son? Your voice sounds strange.

Stiles: "I'm fine dad, you can go to work" he always comes to see me before he leaves.

Dad: "how can I go to work if I can't be sure my son is okay?"

I feel anger take over me, and then I stand in front of the door, and a low growl comes out of my mouth.

Dad: "stiles?"

I can feel the savagery rising in my being, I can imagine what his blood would taste like, what it would be like to have to take all these emotions away while I ravage his body with my claws.

Father: "Son, are you having panic attacks again? If so, look at your hand, count your fingers and listen to my voice, everything will be fine."

As I was about to open the door I stop after hearing what he said, and a truck full of guilt and fear runs over me, what was I thinking?"

His voice full of affection continues to come from behind the door, comforting me and telling me that everything will be okay and that I have him, and always will.

And then something clicks in my head, I have always been very smart, and my grades have always been top... except in math, Lydia is a genius.

Ever since I heard about Dean and Derek's 'anchor', I thought about her, about Lydia. But I never stopped to think about the person who has always been with me, when mom died I suffered a lot, if it wasn't for my father I would be crazy right now.

And when I realized that he was always my anchor, when I started to overcome the panic attacks and all those dreams that kept repeating in my mind, horrible dreams about my mother's death, he was my anchor in my storm of grief.

And still, I start thinking about all the happy moments I had with my father and my mother, what it was like to have to lose her, and how it was for my father to keep going even though he lost the woman he loved with all his being.

And when these memories come to an end, I feel the noise and everything else, calm down considerably, and I feel in control.

I open my eyes and see that I no longer have claws, no longer feel my teeth as big as they are, I breathe a sigh of relief, when I realize that I don't have so much of that smell that was haunting me and all the noise that seemed like I was at a rock concert, and ten heavy rock bands were playing right next to my ear.

I go to the door, open it and when I see my dad in front of my room, with worried and watery eyes, I hug him and say: "I love you, dad, I miss her so much".

Noah S: "I love you too, son. And I miss her so much too"

-End of POV


After school on Tuesday, I am walking to my car, as Allison is holding my right arm and speaking, "I'm looking forward to tonight, it's been a while since I've been swimming!"

I take my arm from hers, put it around her shoulder, bring her closer and speak, "we swam in the lagoon that day, doesn't it count?"

She gives a big smile, "it does, but it wasn't a pool!"

I kiss her head, "I have a pool, did you forget?"

She widens her eyes, "I never looked at the back of your house!"

I give a big smile, "you enter my house through the window, always."

I continue teasing her as we reach my Jeep, and next to it messing with her cell phone is a certain strawberry blonde who speaks in displeasure when she sees us coming, "you guys take too long! Let's hurry, we have to get ready for tonight!"

I look questioningly at Allison, and she answers my questions, "we agreed to go together, over the phone. Jackson will leave his car at your house later and we'll all go in your car, since we're going to the school pool, and yours is bigger and fits all of us. And she gives an ironic and tired look, and I understand why she probably didn't agree with that... Lydia did everything without caring about her opinion.

I open the passenger side door for Allison to get in, and when she gets in I see Lydia waiting for me to do the same to her, I say, "my grandmother taught me that I should only treat my wife like a queen, the others should not taste my chivalry." And I turn around and get into the driver's side.

Allison has a huge smile on her face, she must have heard it, and when Lydia gets in the back seat, she gives her friend a teasing smile.

I drop the girls off at Allison's place and leave the jeep in front of my house since it looks like I'll have to use it today.

Chris has been looking at my jeep a lot, he drove it a few days ago and liked it a lot, and since mine is customized for my taste, I thought about buying a new one and giving it to him or doing a swap with him (my father has a similar jeep... and he decided to switch to a Volvo, I am angry with the jeep now).

He has some very interesting weapons that he bought or earned in his hunting years, so it would be good to use the car as a bargaining chip.

After taking a shower, I put on a black jacket over a dark gray long-sleeved and turtleneck shirt, and black pants with boots.

I hear Jackson's car stop in front of my house, I look out the window and see Allison looking at me too, I guess it's a girlfriend's sixth sense, she signals to get down.

I grab my backpack, containing an extra set of clothes that everyone will take to swim in case I end up getting my clothes wet.

I leave the house and meet Jackson, he says, "can I leave it here in front?"

I answer: "I won't use another car, and I live alone, so it's no problem"

I continue: "come on, the girls will be right down" I get in the car and he was going to get in the passenger seat, I say: "this seat is owned, go to the back seat big boy" he was going to say something, but I raise my eyebrows and he closes the door and gets in the back seat.

I drive to the front of the house, get down and stand in the doorway waiting for Allison, Chris opens the door and speaks, "me telling you there's a curfew and it's dangerous won't do any good?"

I give my best smile, "of course!" and he seems to get a little cheerful, then I say "Not!"

And the girls get out and Allison jumps into my arms and kisses me on the cheek, I open the door for her to get in, and when I was about to turn around to go to the passenger seat, I stop and tell Chirs: "I'll try to get back early so don't worry, and I'll be there, nothing will happen."

I get in the car and head towards the bowling alley, it's not far, but listening to the kissing noises of the couple in the back was uncomfortable, lucky Allison kept playing with my hand and talking to me on the way.

Arriving at the place, we found a good spot to play, right in the center of the lanes.

Me and Allison together and Lydia with Jackson, are the teams, Allison starts and I do right after.

I go to get the ball, and Allison says: "Are you good? I know you have all these senses.

I interrupt her: "I'm great, I always played with my friends in Texas, I never lost, even without using my senses.

And I look at her, "what about you?"

She gives me a sweet and confident smile: "I am great, my father taught me to play and when I had time, we always played."

And so begins the big beating of the pop star couple, is the nickname I decided to give them both. Lydia pretending to be bad to please Jackson was frustrating, to say the least.

And when Allison misses the target and gets 3 pins, she looks a little nervous, I stand up and go after her, and say, "stay calm and control your breathing, it's not a competition."

And I hold her waist and she throws the ball, even though she is standing in place while I hold her, she hits the remaining balls.

She jumps on my neck and kisses me and says, "thank you, my Darling!"

I hold her and lead her to sit us down, and Jackson gets up to play, Lydia says, "that was amazing, even I don't know if Jackson would hit that one"

I say: "if you would stop pretending to be bad to boost his ego, you could easily get it right, come on I know you can".

And after that... she miraculously started doing well, and Jackson says: "I knew you were a great teacher, I think I know what to do in case my sports career doesn't work out" and gives a confident smile.

After destroying them both at the bowling alley, we leave and head towards the school, Jackson managed to get the keys to the place...paying the guard, and they will ignore the place during their patrol.

Arriving at the pool area, I just think this is big and warm, not the cold outside.

I enter the locker room with Allison, and the popstar couple has gone to the other locker room, to have a little couple privacy.

I take off my clothes and even take off my underwear, and Allison turns to ask something, "I've always wanted to come in this school pool..." and she sees my friend between my legs, starts to blush turns around, and says "put your clothes on, Dean!"

Dean starts laughing a lot, and says: "you've seen it many times, don't be shy".

And then a voice comes into the locker room: "Allison you have..." Lydia sees me naked and starts to look at my friend.

Allison enters Lydia's field of vision, causing Lydia to stop seeing me naked, and I can feel her emotions being...full of jealousy and a little anger, and possession.

Lydia: "sorry, I'm leaving" and then she leaves, faster than she came in.

Allison turns to me: "You can't do those things again! No other girl can see you like this, only me!" she says with a very serious face.

I take the swimming shorts, put them on, and go to Allison: "it was my fault, let's not make this episode end our night, she will forget about it quickly, so don't worry.

She looks at me angrily, "she almost drooled!"

I say, "don't worry, from the moaning noise I heard from the other dressing room, she'll forget about it quickly"

She widens her eyes, "they are doing that? Now and here?"

I give a wry smile, "yes, right when she got in there they went straight to the showers and the moaning started, shall we go swimming?"

After Allison changes clothes we head to the pool and do a few laps around the big pool, only after 20 minutes Lydia and Jackson join the two of us.

I stand with Allison in front of me as we both kiss, and I hear Jackson, "let's compete!"

He always wants to compete...with everything? I reply, "let's go!"

I turn around and lead Allison to the edge of the pool, and say, "are you two going too?"

Allison: "I want to go! I am very fast, I even participated in a competition last year".

And so we have a competition, Allison beat Lydia and Jackson, coming second 3 times in a row, but the last time, she was tired and ended up in third place and Jackson in second place.

I lie on Allison's lap on the side of the pool and listen to her talking as she runs her fingers through my wet hair: "I always wondered when it would be my turn to have these moments, I would see my friends telling me about their fun nights with their boyfriends, and I would get jealous of them, mainly because I didn't know if I would have this chance since I was always moving around.

I take her hand and kiss it, and answer, "don't worry about it anymore, we will make many of these nights, many good memories that will replace the time when you just longed for this, and so remember that now you live it." she gives me a cute smile and makes an 'umm' and bends down to kiss me.

After we put on our clothes and dry our hair, we go back to my house, Jackson leaves in his car with Lydia and I drop Allison off at her place.

She stops in the driveway and turns to me, "do you realize we never had that moment?"

I speak in doubt, "what moment?"

She gives a big smile, runs up to me and kisses me lightly and puts her arms around my neck, and says, "this, is the goodbye kiss after a date night" and then runs into her house.

I smile at this, as it is true since we always meet in my bed after every date.

I see Chris and Victoria upstairs hugging and looking at me with a smile, I give them a warm smile and go back to my house.

That silly girl, we will see each other again in a few minutes...


big chapter...

I must confess that I was almost touched by the part between Stiles and Noah since this part happens in the future in another season, then I remembered the scene while writing.

I made a new auxiliary chapter...

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