
Teen wolf: path

a young 20-year-old named Ye Xuan gets the chance to have a new life, after truck-sama catches him. watch as he makes his way through the world of Teen Wolf! none of it belongs to me! only my MC, kind of ironic that sentence? I don't own Teen Wolf or any of its characters. it's not Chinese!

Cadmus_black · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter- 17

The atmosphere is awkward and silent for almost 3 minutes, when Chris takes a deep breath, rubs his forehead, and looks a bit worried and tense.

Victoria looks a little more serious, her eyes more focused and without the previous glare, like a leader.

Chirs is the first to speak, "have you ever explained about the supernatural world to her?"

I speak, "I tried to hide it for a while..., but it happened again and there I couldn't lie to her anymore, I can't lie to Allison." He gives a tired sigh.

Allison speaks up, "you kept it from me, for so long? You never thought to tell me? You never thought I had a right to know?"

Victoria looks at Allison and speaks very seriously: "You, a child, didn't need to know anything. As a child you cried because your stuffed rabbit tore, how could you bear the training of a hunter? We would wait until you grew up, before telling you. But even then we never thought of making you a hunter, you don't have the qualities necessary to become a hunter Argent" she says more seriously than she needs to, but Chris seems to agree.

Allison grabs my hand, she looks very hurt by what she heard from her mother, she says: "What? I was the best shooter my age! I won archery competitions, I even beat Dad! I was going to be a better hunter than you think! You should have faith in your daughter!

Victoria: "Every hunter in the Argent family has to be a leader. You're an emotional, carefree girl, not a leader; you weren't born to lead! If Dean weren't here, you'd cry like the little girl you've always been, and still want to be an Argent slayer?

Chris puts his hand on his wife's hand as if to say 'that's enough, don't talk anymore', it'll only get worse after seeing me clench my jaw, he knows about the Winchesters' temper, then he says: "let's not talk this way, we were going to tell you everything on your eighteenth birthday, we were going to give you the basic training before going to the university, and it was my mistake, I should have known that this was going to happen some other time, I should have told you everything before".

Allison: "Those are just words! I should be able to choose whether or not I want to do something!

I decide to try to say something to stop the mood, and when Victoria would speak again, knowing her temperament, I know that she would say even more harsh and direct things.

Dean: "you're not going to be a slayer, argent, Allison" she looks at me as if I had betrayed her, apparently she misunderstood, thinking that I support what her father said, so I continue to say: "you're going to be a slayer Whinchester" she widens her eyes and blush rises in her cheeks, but I see that the mood has improved a little.

Chris speaks in a serious but playful tone: "I still don't agree with any of this.

Victoria: "you talk as if you have an opinion, she will marry him, or I will put her in the convent myself because I don't accept anyone outside of Dean!" she speaks and goes back to her joking tone.

Chris looks at his wife, with 'you cheated on me' eyes, but he then speaks, "let's talk about the beta first, how did this happen?"

And victoria also gets serious and says: "yes, he was going to attack Allison and it seems to have happened twice, I will not let that animal loose".

I answer: "the first time I shot him with Grandpa's special bullets".

Chris interrupts me: "I came across a beta that night, he seemed to be in a lot of pain and was a little more frantic, now I understand why, those bullets have that effect on wolves"

I nod, "yes, the second time was two days ago, he was outside his house, looking at Allison, he only ran away because I showed up, and Allison saw him in the window too."

He gets an angry look on his face and speaks, "he dares to come to my house! A beta!"

Victoria says, "did you get to see his face?"

I say: "no, I couldn't recognize him since he was transformed, but he is young and must be from our school."

Allison says: "his eyes are golden, so that means he's not bad, right? That's what I read in your books, Dean."

Victoria: "eyes can change color, even the brightest gold can turn a cold blue, they are all beasts ready to kill."

Allison: "not all supernatural beings must be bad, mom" clearly thinking about me, trying to make her mind more receptive about me one day.

Victoria: "You entered this world yesterday and already you think you know everything? You don't know anything about this world, apart from what Dean told you or what you saw in the books, you will only wake up when the body of the person you love is cold and lifeless in your..." she is cut off by Chris.

Chris: "enough of this talk for today, I think Dean is going to train her in the Winchester way?

Allison: "Aren't you going to train me too? Aren't you afraid to lose me for good, Dad?" she says with a smile, but she is trembling after hearing her mother's harsh words, her emotions are very confused.

Chris knows his daughter well and knows that she is not well, but answers to help calm her emotions, "I will train you sometimes, and we will go hunting together, as the oldest here hunting I have a lot of experience as a hunter to pass on to you but don't force yourself, do the basics first."

I go back to my house, and after having a glass of milk to get a night of good sleep, I lie down and soon Allison lies down with me.

- POV Allison

I walk into my room after Dean goes home, I don't want to look at my mom, she has always been kind to me, but her acting like this is still...different and a little scary, it's like she is a different person.

I refuse to cry so I lock the bedroom door, and put on the clothes I took from Dean, I always take the ones he wore to bed and bring them to wear at night.

It's so comfortable and smelly, I...took one to school, and lay on top of it and took a nap while smelling it, I was so embarrassed when Dean woke me up, just remembering it makes my ears warm up.

I make my way through the window and go to his house, he is already lying down and watching a movie, Iron Man.

I step under our covers...yes, I call it 'ours' I sleep here every night, so it is ours!

I step into his arms, and finally the emotions I've been holding in after hearing all that from my mom and seeing the way she looked at me, make me cry into his shoulder.

Dean doesn't say anything, he just puts his arms around me, bringing me closer to him, and I cry some more at this.

He knows me so well, he knows that we don't need to talk, that I just want to let go of my emotions a little.

After a while, I stop crying, and say: "sorry for crying".

He gives me a pout, which I always like when he does, and says: "it's okay, baby".

I lift my head a little and look at him: "you said it in a tone that we speak when we comfort a child" I pout... it's automatic.

He hugs me tighter, has a big smile on his face, and says: "my sweet Allison will always be a baby in my mind" he stops for a moment, reaches up to my ear, and says: "of course, she is also my lover" and I feel the blood rise in my cheeks.

I bury my head in his arm, and say: "you say such things so directly, and without preparation!"

He gives a laugh, and then says: "you know... you should worry about getting pregnant after that...".

I stand up to his face and say: "I'm taking medicine, I bought it before I left..." I realize what I just said, and go back to hiding in his arm.

He laughs and says: "so my sweet Allison was already planning to seduce me?"

I punch him in the stomach and getting tired of being so teased by him, I start to go down to below his waist, pull down his pants, and can hear his deep breath of surprise.

He already has a hard dick... I start to move it with my hands, up and down, even today I am surprised at that size, so I start to give little licks around his dick.

When it is well lubricated, I put it in my mouth and start giving him a blowjob, I can't do 'deep throat' as I saw on the internet... I have researched some things to give him more pleasure.

I manage to bring a little bit more in my mouth and start to use my tongue around his cock.

Soon I feel his hands on my head, and this serves as a way to give me more strength because I speed up my actions and start massaging his balls.

After a while, I feel his cock twitch, and at that moment I also feel a little liquid coming down from my pussy... I like to do this to him, it makes me very horny to feel his cock in my mouth.

And then I feel him shoot his seed, I sink my mouth deeper into his cock, take a little more into my throat, and start sucking everything he has.

And as always, even after I get it all out, it's still hard... he told me about his regeneration being so strong that it regenerates his cock a little faster.

I clean his cock, and after swallowing it all, it tastes good, I don't know how to describe the taste, but it always makes me want some more, it reminds me of vanilla ice cream, and I love vanilla ice cream.

I walk up to him and he turns me over on the bed, standing over me, he removes my clothes and soon I am naked in front of him, I see his eyes have a little orange glow, a sign of his pleasure level.

He puts his hand on my pussy and starts kissing me on my neck, and then moves down to my breast, and soon I feel my orgasm coming, I was already very horny, and seeing his eyes so hungry for me, gave me even more impetus to come.

As I breathe, I feel him put his cock into me, I feel every bit go in, I feel his hand on my belly taking away any pain I might have.

I feel it going very deep, and all I can do is moan as he takes it out and puts it in again, each time going deeper and deeper inside me.

He speeds up his movements and soon I feel another orgasm hit me and I lose myself in this heavenly sensation.

When I recover a little, I feel him turn me around, and he puts me on all fours and places his body on top of mine, like a hug from behind, I throw my ass and waist higher.

And this seems to make him more willing and makes his thrusts into me even stronger, and I can only moan harder and harder, as I squeeze the sheet tightly.

After more and more orgasms hit me, one after another, I feel his cock twitch and he thrusts hard into me, and I feel his seed entering my insides.

-End of POV

-POV Stiles

As I drive home, after another annoying conversation with Scott, after he was transformed, he has become increasingly difficult to talk to.

I understand that this is because his emotions are very heightened and strong, but he keeps saying things as if someone is making some kind of diabolical plan against him.

All this because of a girl he doesn't even know, he only talked to her once, and that was to ask her if she had a pen, did he think she would marry him after that? He deluded himself.

And now it's worse, he keeps talking about her being in danger, as far as I know, she saw him transform, and she must already know everything since she is still dating him.

And he said that he is going to do everything to get the main position and with that, he will have one more chance with the Bella girl... yes he has feelings for one, but not to be alone he found a substitute.

He is lucky that I am his best friend, anyone else would have already hit him over the head with a baseball bat and walked away... and said 'lunatic'.

Realizing the double entendre, I giggle, but it is soon replaced by anger...

Stiles: "damn! Not your damn car now!"

Yes... my car broke down, it ran out of gas, I thought I could make it to the gas station.

But I'm a little doubtful because I remember I put gas in the morning, it should last much longer.

I get out of the car after getting the gallon of gasoline and start walking to a gas station, there is one nearby.

But soon I fall to the ground and feel a pain in my right arm, and soon I stand up scared.

Looked everywhere, and I don't see anything, I look at my arm... and all I can say is "damn, I'm really, really screwed!"


Good Morning, Good Afternoon, and Good Evening, I don't know what time you are reading this.

1 more chapter, I don't know if there will be tomorrow because I'm going on a little trip.

time for the fun part... I am too sleepy to think of anything, leave interesting things here.

but I will talk about something I didn't know, did you know that Michael Jackson almost bought marvel comics? just so he could play the role of spider man...


I just thought of spider man doing the dance that marked Michael Jackson every time he hit a villain, or after being beaten up a lot hahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣