
Teen Wolf: Hale Pack

The night prior to the beginning of spring semester, Beacon Hills sophomore Alexander Luzierna finds himself walking home after a long night of partying. As luck or fate might have it, he runs into a very dangerous and mysterious situation one involving a young woman and an unknown predator. [Special Thanks To Reddit User, Movie1and1shows1, For The Basic Concept.] (Disclaimer): All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

AnonAuthor · TV
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8 Chs

Wild Animal(s)

After what he believed to be some kind of alcohol induced nightmare due to his heavy drinking the previous night. (Alex) found himself standing in a small clearing in the center of a great big Forest. Looking around it appeared to be around noon as the sun was out, yet what bothered him was the fact that he was completely nude. As (Alex) continued to look around trying to place where this was, a multitude of dark clouds shrouded the blue sky.

' Great, What The Hell Is Going On Now?!"

Right as those words left his mouth, ferocious snarls could be heard coming from all around him. Wherever he turned they'd constantly follow, then came countless crimson eyes hungrily glaring at him from the shadows.


As he stood there completely defenseless, he could only watch in horror as whatever monsters hid in the darkness lunged at him simultaneously.

" Ahhhhh!!!"


Fortunately for him, that also appeared to be nothing more another nightmare. Made entirely clear by the cold ash covered floor he'd fallen on.

" Ah, what the-"

Before (Alex) could express his annoyance waking up in such a crude way. A deep voice filled with a similar level of annoyance called out to him.

" Get up!"

Looking up, (Alex) came to see a tall, muscular, man with black hair, blue-green eyes, and olive skin. The yet unnamed man was dressed in all black, with his jeans, leather jacket, and boots in that one singular color.

" I Said, Get Up!"

Seemingly not in the mood to introduce himself, (?) angrily grabbed onto (Alex's) jacket collar pulling him up. Being forcefully manhandled didn't sit well with (Alex) who angrily shoved (?) back. Unfortunately for him while he did free himself, his phone fell out of his pocket crashing to the floor.

" Aw, fuck... What the hell is your problem!?"

Now facing each other, both men angrily glared at the other ready to go at it at a moment's notice. Weirdly enough it was the

" Tell me everything that happened yesterday!"

Not a fan of being strong armed specially by some stranger, (Alex) seriously thought about cussing him out. Although after thinking about it a bit more (Alex) concluded that he might've done something to him while drunk yesterday. That would obviously explain the animosity he felt from him.

" Hey, I don't know what I did to you if anything yesterday, but my bad, I was pretty drunk last night. How about we-"

(?) didn't allow (Alex) to finish that sentence as he impatiently cut him off.

" Who Attacked Her!? Who Attacked My Sister?!"

Listening to him mention something of an attack, (Alex) immediately thought of the beautiful woman from his nightmare.

' T-that.. last night actually happened!?"

A bomb figuratively went off inside (Alex's) mind, because how could last night actually have happened. Left stunned by this information, he forgot all about (?) who hadn't forgotten about him.

" I've had enough of this if you won't talk, I'll just have to make you!"

Becoming increasingly frustrated at (Alex's) presumed acting. (?) rushed towards (Alex), who with little time to react found himself quickly pinned. Actually surprising (Alex), seeing as he was an all state defender, yet was easily brought down by some random guy.

" Who Attacked My Sister!? Tell Me!?"

Having another man on top of him, and having that same man yelling directly in his face angered (Alex) to no end. So utilizing all the strength that he could possibly muster (Alex) pushed him off.

" Get Off Me!!"

As he'd expected (Alex) managed to toss him freeing himself, although the distance was a tad surprising. With the unnamed young man being hurled across the entire room going through a scorched table.

Quickly getting up on his feet, (Alex) felt a strong jolt of power flow throughout his entire body. His muscles felt relaxed, yet were almost about to burst from his shirt.

" W-what's Happening To Me!?"

Inspecting himself more closely, (Alex) noticed that his hand had become covered in thick brown hair similar to fur.

" Someone like you doesn't deserve the Bite."

(?) muttered before throwing a broken table leg at (Alex) who easily dodged it. Only for him to get tackled to the floor again, although this time he held onto (?) neck and started to squeeze tighter.

" Give up, asshole!"

(Alex) furiously shouted as he once again increased the pressure on (?) neck. Which due to his current state would surely put him too sleep if not worse.

" I'm Going To Fucking Kill You!"

Roared (?) as he struggled to break free from (Alex). Having heard enough out of him, (Alex) decided to choke him out. At least that was the plan, because in the next moment (?) freed himself from (Alex) choke hold and flung him across the room. Crashing against a column, (Alex) collapsed to the ash covered floor, yet the pain he expected to arrive never did.

" I-it doesn't hurt?"

Shaking his head in an attempt to think clearly, (Alex) tried to rationalize how being thrown against a house column didn't hurt one bit. Sadly he wasn't allowed time to water too much time thinking about it. Seeing as (?) was making his way towards him, and as if that wasn't bad enough his eyes were now glowing a deep blue.

Seeing the ominous glow beaming from his eyes, (Alex) suddenly came to a conclusion.

" Y-your eyes! You're just like that thing that chased us through the woods last night!"

Hearing this snippet of information, brought a moment of clarity to (?).

" What Did You Just Say?!"

Inadvertently, it was at this moment that something awoke deep inside (Alex). As a small spark ignited in him, with his eyes radiating a golden light.

" I don't know what that woman did to me last night, but It doesn't matter because I'm Going To Kick Your Ass!"

Unbeknownst to himself, as (Alex's) anger grew he started undergoing a beast like transformation. His nails turned into claws, his canines into fangs and the majority of his body became overrun with thick brown fur. Even his voice underwent a noticeable change as it became much deeper and animalistic.

Witnessing (Alex's) unexpected transformation, left (?) utterly stunned.

" How did you-"

This time it was (Alex) who recklessly rushed towards (?), like a predator lunging at it's prey. Although it didn't go as planned as (?) followed suit and also rushed forward. Culminating in the two becoming interlocked in the middle of the room with neither conceding an inch to the other. As they both continuously tried to bring the other to his knees, it was ultimately (Alex's) determination that granted him the edge.

" I Will Not Lose!"

In an unexpected turn of events, (Alex) lowered his body and pushed upwards making (?) lose his balance finally bringing him down.

Now having him down on the ground, (Alex) mercilessly began to pummel (?). He aimed and concentrated his vicious attacks on (?) face, forcing him to shield himself with both hands.

Through the barrage of claw attacks, (?) was able to tell that (Alex) had been totally consumed by his anger. As he no longer looked at him as an enemy but rather mere prey. Meaning that he wouldn't stop until he was dead, and then maybe even that wouldn't be the end of it.

' What am I supposed to do? What can I do? He's too far gone now. At this rate his anger will drive him insane and he'll become a wild beast!'

Inwardly (?) had lost hope in his situation, he knew he wasn't strong enough to stop him. While outwardly he'd long lost the sensation in both of his arms. The moment that they finally gave out would be the moment he'd be killed.

" Sister, I'm sorry..."


Meanwhile Inside (Alex's) mind, everything had become engulfed in darkness. Within that darkness, existed another (Alex) or rather the manifestation of his subconscious. Who apathetically looked on as he witnessed himself mercilessly strike (?) over and over again. Creepily as more time went by, his apathy turned into enjoyment. Then after hearing the cries of pain caused by his vicious attacks he was grinning from ear to ear.

Obviously giving in to his madness, (Alex) state of mind was rapidly deteriorating. Yet as his inner self witnessed (?) arms finally give out and he was about to deliver the final blow, he couldn't do it. It wasn't that he physically couldn't but rather that something deep down told prevented him from doing so.

Interestingly enough, the darkness inside (Alex's) mind was then rapidly overtaken by a dazzling crimson light. Which appeared to stabilize his emotions and brought an end to his rampage.


Back in the "Real" world, (?) had come to terms with his death only for the final blow to never arrive. While caught off guard at first by (Alex's) sudden change of heart. He immediately took the opportunity to punch him as hard as he possibly could. His punch not only managed to send (Alex) flying but also knocked him out cold.

Having somehow survived that whole ordeal, (?) let out a long sigh of relief.

" I don't know what happened but I'm glad I'm not dead right now. Although what's still bothering me is what that guy said, he said someone with glowing eyes chased after them. Which means a werewolf attacked Laura, but who could have possibly hurt her like that...?"

Posting this because it might confuse readers, The Crimson Light is Laura's Alpha Spark helping Alexander.

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