
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

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Chapter 4

--Lydia POV--

Let's see what we got here. Three ugly ducklings that barks like dogs, what a monstrosity. No wonder plastic surgeons gain so much, with all these future clients, the demand must be high.

"I'll ask what he thinks of me later"

"You are still going to approach him? Can't you understand how ridiculous you are? Everyone makes fun of you and your stupid attempts of seduction"

"You don't have to worry about me, this time I'll meet him privately. We have a date after practice"

It feels so good to look at her angry and red face. Oh Thomas, I spoke with you only once, but you already bring this much pleasure in my life. Is this what they call love?

Here comes the henchwomen's turn to speak.

"How could you do that? Everyone know that Jennifer (random OC) has been courting him for a month"

"How could you treat her like this? we are all friends and fellow women"

Friends? I would rather create an imaginary friend, than hang out with people like you. Let's not talk about you being women.

"Really Jennifer? I didn't know you liked him, he probably didn't understand it either or I'm sure he would have gone out with you. You are not that good at communication, are you? You don't have to worry, I'll be sure to tell him your feelings and trust me, I'll only say good things, we are friends after all"

Jennifer's ashen white face is also amusing, and she is even trembling, victory has such a good taste. Although I'm a little unsatisfied, they were just so easy to destroy, I feel like a bully now.

"Sorry girls, while I would like to keep talking with you, I have to go now"

Time to start the true challenge, hope you'll be able to satisfy me Thomas.

--MC POV--

There she is.

"Did I make you wait?"

I said looking at the red-haired beauty (technically her hairs are strawberry blonde) in front of me. I always thought she would have been a shy person considering how much time she used to pass on her own, but that gaze of her do little to hide all her confidence.

She is looking at me as if I was a prey, and this does not please my lion side, it keeps telling me to take her here and now and show her who is the predator among us, but I am not an animal… in public at least.

Moreover, where is the fun in conquering her like that, just as nice food needs a good presentation, great sex requires its preliminaries too, I always preferred porns with an introduction after all.

"You don't have to worry I had my fun while waiting for you"

That got me curious, but it doesn't seem like she is going to tell me what she meant yet. Either way I don't smell another man on her and that's enough for me right now.

"Happy to hear that, let's go now"

As I said this Lydia held my hand and started leading the way.

After 30 minutes on the bus we arrived at our destination, it was a steakhouse named "Fire and Meat" and if the smell was anything to go by, the food was probably excellent.

"You come here often?"

"Yes, the food is delicious, and I get some pocket money by helping the owners with accounting"

"Do they give you any tips for bringing new clients"

"No, but if you tell them, you are my boyfriend, they will probably give you a discount"

"Oh, then I should really act like one, shouldn't I?"

While saying this I placed my arm over her shoulder and pulled her closer to me, and as expected she didn't have anything against this, rather she started acting the part too.

No maybe it would be better to say that we already know where this is going and while it still isn't formal, this can't be truly considered acting, rather we are just searching for excuses to speed up the game.

As we approached the counter we were greeted by a middle-aged woman, who clearly knew Lydia.

"Lydia, it's the first time you bring a boy here, have you finally got a boyfriend?"

Before Lydia could respond I presented myself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Thomas Knight, Lydia's boyfriend"

"Oh, you look like a good lad. As expected of our Lydia, with her intelligence and beauty she certainly deserves a handsome boy like you. Go sit at the table I'll take your order in a minute, by the way it's on the house today."

"You don't have too…"

"It's okay, just promise to treat her well"

After saying this she left for the kitchen, not leaving any space for another objection, so we decided to sit on a table by the window in a corner of the steakhouse and as we sat down Lydia smiled at me.

"I told you"

"Yes, you were right, but now I feel guilty for tricking such a kind woman, maybe we should make it real to lessen this burden"

"Yes, maybe we should"