
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

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Chapter 2

--MC POV--

"No, you are welcome"

You are welcome in my room too… Here we go again with my constant flow of horny thoughts, how can I even have a decent conversation in this state.

"Thanks! No wonder you became this big, you do eat quite a lot." she said looking at my lunch.

She is really flirting with me; no man wouldn't like a compliment about his bulk.

"Well, I need to be in the best shape possible, if I want to get the captain role next year. You changed look too." I said as I moved the seat beside mine for her to use.

"You noticed?"

"You are not a girl to go unnoticed."

"Really? I always thought I didn't attract that much of attention" How wrong she is, even if she appeared a little nerdy this didn't stop many people, including me, to be attracted to her.

"You've always been attractive, you just seemed hard to approach"

"And how do I look like now?"

"Hot and sexy"

Approachable… I just slipped up right? Well, I hope I have not scared her, she used to be quite the studious girl after all, and for all I know she never had a boyfriend.

"Then I achieved my purpose" she said smiling seductively.

This girl is definitely looking for a nice ride and this means we have the same objective; I would be an idiot to not go along with it now that I found the ideal target.

"We have practice later, are you coming to watch us?"

"Sure, I'll be rooting for you"

"Then maybe we could hang out once I finished" I say wanting to be as direct as she is and go to the point.

"And where do you plan to take me?"

"I'll let you decide that, for me having a good company is enough"

"Then I'll be sure to be the best company you could ask for" she answered with a flirtatious way.

After saying that, she left, walking slowly while showing her hips, to make sure I knew what kind of treat she was and as the perfect gentleman, I watched the show she gave me till she was not visible anymore.

It was then that Danny finally approached my table.

"Did you finally decide to start going out? Lately it has been quite hard having a conversation with you because of all the women that approach you" he say and indeed it must have been hard on him, we have been friends for a long time, but lately I have been neglecting him.

"Sorry about that and yes I got a date"

"Congratulation, never expected for Lydia Martin to approach you like that, she really changed quite a lot too"

"Puberty probably" I say jokingly.

"Stop with that bullshit, I have no idea how you grew so much, but just don't take any strange substance, you have a good future ahead of you, don't ruin it" he is even preoccupied about me, I have been a bad friend, haven't I.

"Don't worry, my future is clearly bright, a hot girl just asked me out"

--3rd person POV--

While these two were speaking in a corner of the canteen two other guys were looking at this scene.

"Scott… did I just see Lydia Martin flirt with Thomas?" asked an incredulous Stiles to his best friend Scott

"Calm down Styles, we were too far to hear anything, maybe she wasn't flirting"

"She has never worn clothes that tight, never! And what about the beautiful seductive smile she gave him? Her lips are just too perfect to not fall in love with them"

"Maybe he will turn her down, she isn't the first to approach him"

"We are speaking of Lydia not some common skank, he will never turn her down. She is hot, intelligent, capable, and confident. She is the personification of perfection! What does she even see him in?" desperation can be read from Stile face as he speaks.

"Well, he is tall, good looking, popular, has a nice physique and he is the best player in the Lacrosse team; while we are just stand in, who pass their time sitting on the bench" said Scott as if he was speaking facts.

"You are not helping you know?"

"Sorry… if it helps you, I think they aren't that fit together"


"Yes, you have seen his thing in the showers. That monster will never fit in Lydia"

"I'm going to kill you"