

Pandora. A world-famous AAA game. A game that won many awards starting from amazing world design to the unique system to progress the game.

Its gameplay style was what would most people call a mix of nonlinear gameplay styles and fixed styles. It had fixed amounts of events and a few hidden ones that were in order but the way you solved could be done in different ways. For years players have tried to make new routes.

The MC could pick different items or perhaps even bring someone for the event. How you did the event could change for better or for worse. This was why it was widely loved by the people.

But there was only one problem....there wasn't a single good ending. The world gets destroyed in the last stage, so even after you saved the world ....the world was already dead.


In a gorgeous villa.

A handsome young man with a lean body was sitting on a big couch and playing a game.

'' Sigh. Another bad ending .''He muttered in a soft voice while staring at the big screen where godlike beings were fighting and protecting different people from weird and terrifying creatures with tentacles and eyes and many more shapes. It was the almost same ending every time.No matter what you couldn't stop it. The only thing you could do is how bad it was. Like how much population died.

For years players tried to bring a good ending but to no avail.

''I guess it doesn't have a good ending. I wonder how it would be like if there was one?''He said but then shook his head and sighed.

Felix had been like any other fan who wanted to find a good ending for the game. Despite being the top engineering top in the country, he always loved games. Due to him being working hard on his studies, whenever he wanted to have fun and play, his parents never stopped him.

Felix yawned and looked at the big clock on the wall,'' `yawn`.Its already 01:00.a.m ? I guess I should go to sleep"

He went to the washroom, got himself fresh, and went to his bed.



"`Yawn`Ouch" I woke up and tried to stretch but hurt a bit,` Maybe I slept in weird angles again.` I tried to move around but felt like I hadn't moved in ages, it felt like when I sometimes studied or played games for days.

Then I looked around and I froze.

The room I was in wasn't the same room I was used to. It was a far more luxurious room, actually calling it a room was an understatement, it was more of a hall room. And was extremely exquisite. From the chandelier to the carpet and even the curtains were beautiful. It looked kinda like those movies and games but it also had modern features like a T.V and what seemed like a computer but like those in sci-fi movies. With holograms and staff. there was also what seemed like ....robots?

....Yeah they were definitely robots, they were cleaning the room.

Hmm? And there seem to be two people sitting on a couch. A young man and a young woman?

`pretty`. That's what came to mind at first when I looked at them.

The young man had black hair, fair skin, golden-red-black eyes, should be around 6 feet tall with a lean yet muscular body, and looked around mid-twenties, wearing a butler outfit, he would be all the girl's dream.

As for the young woman, she looked amazing. With long wavy ocean blue hair color and golden eyes, smooth milky skin and a height of not so tall or short and assets that would make most girls jealous, and a maid outfit would make any guy make her his waifu.`Is she cosplaying?` That was what came to mind after seeing her. Why? because she had pointy ears. If not cosplaying then why would she have pointy ears like elves?

They both seemed sad. I wonder what happened.

`Why do they look so similar? It's like I know them quite closely.`I wondered and looked around a bit more but before I could do that I looked at the mirror of which I assumed was the dressing table I saw, I saw a boy..girl?

It was probably he but he looked so beautiful and cute you could not help but want to pet and caress him. With beautiful silver hair reaching his ears purple eyes that seemed magical and pale white but smooth like milk skin and kinda short stature was sitting on the bed with a needle in his hand and looked directly back at me.

` Cute` I thought and wanted to talk to him ..but then I realized ..it was a fucking mirror.


It's my first novel, if you are liking it please comment.

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