

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ren Hong took a sip of water and continued. "Have you thought about the impact of the launch of Real-time Online Translator?"


The group pondered and Ren Hong didn't interrupt them. The knocking outside the classroom seemed to have stopped, but Ren Hong didn't care if they had left.

"What's the impact?" Zhang Han and the rest didn't seem to have any idea.

As soon as Ren Hong heard the response, he gave them a resentful gaze. "Seems like you guys are only capable of handling the technological aspects of things." Ren Hong's intention was to see if these roommates of his had the potential to become the CEO of a company, but it looked like they didn't.

Ren Hong was clearly the perfect CEO candidate for XlouS. However, he was more obsessed with technology and also ready to consider whether he should hire a headhunter to find a professional manager after the company moved out of the school in the future.

Ren Hong looked at the puzzled gazes of the group and explained: "Real-time Online Translator was born for the internet and social media platforms. How many social network companies are there in the world now? Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and so on. Facebook is the leading social network now, so what if Google+ gets the exclusive license of Real-time Online Translator in the social media space?"

"I get it now!" Zhang Han exclaimed. "Perhaps those giant companies will be scared witless by the introduction of Real-time Online Translator. Be it Facebook or Google+, whoever has Real-time Online Translator will be the king of the field. If Facebook has it, this world's number one social media platform will be almost untouchable. But if other social media platforms have exclusive rights to Real-time Online Translator, it's very likely that they will compete for users against rivals using this divine software. The 3.8 billion previously untouched global potential users of the internet will give them a competitive edge that is hard to rival."

"Correct!" Ren Hong nodded and smiled. "If Google+ gets the exclusive license for our product, it isn't surprising that it will entirely beat Facebook. One has to know that Google's parent company, Alphabet, is also a corporate giant. Google and Facebook are competitors, and Google's social networking dream has never died."

Zhang Han followed his mind and said, "In other words, we will sell only for a good price. Haha."

"Yes, but by doing so, we will offend either side. What if they join forces? They are world-renowned corporate giants, so how will they let us do that?" Chen Kai said worriedly.

Zhang Han, who was feeling exhilarated seconds ago, was instantly dumbfounded. The group looked at Ren Hong, and the latter didn't seem to have the slightest care upon hearing Chen Kai's concerns.

Ren Hong looked at the group with an exaggerated expression, spread his hands apart, and said, "So what if they join forces? What does XlouS have to do with them whether they hug or fight each other? XlouS isn't even in competition with them; our product doesn't conflict with theirs. Fine, even if they ignore the advent of Real-time Online Translator, we'll just keep selling our product. Users of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and etc. can still use it, unless the platforms disallow them to install our software, which is obviously impossible. Real-time Online Translator is like open source Android. Whether phone manufacturers of Xiaomi, Vivo, OPPO get along or not, they still use Android, and Android has nothing to do with their competition."

If there was someone who still didn't understand what Ren Hong meant after that concise explanation, that person was better off grabbing a piece of tofu and smashing his head with it.

Ren Hong dwindled his exaggerated smile and continued. "Real-time Online Translator is in such a superior position, but I don't believe these social networking giants are uninterested in this software that can strengthen their existing position or defeat their rivals. And if we give Facebook exclusive rights to it, it doesn't mean we'll lose users from Google+. One has to know that Google+ users are not only social users; it's possible that some of them like the culture of other countries and so on, and when they browse foreign sites they need our products. And that's like indirectly trapping Google+ users to use our products."

Ren Hong emphasized, "Whether they are users of Twitter, Facebook, and so on and so forth, everyone belongs to the internet, and that's the core value of Real-time Online Translator."

At that moment, everyone finally grasped the situation thoroughly.

"Haha! I didn't expect our product to have such a great advantage. How ridiculous that IDG Capital sent this idiot to give XlouS a $120 million valuation. Are they totally out of their minds?

Li Taosheng, who was outside the door, turned red after hearing Zhang Han's words. But it didn't matter anymore. Li Taosheng heard everything that Ren Hong said. And the longer he listened, the more astonished he was. He was surprised that Ren Hong mentioned some things that even he hadn't heard of.

Li Taosheng was baffled that this young university student had analyzed the market so thoroughly. At that moment, he regretted his life. This company didn't even need to beg a venture capitalist for investment. Instead, it was the venture capitalist that had to beg them to invest with large amounts of money.

There is nothing wrong with Ren Hong's analysis. Once XlouS went public, it would become one of the top 10 internet companies in China just with this product.

At this thought, Li Taosheng grew anxious. He couldn't care less about his manners anymore.

"Mr. Ren! Mr. Ren!"

"Sh*t! I thought they had already left!" Zhang Han was startled to hear his voice.

"Does that mean that they heard what we said?" Chen Kai was stunned.

"It doesn't matter!" Ren Hong shook his head and said. "He can't do a thing even if he heard us!"

"Mr. Ren! I sincerely apologize. Please give me a chance, Mr. Ren." Li Taosheng kept shouting. At that moment, the assistant suddenly tugged his sleeve. Li Taosheng turned around and whispered to her: "What is it?"

"The representatives from Sequoia Capital are here!" The assistant whispered back.

"What?! Damn it! These bast*rds have keener noses than dogs," Li Taosheng swore. Upon hearing his words, the assistant wasn't sure of what to think because wasn't he cursing himself too for saying that? But apparently, at that moment, Li Taosheng was too overwhelmed to think about that.

Right now, he was only thinking about ways to appease the wrath of this young founder. Apparently, everyone knew that this startup that was still renting this ordinary classroom in campus space contained a golden egg. It was common sense that even though one could make life difficult for another, one could never refuse the powerful US dollar—that would be a crime.

At that moment, a luxurious limousine arrived and stopped outside Tsinghua University. Students within the campus school looked at the vehicle with sidelong glances through the gates.

"Whoa, Rolls-Royce Phantom! Who's in there!"

At the same time, an office within the academy received the news. The bewildered school director stood up instantly from his seat. "What did you say?! Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, arrived at our school?"

"Hurry! Get down to welcome him! No, I'll head there myself." The school director left the office right away.