
Pilot- Rain Showers Chapter 1

"I saw it, you and Kim Ye Won. I saw it."

Her black tears stained the sky blue collar shirt I bought him for our 1 year anniversary. She sniffed and wiped away her tears as he stood there with pitiful eyes. I took a step forward only to fall back as he reached over and placed a hand on her face. "I'll leave her" he said.

Her eyes lit up as her face shined with a smile. "Really? you'll really leave Jisu?" my eyes begqn to shift back and forth with hesitation.

The two people that I trusted most, betrayed me right before my very eyes.

And I couldn't even mutter a word to them.

The following morning I received a text from him asking to meet in a public cafe. I didn't even bother to put effort into looking pretty anymore. Just tied my hair up into a lazy ponytail then I threw on a white v neck and a black overall. "Of course it has to be like this" I calmly tell myself.

When I got there he looked surprised.

He's never seen me look so "basic", as he'd call it.

I didn't even waste time and told him to get down to it.

He was hesitatant at first but eventually muttered up the courage to dump me.

His eyes remained on me as I stood there kicking my leg back and forth in carelessness. I looked up at him and without much care for his feelings I tell him "okay, good then" before walking away. "Yeo Jisu!" he called out to me as I was about to open the door. "That's it? not even a tear?" the audacity he had to ask such a question.

Irritated by his expectation I subconsciously blurt out "Ya, Park Won" I said with rude mannerism. His eyes widened "Ya? you just speak down to me?" he lifted his head in annoyance and scoffed at my words. He angrily walks over and ask what my problem was and why I didn't even shed a tear. Then he goes on to accuse me of cheating and that I've lost feelings for him because of another guy. He grabs me by the shirt and angrily, he yells at me to tell him. He raised a hand and prepares to slap me.

"You Sl**! he yells.

There was room full of people but no one muttered a word to stop him, instead they just pulled out their phones and began recording. Angrily I pushed him away before telling him aloud that I knew. He stood there in shock and in pretense. "What?" he says in disbelief.

"I saw it, you and Kim Ye Won. I saw it"

Suddenly the room got loud and everyone started cursing him and throwing things at him. The people who were recoding us quickly got up and rushed over to film his face.

"You trash" one girl yelled

"You're worse than a stray dog" another shouts

Hesitatant at what to do or say I just left him in all that chaos. Walking home I laughed to myself at how ridiculous I looked for loving such a loser. As soon as I arrived at the bus stop down the corner of the cafe where I was at I saw her standing there with an umbrella over her pretty little head. Nodding as I say to myself "yes yes, of course we'd meet like this" approaching her.

"Unnie" she said innocently as if she'd never hurt a fly. Ignoring her existence I walked by as though she never said a word. "Unnie" she calls out to me once more before attempting to chase after me. "Unnie, ahh!" she tripped over a crack on the side walk in her very high heels. I turned around debating if I should go help her but then it hit me 'she doesn't know pain' then continued walking away.

'Kim Ye Won, was my best friend. How could she? '