
Graduation Day

On Graduation day, you were smiling

Your face was shimmering with hope

After everything was over, you were crying

Your hands were holding an envelope

I pretended not to watch you,

But deep down I felt my heart sink

On this happy day you were blue

Tears flowing down as you blink

I look back at the memory and curse

I should have gone up there and talk

But I was a coward and made it worse

So now I glare at the damned clock

My mom asked me that day,

"Did you enjoy high school?"

I didn't answer, but I did pray

Pray that you forgive this fool

Here I am now, writing this poem

Regretting not taking action that time

I wish this poem was filled with roses

But instead is a confession of a crime

I should have not drifted away

I should have stayed by your side

Everything without you is grey

I think I have already died

On graduation day, you were lying

Your face was cowering in fear

I wonder if you thought of dying

Please don't give up, my dear