

She was as fragile as a blooming flower in a dark room~Althea

The lingering sadness in my heart was a broken part of my soul that I mastered in hiding within my spirit and compassionate nature.Although it had been nearly a decade since my parents passed away ,the ache in my heart never left.It hovered in the dark and revealed itself in tears of sorrow and snippets of a life I did not get the privilege to hold on to ... but that was before him.


The morning customers rustled in ,their eyes sunken with scarlet streaks of vein covering the pale surface of the outer layer of their eyes.I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply as the smell of brewing caffeinated beverages and freshly baked pastries gradually filled the small space.

I observed quietly while organising the silver cutlery on each table ensuring to dust and wipe before arranging the cutlery accordingly on the milky white table cloths covering the round tables in the cafe;fork on my right ,knife on my left side and the spoon placed horizontally in between the fork and spoon.

As I was beginning to arrange my last table Beatrice ,the main waitress, strolled over to the table I was currently working on.The wide smile I've come to know gracing her face.I placed the soapy cloth on the round wooden table and turned my focus to her approaching figure.

It seemed that her wide smile was not as sincere as she moved closer.I could see the rough lines across her forehead and the glint of sadness in her dark eyes.I was utterly confused as to what may have occurred for her to appear so hurt.

She was an angel. I could never forget the day she took me in ,a complete stranger , into the comfort of her house .Gracing me not only with a home but also a job without expecting anything back.

I have always admired her beautiful heart.She was forever joyous. In her eyes lay a spark of light that reminded me that despite the cards of sorrow that I've been dealt with I still have a choice to what my future becomes.

I was dragged out of my train of thought when I felt someone pull me into their embrace .Although unintentionally I could still feel streaks of dark red bruises forming on my skin.I whimpered lowly.

I was overwhelmed by the waves of pain coming from her.I lifted my head to come in line with her tear stricken cheeks.Tears were falling down her blotchy cheeks and her form was shivering against my tiny form.

"I thought he was getting better"

Were her first words ,the sound of a broken heart, my thoughts simultaneously drifted to my parents.

The feeling of loss and sorrow never faded. I still sob unto my pillow when the sun sets and the sky turns to dark at the memory of family.

I do not think that people realise the importance of spending every breathing moment with those who are dear to you .Although Beatrice adored her dad ,she rarely took time out of her everyday life to visit him at the hospital .

He had been diagnosed with lung cancer early last year and had been going for treatment and following all instructions given to him by his doctor.He had been recovering significantly well. The doctor had been almost confident that he would make it.

However fate had other plans.

Early January this year his lung collapsed ,the cause unknown .He was admitted into hospital immediately and had to undergo surgery . The doctors found that the cancerous cells had began to re-cluster forming tumours in his lung cavity.The doctors were able to remove the rumours and had promised Tris that he was getting better and that he would be out if hospital in a few weeks.

It was devastating,and this was something I understood completely .It is heartbreaking how people get better before they get worse. It can break a person apart to be given hope only for that hope to shattered. I could clearly remember the time before my mom passed away, she had began to talk more, had began to leave her room frequently to be with me and told me stories of how her and dad met. It became normal for to wake up to her humming in kitchen while making breakfast or baking pastries for me to take to the local orphanage. I was foolish to believe that I had her back because a few days later I lost her if it had not been the post-mortem report and her death certificate showing that she had had a panic attack in her sleep and stopped breathing I would not have believed that she was gone. Death can be so sudden, it can feel like a thunderstorm the only difference being that it will never stop raining. I had lived through it and experienced the effect it can have on ones life.

In that moment I held her close .My fingers tracing her spine gradually in what I assumed to be a soothing manner. I looked around to realise the multiple eyes facing our way.

I drew her into the staff office grabbing her belongings before letting the manager know that we had to go. I kept my hand on her back as we walked through the clear sliding doors towards her car.


The car journey was filled with painful silence .The only sound present being the constant sobs and hiccups leaving Tris's shivering frame.


It was not long until we were both clinging to each other sobbing .

Her the loss of her parents and I for having to relieve a time in my life that broke more that just my heart.


Our sobs became whimpers and as the sky lost its light we fell asleep to dreams of a reality left behind.
