
Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun

Oh Sang Go, a seemingly ordinary student, has always lived life as a loser, enduring relentless bullying and heartbreak. In his adult life, it was not going so well, even after his military service he gained no friends or lovers. So he ended it all. But fate has other plans for Sang Go. Instead of meeting his tragic end, he finds himself reborn as Yin Jianjun, a lowly slave in the remote Su clan, deep within the mysterious murim world. Stripped of his memories from his previous life, Yin Jianjun is thrust into a harsh and unforgiving existence. As Yin Jianjun navigates the treacherous world of the Su clan, a brutal martial arts society, he begins to awaken to his past life experiences when a near-fatal encounter with the clan's Third Master jolts his memories to the surface. Realizing that his modern life knowledge can be a powerful asset, he embarks on a journey to leverage his newfound understanding and transform himself into a force to be reckoned with. Drawing upon the wisdom and resilience gained from his past life, Yin Jianjun challenges the traditional norms of the murim world. He seeks to break free from the shackles of his lowly status and rise above the oppressive hierarchy of the Su clan. With each step forward, he uncovers hidden secrets, unravels complex political entanglements, and exposes the corruption that plagues the murim society. As Yin Jianjun's strength grows, he attracts both allies and enemies. Through strategic alliances and his own determination, he faces formidable opponents, taking down those who once looked down upon him. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of honor, loyalty, and love, as well as the consequences of his own actions. Tearing Through the Heaven: Battle God Yin JianJun is an exhilarating tale of a man's journey to find his place in a world that has repeatedly cast him aside. It combines elements of martial arts, adventure, and self-discovery, painting a vivid picture of a young man who defies his destiny and rises above the darkness to claim his rightful place among the murim elite.

DormaFlormage · Eastern
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4 Chs

Fractured Beauty, Unyielding Defiance

As it was my turn to step forward, a surge of burning determination coursed through my veins. My heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and apprehension, knowing that this pivotal moment would determine my fate.

With the skills I had acquired in Won Hwa Do and Teukgong Moosool, I held a glimmer of confidence that I would emerge from this ordeal victorious and claim my freedom.

But as I locked eyes with my opponent, my heart skipped a beat, and a chill ran down my spine. It was none other than Su Yanmei, the daughter of the Su Clan, known for her serene beauty and gentle demeanor.

However, the transformation before me was chilling. Gone was the facade of purity and kindness that had once defined her. Her face contorted into an evil smile, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic hunger.

I felt a knot tighten in my stomach as Su Yanmei's gaze swept over me, her eyes lingering on my body parts with a twisted fascination.

It was clear that she relished the prospect of inflicting pain and watching me squirm in anguish. The innocence I had once perceived in her was shattered, replaced by darkness I had never anticipated.

Her features contorted, accentuating the maliciousness that now consumed her countenance. Her smile, once angelic, now bore the marks of a predator reveling in the hunt.

Her eyes, once pools of warmth, now reflected the icy depths of cruelty. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the true nature of the Su Clan's power.

Fear mingled with determination within me as I prepared to face this twisted version of Su Yanmei. The sight before me shattered any illusions of sympathy or mercy.

I understood that I would have to summon every ounce of strength and skill within me to stand a chance against this formidable opponent.

As Su Yanmei lunged forward, her sword aimed to strike me, I anticipated her every move.

I allowed myself to be struck multiple times, cuts appearing across my body, but I refused to let the pain consume me.

It was all part of my plan, a calculated sacrifice to lure her in.

Feigning weakness, I collapsed onto one knee, my body appearing vulnerable and defeated.

Su Yanmei, confident in her dominance, closed the distance between us, a triumphant smile etched on her face. Little did she know, I had prepared for this moment.

With a surge of adrenaline, I sprang into action. Before she could react, I rushed forward, my hands reaching out to grab her arms with a vice-like grip. In a seamless motion, I twisted her arms upwards, forcing her into a vulnerable position.

The element of surprise fueled my strength as I grasped her clenched fist, her fingers desperately clinging to the hilt of her sword.

A swift twist of her elbow and wrist followed, leaving her defenseless and disarmed. The sword clattered to the ground, the once lethal weapon now a mere artifact of her shattered dominance.

Su Yanmei herself tumbled to the earth, her body crashing down alongside her weapon.

Su Yanmei hit the ground, and a primal scream erupted from her lips, piercing the air like a banshee's wail. Her eyes, wild and devoid of reason, locked onto her fallen sword, now tainted with my blood.

With a fervor that bordered on madness, she lunged towards it, her hand seizing the hilt with a manic grip.

In an instant, she rose to her feet, her movements erratic and fueled by a twisted exhilaration. The sight before me was a chilling spectacle. Su Yanmei, once an epitome of grace and beauty, now transformed into a deranged figure, her face contorted with a frenzied grin.

The madness danced within her eyes, consuming any remnants of sanity that remained.

With a disturbing delight, she licked the bloodstained blade, relishing in the metallic taste that stained her tongue. Her laughter echoed through the courtyard, a distorted symphony of madness and cruelty.

It was a sound that sent shivers down my spine, a haunting melody that seemed to emanate from the depths of her fractured soul.

But amid the chaos, I remained steadfast. The wound on my thigh throbbed, an open reminder of the risks I had taken.

Determination burned within me, a flame that refused to be extinguished by the deranged laughter that now filled the air. I knew that this battle was far from over, and I refused to let Su Yanmei's madness consume me.

As Su Yanmei lunged forward, her right arm swinging the blood-stained sword toward me with frenzied abandon, I knew that I had to act swiftly.

Drawing upon my training and newfound confidence, I anticipated her attack with calculated precision.

In a swift motion, I smacked her right arm away with my own, the clash of flesh against flesh echoing through the courtyard.

Capitalizing on the opening, I delivered a powerful punch to her stomach with my left hand, driving the air from her lungs. The force of the blow doubled her over, a gasp of pain escaping her lips.

Seizing the opportunity, I released her arm from my grasp and swiftly moved behind her, my instincts guiding my every move. With a firm grip on her right arm, I held it aloft above my head, the strain of her weight against my muscles.

With a quick pivot, I twisted her arm, forcing it into an unnatural angle, a symphony of bones and tendons protesting against the pressure.

A cry of agony erupted from Su Yanmei as her body crumpled to the ground, her face contorted with pain. She now faced the earth, vulnerable and defenseless.

Without hesitation, I seized her head in my hands, fingers digging into her hair as I unleashed a relentless barrage of knee strikes upon her.

The impact reverberated through her body, each blow a testament to the strength and resolve that had blossomed within me.

Her cries of pain mingled with the sickening thuds, a macabre chorus that drowned out the madness that had consumed her.

As the onslaught continued, a mix of horror and triumph washed over me. This was the moment I had fought for, the chance to turn the tables on my tormentors and reclaim my dignity.

Yet, as Su Yanmei lay before me, battered and broken, I could not help but feel a pang of sympathy for the shattered figure that was once a symbol of beauty and grace.

But amidst the tumultuous whirlwind of emotions, a resolute determination burned within me. I would not falter, nor would I allow myself to be consumed by the darkness that had tainted the Su Clan.

With each strike, with each knee crashing against her prone form, I etched my defiance into the very fabric of our shared destiny.