

The spirits have interfered with destiny, leaving one of the greatest of them all with only one choice. To tear Zuko and his uncle away from their world, and throw them into another.

Trusty_McGoodGuy · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 - Ceremony

Beta read by Levi Ackermanlet

Zuko trailed behind his guide as she guided him towards the auditorium. In part because of his relative disinterest in meeting his 'team'. The other part was that his uncle was continuously stopping to admire everything he saw. Zuko was impressed too, amazed even, but at least he had the sense to remain calm about it.

His uncle would 'ooh' and 'ahh' over every little thing while Zuko kept his face as stoic as possible. It was relatively easy to do after years aboard a warship, surrounded by sailors and marines who didn't respect him. Being told to follow the orders of a banished 13-year old had been humiliating to his crew, whether he was a prince or not. He'd quickly learned to hide his fears, his hesitations. If he wanted his crew to follow him, then they had to know how determined he was, he couldn't afford to let them doubt him.

It would be very strange to be back in charge again. Whoever these students were, they were probably not as disciplined as his men had been. They may have been his age, but he'd been trained in the royal military academy, and tutored personally by master Piandao. Ozpin may take pride in his Academy, but it wasn't likely to be as strict as even the most shameful of naval training facilities, let alone a match for his own.

"Because of your…distance from home, we won't be able to refer to you as Prince. Headmaster Ozpin has already made your profile for your application, but to call you a prince would make it very difficult to explain why…"

Zuko sighed, and mumbled that it was fine. He'd been hiding his rank ever since the failed invasion of the Northern Water Tribe. He knew who he was, he could deal with others not giving him the respect they should have. Somewhat…

"Now we're almost at the auditorium. Headmaster Ozpin has already started assigning teams, so just wait here in the back until your name is called, then make your way onto the stage."

The woman who had been leading him there gave a short, questioning nod to make sure they understood before she turned and left. Iroh turned to Zuko, a wide smile on his face in anticipation of meeting his new team.

'At least one of us is excited.'

Zuko shook his head to clear his mind of thoughts. He passed all of his new gear into his uncle's eager arms and faced the stage, listening intently for his name.


"Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark." As Ozpin announced their names, the auditorium screen showed their profile pictures, while the students in question themselves lined up on the stage. "The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL, led by... Cardin Winchester!"

The audience gave another polite wave of ovation as the students exited. The screen cleared itself when the final member stepped off, and Ozpin prepared for the next group.

"Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie." Much like the previous group, each member took their place as their names were called. "The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR."

The crowd clapped for them as they stood straight in appreciation.

"Led by... Jaune Arc!"

The blonde-haired boy in question faltered slightly on the stage. "Huh? L-Led by...?"

"Congratulations, young man."

By his side, Pyrrha gave him a friendly shoulder bump. Which unfortunately sent the poor boy falling over the side and onto his butt, much to the amusement of the crowd.

"And finally: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long." He motioned, and the four ladies took their place on stage. "The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBYZ. Led by... Ruby Rose!"

Weiss openly gawked at the man's decision, while Yang tightly hugged her sister.

"I'm so proud of you!"

Ruby giggled as she playfully forced herself away. She paused however as soon as she had.

"Ummm…sir? Why did you call us…Rubies?"

The man smirked, and behind him the screen which had shown the girls' four profile pictures, moved to reveal a fifth slot.

"We have a rather special event this year. One of the pieces you chose was marked. This mark entitles you a special fifth member."

The crowd began to loudly mutter amongst themselves in discussion. Each and every student began to hatch theories as to who they might be gaining, and why. Ozpin hushed the crowd with a wave of his hand.

"Introducing our special guest and most recent student, Zuko Lee."


Zuko openly gawked. That wasn't his name! It was Zuko! Just Zuko! He was the prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, and when he was older he would be Fire Lord Zuko, to use a last name when he was of royal blood, it-…it wasn't proper! Even if it was the fake name he'd been using. Zuko turned to Iroh furiously, his glare demanding an explanation.

"He said he needed a last name." Iroh shrugged innocently as he spoke, his smile never faltering.

Zuko grunted, annoyed. He didn't waste any more time however, and began to make his way towards the stage. He heard the whispers from the students, questions about who he was, where he was during whatever 'initiation' they'd had, and others…others about his scars. He didn't bother to keep the frown from his face as he heard their remarks. It was what everyone saw first, what everyone judged him for. His lifelong mark of shame.

There was a snap in his mind as a sudden thought shot through. Something Ozpin had said, something very irritating.

'Led by Ruby Rose.'

So he was ranked under somebody!? That was wrong! He may not have been able to be treated as a prince here, but he still was. He clenched his fists in frustration as he walked up the steps and onto the stage. His 'team' regarded him with excited smiles mostly, one of them, 'Weiss' if he'd heard correctly, still looked grumpy with her team selection. He couldn't blame her. One glance over the four other girls and he knew his pessimism was warranted. One wearing all black and a bow, a stuck up looking girl in a dress, a child, and then a blonde girl who so clearly felt the need to make use of her…appearance.


The crowd cheered as the final team exited the stage. The ceremony was complete, and all the new groups were eager to rush off and find their dorms. Ozpin watched as one particularly grumpy fire bender followed his team in a huff.

"It looks like things are shaping up to be an...interesting year."

It would do him some good to follow orders instead of give them. From what his uncle had told Ozpin, he was only willing to listen to two people in the world. His uncle…and his father. Ozpin didn't know what the situation was with the man, but he could hear clear as day the sheer spite that the man held when he'd said his name. Ozai.

Whoever he was, Ozpin never wanted to meet him.


"So you are my nephew's team? I must admit, I hadn't expected him to be placed with such lovely ladies."

Zuko practically shuddered in a mix of rage and disgust as his uncle 'bonded' with his new teammates. The women in question all seemed to take it rather light-heartedly. Except for Weiss. She was still fuming over her new leader.

"Thanks gramps, how come you're here anyways? I didn't know family could visit so soon."

'Yang' was walking right beside Iroh, gleefully following behind Zuko as he lead the team with his map in hand.

"Oh, I'm not visiting, I'll be working in the kitchen while my nephew studies. He got a… what was it called again?"

"Combat scholarship."

"That's right! A combat scholarship! He's always been such a good fighter. Unfortunately, I still need somewhere to stay, so I work here and get to live here too!"

"Wait, he got a combat scholarship?" Well well, Weiss had apparently snapped out of her sulky mood enough to indulge her own interest. "How!? I thought they already gave that spot to Pyrrha Nikos?"

"Apparently there was some sort of mistake, and they got a double slot or…something. Personally, I think they were just so impressed by my nephew that they just had to have him."

"Wow!" The youngest rushed up to Zuko's side, gazing at him in awe. "You must be so awesome! Can I see your weapon!? Please!? Pretty please!?"

'What is with this girl?' Zuko sighed and pulled his dual broadswords out of their sheath on his back. "Here. Don't cut yourself."

She gazed at them in awe, for a moment. "Uhhh…what else do they do?"

"What? They don't do anything else. They're Dual Broadswords."

"Yeah…but my scythe transforms."

He looked at her in confusion, and she promptly unfurled her giant scythe in the middle of the hallway. "See?"

Zuko stopped, taking in the shapeshifting piece of metal before him. Then, shook his head and continued on, becoming increasingly annoyed by all the weird technology he'd been seeing. Moving boxes that took you to different floors, then magic weapons. Fortunately, Iroh saw an opportunity to help him.

"I'm afraid that our family is a bit more, uhh…traditional. Do…all of you girls have similar weapons?"

"Yep." The blonde stepped forwards, raising her fists to show off the yellow gauntlets around her wrists. "I call these babies, Ember Cilica." She pumped her arms and the metal expanded out across her hands and forearms. "They're Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets."


"She punches things." Ruby interjected, much to Iroh's appreciation.

"Ah…of course. And you miss…"

"Blake." She pulled out a thick, grey sheath which had a sharpened edge. "It's a Variant Ballistic Chain Scythe. I can use it as a sword, or a chain, or a gun."

"Uhhhhhh- How about you miss Weiss?" Iroh eagerly changed person as he became lost again.

"Weiss Schnee, of the Schnee Dust Company." She held out her hand to shake Iroh's, who seemed rather pleased by her manners as he eagerly responded in kind. "My weapon is Myrtenaster, a Multi Action Dust Rapier."

She held it up to show him. "Ohhh this one I know! Uhh, kind of. I don't know about the strange gems in the handle, but didn't Master Piandao teach you this one too?"

Zuko glanced back at the Rapier, giving it a once over, much to Weiss's interest. "A couple times. Not my style though."

"I suppose that makes sense. My nephew isn't exactly one for patient duelling. He likes to…"

Zuko drowned out the rest of the conversation as Iroh continued to socialise on his behalf. He was focused on reading off the door numbers as he passed them by, counting down carefully until…

"Here it is."

The team stopped, and Zuko used his key to open the door. Thankfully it was a normal lock, not some technological wonder that would have made Zuko look like a fool. It still temporarily stumped him that they had somehow put a padlock inside the door handle.

When he opened the door however, he was stumped once again.

"There's…four beds."

"Great, one of us has to sleep on the floor." Weiss grumbled as she walked inside. Much to Zuko's confusion.

"Do you…all have this room?"

"Yeah? What's the deal?" It was Yang speaking as she was the next to step inside.

Zuko didn't answer, instead double, and then triple checking the engraving on his key against the one on the door. "I can't sleep in here with four girls!"

Yang crossed her arms and gave him an angry look. She severely hoped that she hadn't just been put in a team with some sexist.

"It's-…it's not proper!"

The four girls were silent for a while, before Yang burst out laughing. Weiss rolled her eyes at him before she responded. "Just keep your clothes on and we'll be fine."

Iroh laughed loudly behind him. "I don't see the problem, Zuko, you've shared rooms before."

"That was with grown, male, marines, it's not the same!"

"Hahaha, you know I see your point. After all, you are a single man surrounded by four single women."

Zuko choked, and quickly slammed the door behind him as he raced inside and away from his uncle. Iroh's gleeful laughter boomed through the door as he walked off to find his own room.

Inside the dorm, there was an awkward silence as Zuko stared at the door, refusing to make contact with the four women now staring at him. There was a snicker, then a giggle, and then the two sisters began to openly laugh at the old man's antics, with Blake enjoying a small chuckle herself.

Zuko groaned and smacked his head against the wall. He tossed his bags onto the floor near the corner.

"I'll take the floor."

None of the others answered, all either too busy laughing away at him, or already unpacking some of their things.


For the evening meal in the cafeteria, Zuko didn't even bother to stay near his team, splitting off from them as soon as he spied an empty seat in the distance. There was a small complaint from Ruby as soon as he had begun to leave, though it was quickly drowned out beneath a wave of chattering teenagers.

It took him a moment when he sat down before he began to feel a little stupid. He'd been so focused on getting himself some privacy that he'd completely forgotten to get himself any food. A tray of it however, was promptly placed right in front of him.

"Thank you for the seat, dear nephew, though wouldn't you rather be sat with your new friends?"

His uncle sat down opposite him, a similar tray in one hand, and two metal cans in the other.

"They're not my friends, and what is…this?"

It was some kind of squashed bread, with sauce and meat topping it. It certainly didn't look like anything he'd ever seen before. Neither Fire Nation, nor Earth Kingdom. The Water Tribes couldn't even make bread, so he didn't even bother to think about them.

"Apparently it is called pizza, a delicacy here I believe."

Zuko cast a look around the room, watching as several other teenagers eagerly dug into the thing like animals. Disgusting.

"Well this 'delicacy' is still covered in grease." He tilted the tray slightly to show his uncle, who could almost see his own face in the sheen that reflected back to him. "Even you can't cook as bad as this."

"Well, I admit it's a little…different. Perhaps a drink instead?"

He held up one of the metal cans to Zuko's face, some kind of paint telling him that it was some kind of grape drink. Why it was in a can, Zuko had no idea. Speaking of which…

"How do you open it?"

For a moment, Iroh's cheery optimism faltered as he pondered that himself. There was a piece of metal sticking out of the side, which was clearly a sign of bad workmanship, but there was no sign of any kind of lid for it. With a sigh, Zuko took out his small pearl-handled dagger and stabbed it into the top, a spray of purple liquid squirting out of the new opening as he took it out. After he'd wiped his dagger to clean it at least somewhat, Zuko took a gulp.

And then immediately spat it out.

"What is wrong with this thing, I've never tasted something so sweet in my whole life!"

He threw the can away, making a mess of the ground where it landed and began to spill out. With all the mess created by the other students however, it went on unnoticed.

"Even the food is wrong!"

Zuko let his head slam down onto the table, too exhausted to complain further. He didn't even say anything as he begrudgingly began to rip off pieces of his 'food' and eat it.


Ruby frowned as she glimpsed Zuko in the distance. He just went and left them as soon as they entered the room so that he could go and sit by himself. It actually made her kind of sad…

"So…did anyone know what Zuko meant when he said about sleeping with marines?"

Ruby turned away from the scarred boy and back to her sister, who had quickly grabbed the attention of the rest of their team with her question. For a brief moment, every girl at the table was deep in thought. Nobody could think of anything definitive if their blank looks were anything to go by, so Ruby decided to make a guess.

"Maybe he was in the Navy?"

"No way, he's too young to serve." Weiss looked…somewhat confident in her answer.

"Oh…maybe it was his uncle then?" The girls looked intrigued, so Ruby continued. "Like, maybe, his uncle was in the navy, and then Zuko went with him? Or something…I dunno…"

Weiss considered it for a moment, before dismissing it with a shake of the head. "That old man? No way he was in the military."

"Really? Well, why not?"

"Are you kidding me? Well for starters, did you see the way he reacted to seeing our weapons? It was like he'd never even seen them before!"

"But, he hasn't seen-"

"Not ours specifically, Ruby! You dunce, I meant transforming gear in general. Even if he wasn't a huntsman there's no way he wouldn't have seen them at least somewhere. Secondly, if he was in the navy, then why isn't he doing some kind of combat class instead of working in a kitchen? And thirdly, just look at him!" She waved her arm over to the elderly man, who was happily devouring his pizza with a jolly old smile on his face. "Does someone like that look like ex-military to you?"

"Wow Weiss, that was mean." Yang chimed in, even if she didn't necessarily disagree, before a grin decorated her face. "In fact, you could say it was as cold as Weiss. Get it? 'Cause it sounds like ice!"

The stares which looked back at her were a mix of disappointment, confusion, and disgust.

"Did she just…?"

"Sorry." Ruby apologised on her sister's behalf, knowing the blonde never would. "She does that."

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