
Teadium Vitae

Depressed MC reincarnates into various worlds, trying to find a passion/something to live for. Feels he doesn’t belong. Doesn’t want to die, but feels everyone would be better off if he did. Slow mental progression across the worlds. Will be a loner, so don’t expect any harems or large friend groups. Not a writer by any means, just someone trying to vent their thoughts in a story format. Also not saying everything the MC does would be something I would do (would be a very short and even more boring story if so). Mostly anime worlds unless I come across of tv show I want to do. Not planning on them carrying over anything from previous worlds besides experience, probably not even going to be over powered, just going to exist in these worlds. Have fun :) List of worlds currently planned: 1. Pokémon: (In progress) 1st World -Everday 2. Reincarnated as a slime: (In progress) 2nd World -Alternates days with Naruto 3. Naruto: (In progress) 3rd world -Alternates days with Slime 4. SAO: TBD 5. Overlord: TBD 6. Demon Slayer:TBD

TaediumVitae · Anime & Comics
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Surge and the Boat

Surge is huge. I mean I know I'm only 5 foot tall here, but sheesh the guy must be like 7 or 8 feet tall. Either way he still ends up annoying Ash and Pikachu leading to the Pikachu v Raichu battle. Time to see if Ash has improved.

The match opens up with a thundershock from both Pokémon, Raichu still clearly out classed Pikachu in the electric department. Seems Ash has learned a little bit because he immediately has Pikachu use agility to avoid Raichu. With Pikachu's superior speed he starts hitting Raichu with continuous quick attacks. Being too slow Raichu couldn't even attempt the dodge the lightning fast Pikachu. Another minute of quick attacks sees Ash claiming victory over Surge and not having to take a second attempt like the show. He learned and adapted in the moment rather than have to come up with plan later, this Ash might prove to be a real contender. Not wanting to take advantage of a weakened Pokémon I decide to challenge Surge tomorrow morning.

It's time for my next gym badge and hopefully Flos evolving. He's really shown his tenacity and will to get stronger since I've caught him. Willing to try any strati think will help us win a match. Time to put that work to the test against Surge and his Raichu.

Entering the gym I announce myself and my intent to challenge the gym, which gets me much the same treatment Ash got firing me and Flos up even more. Me and Flos had already pre planned this battle, and it should be a piece of cake to quickly wipe the floor with Surge's Raichu.

The battle begins with him calling for a thundershock and I have Flos dig its vines into the ground at launch itself at Raichu while preparing a poison powder. Taking advantage of Raichu's slowness just like Pikachu, we surprised Surge and Raichu causing it to shoot off a weak attack. Flos slammed into the big mouse sending it rolling across the field while also being afflicted by poison. We don't let up and I have Flos send some razor leaves before having him grab the Raichu while it was still in the ground with its vines and slam it back to the ground. That concluded the match.

Tsk. Not enough for Flos to evolve, I really thought Raichu would put up a slightly better fight. Oh well there's still plenty of time before the league, I don't know why I'm stressing so much. Time to relax on the cruise ship, well at least until it sinks. I think I'll keep that the same, surely that will be fun and a good experience for my Pokémon.

"Good job Flos, you performed perfectly in that match."

"Bul bulba!" He responds pridefully

"Yes haha, there was never a doubt in mind that you wouldn't win that match. Take a good rest, I have a feeling I'll be needing you soon."


With Team Rocket giving us tickets to the St. Anne, we climbed aboard with Ash immediately jumping into a battle with a man and a Raticate. It was actually a really great battle on Ash's part and would have won but the man called it a draw before he could land the finishing blow.

Though it left a bad taste in my mouth I didn't stop Ash from trading his Pokémon.

"What's wrong Ash?" Stealing Misty's thunder here but oh well.

"I was just thinking. I wonder if that guy is gonna take good care of my Butterfree." Ash solemnly replies.

"Personally I would never trade one of my Pokémon, especially not without asking if it wanted to go with them." I didn't mean to but a little heat was added to my response and I could tell Ash noticed.

"You really care for your Pokémon, huh Alan?" Ash questioned.

"Of course they're our partners but most importantly our friends, I would be devastated if I lost anyone of my Pokémon. That's also why I don't plan on getting anymore than minimum of 6." Me

"Really?! You plan only having 6 Pokémon? But wouldn't you want to catch lots so you could have lots of friends?" Ash

"Well I have indeed thought about that as well, but when you get your 7th Pokémon it goes away until you get it out of the PC. I mean have you even spoke or gotten to know Krabby since you got him?" Me

Looking out across the sea and then down at the Raticate in his hands. "You're right Alan, while I won't stop 6 since I want to have as many friends as I can. I will start really getting to know my Pokémon and giving them all some battle time. I'm going to start by going and getting my friend Butterfree back, see ya Alan!" Ash finishes seriously before taking off to find the man who has his Butterfree.

I wonder how things will go if Ash actually rotates Pokémon, I imagine he might just become that much better of a trainer. Oh well I better follow him, I think Team Rocket is supposed to attack soon. Oh look I was right. I made sure to hold on tight to my Pokéballs so they can't vacuum them up and then joined all the trainers on the boat in dispatching Team Rocket. This proved to be the catalyst for Flos finally evolving into an Ivysaur, he had taken down 3 different grunts when he started to glow.

"Congratulations Flos! You look amazing in your new form, your vine whips should be even stronger and I think we should start training you in the move Solarbeam."

"Bulbaaa!" He nods excitedly.

Oop, seems like the ship is rocking, better find Ash and gang. Coming across Ash amid his trade back for Butterfree, he drops his Pokéball and we all go running after it. Which is when the ship rocks hard and flips upside down, and everything goes black.


Author's note: a little bit shorter, but there's a long stretch of episodes coming up that I will have to shorten and combine since they aren't that important. So I figured this was a good stopping point. Flos finally evolved and squirtle is next up to evolve. I also can't skip the next episodes because I believe we come across the location where I planned on catching our next member.

Current team:

Ignea-Charmeleon F

Mortiflos-Ivysaur M

Caeruleum-Squirtle F

Animo-Abra M

Thanks for reading
