

Finally I get to the school,It looks and smells like exactly the same as the last time I was here, my last day of senior year.I find my classroom , clean it up a little and then students start piling in.It feels so surreal to be here as a teacher, the highschool I skipped classes in, worked my ass off to be captain of the football team.I start to prepare my lesson as the students settle down. Some of the football boys recognize me from when I was a senior and they were freshman. We chat for a bit about that until the bell rings and everyone sits down. I notice there is one empty seat but pay no mind to it. I go around the room asking everyone there names and favorite class, most say lunch..haha very funny . As I am about to introduce what my class is all about and myself I hear a knock on the door, maybe the principal came to introduce me?, maybe my car alarm is going off? I walk to the door and through the window I catch a glimpse of a familiar face, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen the other night was standing at the door to my classroom in a school uniform. "I'm so sorry I'm late" she goes on as she looks up and immediately stops talking. She walks quickly to her desk and keeps her head down.

What have I done…