
Teach Him How To Play!

Marcel Ruiz an underworld Boss from Earth was transmigrated into a sub-beast world novel his stepsister had written as the Dominant Ger Hybrid Villain five years ago and swore to destroy the plot of the book that made the person who had a hand in his death famous and make everyone of the characters she hated thrive with him sitting at the top! But While doing that he promised to teach the second villain Antonio Texas who had been used and manipulated by the first villain, how to play the game of a survival hunt and many other things he had to teach his little rabbit ! .................. This book would be a sub-beast Novel were the characters are legendary beasts or pets there are also some humans written too and also had three genders mentioned here , this would be my second novel and first of this kind if you don't like beasts novels then this book probably isn't your cup of tea but I promise it wouldn't be too bad to try! MC : Genius Manipulator with very big ambitions and also a smiling devil ! ML : Naive and Stoic Little Rabbit ! MC will be the gong and ML the shou! .................. Book cover is not owned by me all rights reserved for the original owner/ owners!

Peace_Love_OT · LGBT+
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What's Wrong With This Villain?

" Zach arrange a meeting tomorrow morning, make sure everyone's there before ten , I have something important I want to say!" Marcel side eyed the male Werewolf beast walking beside him " Boss, Tyson and Tyler's location had been unknown since yesterday we're still trying to hack into their system but they kept countering it !"

" those fucking twins again! argh! whatever keep trying to get into their system and let me know if you locate them otherwise... leave them to me ! I want all twelve of you guys there by tomorrow because y'all gat to meet someone" Marcel smirked " someone new!" Zach raised his eyebrows but didn't ask who it was " okay Boss, is there anything else I'll be doing for you tonight?" Zach asked when they stopped in front of the master's bedroom, " nope ! get lost already!" Marcel calmly said without turning to look at him then slammed the door at his face ,


Zach blinked surprised,

Meanwhile, Marcel removed his sweater jacket immediately he was alone, it was already sticky with sweat from all the ' work out ' today, he removed all his clothes showing in full view his nice eight packed muscles snaked with tattoos running down from his right hand to his chest and neck, he walked steadily into the bathroom in his birthday suit without a change in his expression there was already a steaming bath prepared by the maids waiting for him, he directly sat down inside the milky water sighing as he felt his muscles relaxing he closed his eyes in contentment,

Recalling tonight was supposed to be when the second villain was supposedly saved by the male protagonist starting the journey of an unrequited love story that ended in a complete disaster, he'd never let that happen again,

He opened his half lidded eyes, from here he could see the night sky through the narrow bathroom window, the sky was calm and without much stars in it looking all peaceful only he knew that it wasn't the case at all because down in the north and deep inside the woods there was something sinister going on that might claim many lives! although this world looked somehow peaceful there were actually many secret wars going on among the upper class circle that the ordinary citizens knew nothing about, there were even race wars!

The upper class circle in the capital of Juan Country consists of four major families and six minor families , the Texas Family , Ruiz Family , Foxx Family and Gregory Family, were the four families that rule the capital city! Marcel was also a former member of the Ruiz Family and was supposed to be the heir too but was kicked out after his parents died they considered him a curse because he was a rare peculiar case, now he built his own Empire , even the other three big family would think twice before trying to make an enemy like him

as for the Ruiz Family it had already fallen to almost becoming a minor family after being continuously targeted by Marcel for years ! , it wasn't only their business that was targeted but Marcel also targeted their family's manpower ! successfully cutting it to halve and almost rendering them powerless,

Marcel smiled, that was good he wouldn't have to play affectionate with anybody even the idea of having a family almost made him grimace, in his past life his twelve aids were his best friends and also people he considered his family but was betrayed by one of them ! , even until his last breathe he didn't know who it was all he knew was that the person did it for his sister!

Marcel's eyes darkened and his smile turned more eerie with the temperature dropping the water suddenly felt too cold , he stood up and put on his black bathrobe and walked out of the bathroom with water running down his body immediately soaking the bathrobe his wet hair stuck closely to his face , his night clothes were already laying neatly on his bed but he ignored it and walked into the walk in closet , no one knew he was going out tonight and he didn't bother to tell anyone ,

After putting on his clothes and drying his hair he walked towards the bedside table where a gold kettle and cup was laying silently , he reached out to the kettle and slowly poured it into the cup , fresh warm blood trickled out of the kettle and into the cup he dropped the kettle back on the table before picking up the cup to take a whiff of the scent of blood , he deeply chuckled

never knew this old man's blood would be this intoxicating, wonder how his grandchildren would taste.... ,

His eyes narrowed as he looked in the direction of the woods that was a bit far from his mansion , he wasn't worried if the protagonist would get to the second villain first or worst might he might get overwhelmed and die because Marcel knew although this little rabbit was really small and looked weak he was also capable in some ways like a cockroach had to catch and even harder to kill even the original Marcel of this world had a little hard time dealing with this boy , so dying because of a little group sent by their rival's to kill him was almost impossible nevertheless , he still planned to go save the day before the protagonist had the chance , swirling the cup in hands he picked a cigarette from the pack and used his dragon flame to lit it puffing out a mouth full of smoke while walking out the balcony he took a long full gulp of the blood and felt his vampire blood jump in excitement he narrowed his eyes in contentment and looked down at the still busy street ,

After he was done with his ' dinner ' he dropped the cup on the balcony before jumping down from the tall building as he fell two pure golden wings suddenly grew out of his back with his eyes turning pure golden too he flew back into the sky with a speed faster than a shooting star to the woods under the amazed eyes of people ,

it was time to play a little hero for a certain rabbit


deep in the woods , surrounded by tall trees and darkness with a small ray of moonlight that illuminated from the sky , Antonio and his friends Steve , Morris and Tony were surrounded by four old dominant beasts! there were two pandas , one wolf and one vampire

Antonio gritted his teeth in anger as he scowled at the beasts surrounding them without any fear in his cold eyes

" little boy if you know what's good for you stop running and come with us , we'll let your friends go or else don't blame us for not showing any mercy!" the wolf said

Antonio sneered , these old men suddenly barged in on them while they were camping and tried to kidnap him they had been running for almost two hours now without rest !

" he's not going anywhere with you guys!" Steve said angrily " fine , I'll come with you but you have to let them go first !"

" Antonio!!" Antonio looked straight at the men ignoring the disbelief gazes of his friends that was directed his way , Steve was a full blooded vampire and might find it insulting to compromise but the situation right now wasn't in their favour , they might be four facing four but the difference in group was clear as day

Morris was just a normal human while Tony was a werecat so persisting was literally just actively seeking their own death ,

and even if it was only one of these men after them there was no guarantee they could beat him , their auras were so heavy it was clear this wasn't their first mission and they had been dealing with blood for a long period of time!

Antonio's lips were tightly pressed together as he thought

" Antonio we-we could s-still try fighting maybe someone might hear and save us!" Morris said he was almost completely blinded by the darkness and could only use the little moonlight that could enter the woods to see " yes we-we could still try? you don't have to go with them" Tony nodded the intruders snickered mockingly

Antonio turned to look at his two friends they might have sounded really brave but their faces were completely white as plain sheets and their hands were shaking without control

Steve frowned as he looked at them worriedly and the back at the intruders " Antonio won't be coming with you guys tonight, so do what you're best good at !" he said in a firm tone

" is that your choice?!" one of the pandas asked " Steve!....."

" Antonio! wake up! you think they let us go just because they said they would? no they wouldn't!" Steve's angry voice rang out " don't slander us little boy ..."

" shut up! who cares what comes out of the mouth of an enemy?" Steve said but his eyes weren't looking at the person he was talking to rather his eyes locked on the vampire that had been silently blending in the shadows, this beast was the only one among the intruders that looked young because vampires could retain their youth even when they were thousands of years old the only difference was that their hair would keep whitening as they got older , this vampire's hair was ash color which means he was at least a thousand years old already, there've never been a case of a vampire with completely white for many years now that made people think it was impossible to reach that stage.

Antonio followed the his friends eyes to see what he was looking at his breathing hitched " no way ..." he whispered to himself he knew those eyes too well Steve was challenging the vampire! " Steve.... Steve no!" the vampire suddenly smirked showing his fangs as a threat before disappearing followed by Steve * Steve! damnit!"

" I see you've chosen to die" the tension suddenly rose and the temperature dropped , gritting his teeth he looked back at Tony and Morris " RUN!"

" what?!"

" run now! get out of here!! " Tony's face was as white as sheet , although he was hesitant he knew he couldn't be of any help and might even make Antonio really angry so he dragged Morris as the both of them fled

Meanwhile, Antonio received a kick to his stomach his body flew backwards like a broken kite falling from the sky and slammed into a tree

" ugh!" he groaned in pain Steve wasn't any better as well his body was already covered in his own blood and the vampire looked like he was really enjoying toying with this little persistent boy while the two pandas watched , Antonio cursed at his friend's stubbornness, the wolf among them was the most aggressive after slamming Antonio his sharp claws were currently approaching his neck, Antonio's eyes flashed if those claws touched his fragile neck his head would be rolling on the floor the next minute

he immediately drew back narrowly dodging the claws but the person was persistent as he kept swinging his claws repeatedly, Antonio's nails grew longer and into claws after dodging yet another life threatening attack he swung his own hands at the man's legs buying himself sometime to get up from his passive position,

breathing heavily he looked back at the wolf man that looked even more angry as his legs were injured by Antonio's claws the man Growled madly at him as his muscles started bulging and his bones cracking, Antonio's eyes widened at the man that had been angered into transforming! no matter how strong he was he couldn't beat a dominant beast that had been angered into madness , he turned around to flee but of course he wasn't also fast enough, from tree to tree the wolf jumped as it chased after him

Antonio cursed as he looked up the wolf suddenly changed direction and crashed into him he was yet again slammed into a tree but this time harder as the first tree he crashed in directly broke and his body hit yet another tree before crashing heavily on the ground,

" uuggghhhh!!!" sweats trickled down his head as his veins bulged Antonio grit his teeth as he breathe heavily, the wolf walked slowly towards him with a snarl the pandas snickered when the wolf jumped with it's mouth wide Antonio used his right hand to block his head but from the corner of his eyes he saw a golden light that looked like a shooting star only difference was the color and the this light was coming towards them! and the more closer it was the more the temperature rose! he wasn't the only one who saw it as everyone else was also looking except the mad wolf


the wolf was pushed backwards more than ten meters and directly fainted dust flew , clamping his eyes shut Antonio coughed and waved his hands to reduce the dust, his eyes went wide when he saw what just fell

it was a man?!

Marcel looked at his watch " hmm nice timing!" he whispered before raising his head and looked around his eyes fell on Antonio that had been dazedly looking at him with his mouth wide open that it could fit an entire egg Marcel raised his right hand and bit into his skin as he walked towards Antonio " here drink" he offered Antonio blinked dazedly unknown to him something soft and fluffy grew out of his head twitching cutely ,

Marcel arched an eyebrow when the boy didn't move " hey! what are you dazing off for? don't let it go to waste! my blood is very precious you know!" Antonio blinked again as he slowly looked down at the hand stretched to him " your blood - it's golden!" he gasped " impressive I know!" Antonio was helpless at this stranger's way of communicating but he still held the hand and observe with a thoughtful look " then that means- you're a dragon!" Antonio's eyes brightened and it looked like there were stars in it

Marcel was speechless, what's wrong with this villain? don't look at this daddy with those big eyes of yours!


There will be many more beasts yet to be mentioned so guys don't get confused!, any new beasts mentioned I'll write if they are dominant or not ! 。◕‿◕。