
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 27

Ye Qi was lowering his head and sighing deeply within his heart. His wife was guarding his own eyes against looking at the muscled butt of the silver winged fighter they had met. Ye Qi didn't blame Shen Xiu, as she had a point. But Ye Qi isn't here to make a wife. He is here to save one.

The Silver Winged girl was Sikong Hongyue.

It was easy to remember if you break the surname into two parts. The first part is Shen Xiu's brother, and the second part is her nephew.

"Are you jealous?"

Ye Qi decided to tease Shen Xiu as they were following the Silver Winged Girl.

"Why would I?

She transmitted her voice back.

While using soul force to transmit voice, it was mostly assured that others won't hear them.

Ye Qi raised an eyebrow as he made eye contact with Shen Xiu.

"Why wouldn't you?"

"Because I know what type of people you are. I just don't want your eyes to get dirty." Shen Xiu looked again at Sikong Hongyue's wings and narrowed her eyes. "Besides, this girl isn't as innocent as she looks."

Shen Xiu has been living with scheming people all her life. She is a schemer herself. Depending on her instinct, she didn't like Hongyue.

"You figured that out too." Ye Qi had a small smirk on his face as they continued following her.

Ye Qi wasn't worried about anything that can happen. The fighter girl would probably think they are fighters, which gives them an advantage. Not to mention, Ye Qi's dad is a Black Gold Spiritualists, and he seemed to grow stronger with each second after having the profound chant from Emperor Kong.

Ye Qi frowned again. Emperor Kong Ming. Wherever he goes, he meets him again and again. Ye Qi had benefited from him. He had a treasure to multiply his cultivation speed, and also he has the sword intent and the sword. However, he was lucky to evade the chant, since those who hold it are bound to fight with each other at some point, have they ever met.

The trip continued and Ye Qi and his group arrived at the palace of the Silver Wing family.

The trees around were really huge, very thick as well.

If one looks carefully, one will see houses built on the top of those trees. And the houses were no way near small.

Sikong Hongyue landed from the tree on her feet and looked behind her. The three guests she had met landed behind her. She gave them a simple nod. However, something made her feel unease. That boy who looked to be a year younger than her had a smirk and determination on his face. Such a look, it reminded her of one bastard who had filthy blood, a bastard who is getting tortured each day in their living room. Such a guy, who has such a look, obviously has a deep goal.

Probably he genuinely is looking for a trade for all of the precious food he had brought along with him. In that case, a stupid man like him shouldn't be used by another family.

Ye Qi didn't avoid eye contact with her, and he just smirked. When she was narrowing her eyes, a voice interrupted and she looked forward.

"Young mistress."

Sikong Hongyue turned to the silver winged man, who had his hand on his sword and stood in front of them.

He gave a look behind her and was about to react.

Hongyue lifted her hand and said. "They are with me. Tell my father that I have some guests for him."

She said as she looked behind the guard.

There was a big palace.

Ye Qi looked there, and Ye Xiu had his eyes fixed on a certain area.

"It appears that there is some strong fighter there." Ye Xiu transmitted his voice to his son.

Ye Qi just gave a slight nod, before he looked in front of him, to the surroundings before the ground, which wasn't soil, but well placed silver bricks. If not for the gloomy weather, this place wouldn't be bad.

Very soon, the guard came back and said that the patriarch is looking to meet them.


Ye Qi was standing in a middle of a large room along with his people while looking forward to one fat bulky man who had wings on his back. He was sitting on a throne while looking at the rest of them. This man was clearly the patriarch of the Silver Wing family.

'Lucky bastard.' Ye Qi thought as he looked at the patriarch, Sikong Yi.

Sikong Yi had multi hot women sitting on his lap and massaging his back.

The old man is living his life to the fullest. Ye Qi wondered if his old days would be like this. However, he felt a bit of fear. What if he ended up as a fatty.

'Whatever.' Ye Qi rolled his eyes. 'I am here for another goal.'

Sikong Yi, ignoring his concubines, held the storage ring with his hand and examine it.

"So, you are saying that you are here to make a trade with our family. Your price is this food." He repeated the words of Ye Xiu.

"Yes." Ye Xiu was the one to talk.

Sikong Yi, rudely, took a bag out of the storage ring and sniffed it. His eyes lit up. The aroma of the meat was so good. Ignoring the women who were drooling behind him, Sikong Yi opened his mouth and started eating. Just after one bite, he ate like he never ate before.

After finishing eating, he looked forward to the three and made a huge smile.

"And given the fact that this storage has more than a hundred bag with a good amount, I can assume that you have a lot more like this food." He said.

If these guys could throw such a ring casually, then it is needless to say that they have a lot more. It would be surely profitable to have a trade with them. Or better yet…

"Yes." Ye Xiu said with his hands behind his back.

"Hmm…" Sikong Yi lifted his hand as though he was thinking. "What do you want from my family."

Ye Xiu looked at Ye Qi. Ye Qi understood that it's his role to talk.

"We want Blood Crystals," Ye Qi said with a smirk on his face.

He had read the original work and knows what kind of the Sikong Family are. Although they are bastards, he needed what they have. The blood crystals are a rare cultivation resource outside. However, since this world has mines to get them, Sikong Family has too much of it that they force slaves from enemy families to work in mines to get it. Ye Qi assumed that because of such material, the people here have high cultivation bases. However, because they don't have demon spirits, they were bound to stay as fighters. It was easy to tell that as Ye Qi looked at Sikong Hongyue. The girl, despite only being 15 years old, was 5 stars Gold rank fighter.

"Sure. Blood Crystals." Sikong Yi half-closed his eyes. "What would you do with them."

The blood crystals weren't that rare here. However, given the fact that these people brought a lot of food, a very high-quality one, made him doubt something about their values.

"We use them to bath. Are you going to trade or not."

"Hmm… well. Sure, we have to agree on the price."

Ye Qi half-closed his eyes as he felt something wasn't right. However, it wasn't unexpected anyway.

"You give me an offer."

"Well. For each bag of food, you can have 12 blood crystal."

When Sikong Yi said that, even Ye Xiu clenched his fist.

The blood crystals would be beneficial for even a Black Gold fighter after purifying it. However, because the people here used to it so much, their bodies had already benefited from the resources at a very early stage, and thus, it's not as beneficial as it should be for them. Having such material for such a cheap price was so good for Ye Qi.

"Father, don't let your guard down. The patriarch has hostile intent. He wants to know how much food we have." Ye Qi transmitted his voice back to Ye Xiu, while his eyes were fixed on Sikong Yi.

Ye Xiu almost flinched and took his hands from his back.

Ye Qi smirked. "Can you provide, you know, about a hundred thousand stones? We may even buy all of your materials in the future."

Sikong Yi's eyes lit up. "So, you have that much food."

"Mm… but we don't have all of it now." Ye Qi said, knowing that it was a silly attempt since the patriarch showed his intent.

"How much do you have now."

"Enough for a trade."

Sikong Yi smirked. Even if they don't have the food with them, there must be a secret that these strangers have. Even though they are here for a trade, he can always get their secrets of having such delicious food in this starving world.

Sikong Yi, unlike his dumb hot daughter, can think while talking. He, when he tasted the food, knew that something was off. After all, such meat doesn't exist within the Abyss Prison Realm. And if the food were here as their ancestor came to this world, it would be a thousand-year-old, and even though the food rotten so slowly within the storage ring, it wouldn't have been as fresh as it is now.

Ye Qi gave a very fresh food, which made him be sure that that there is a secret to the food. The secret can be more valuable than the food itself.

The strongest one in this group seems to be the old man, whose cultivation is only the peak of Black Gold. It won't be hard to capture them.

"Hmm… are you from this place. Which family you belong to. I want to know these things before we start trading." Sikong Yi said. "Cough Cough." He coughed sometimes. Sikong Yi was sick since it's in his bloodline. However, he wasn't weak. But he didn't hide that, so the strangers would lower their guard against him.

"Father, are you alright." Sikong Hongyue asked as she looked in Yi's direction.

"I'm fine." Yi then looked at Ye Qi and Ye Xiu. "So, would you answer me?"

"Mm… sure." Ye Qi walked forward very slowly, heading to the patriarch's throne. "We are from a far place, and we want to trade. Do you accept, yes or no?"

"You think yourself smart, don't you?" Sikong Yi looked at Ye Qi, before lifting his head. "You know, your behaviour alone makes me want to abort the deal."

"You made your decision?" Ye Qi didn't break the eye contact. His words were more of a statement than a question.

"Yes. The strongest one of you is the Black Gold peak. You, on the other hand just a 2 stars Golden Rank. Meanwhile, that red-haired woman is at the peak Silver Rank." Sikong Yi nodded. Rudely, he waved his hand. "Arrest them. Since they want Blood Crystals, they will work in the mines for them. The red-haired woman is hot. I will keep her for myself. Cultivators have more durability than the common women behind me."

Sikong Yi showed his intent.

Shen Xiu flinched as rage was shown in her eyes. Sikong Yi's words made her forget the fact that Ye Qi is at Gold rank.

"That's where you are wrong." Ye Qi kept acting calmly. Few spots in his body were covered in dark smoke.

The moment Yi had lowered his hand, a winged soldier, dressing in golden armour, emerged from the shadow. The man was at the peak of the Gold Rank. When he moved forward, he extended his hand toward Ye Qi while his hand was on the sword.

Ye Qi, who had just merged with Shadow Demon Spirit, not only got its ability, speed and soul force but the physical strength of the Demon Beast was added to the demon spiritualist. And it was known that demon spirits come from demon beasts who have formed a soul, has physical strength multi times higher than the ones in the same rank. Although Demon Shadow was more of an assassination type demon spirit, merging with it still gave Ye Qi an advantage. Not to mention, it's God Growth rate spirit.

The fighter was shocked when Ye Qi turned into a blur and appeared behind him. Ye Qi, with no mercy, waved his Meteor Thunder God sword behind him. The fighter couldn't sense Ye Qi's movement or keep up with his speed, much less being able to react to the attack.

"I guess it's time for plan B." Ye Qi said as he spun the sword in his hand and pointed toward Sikong Yi.

The fighter behind him fell on his knees.

"You are just a bunch of fighters." Ye Xiu said. "let me teach you something."

Sikong Yi flinched when he heard that they are Demon Spiritualists. That class was a legend inside of the Abyss Prison Realm.

"It appears that I have to stand up." Sikong Yi unleashed a very strong soul force from his body. "Surround them!". When his words were over, many shadows moved toward the palace. In no time, those who seemed to be the strongest ones around came to the room in no time.

Ye Qi took few steps back, walking backwards to Ye Xiu and Shen Xiu, his hand holding his sword.

"Father, you know — "

"No need to say it. I'll take care of the old man. Even a four stars Black Gold is enough to take care of him."

Ye Xiu smirked as he could sense Sikong Yi's strength. The man wasn't even at the peak of Legend Rank. Not to mention, Yi appears to be a little ill.

A strong blue chilly aura covered Ye Xiu. His body started growing. His muscles started to get bigger, as brown fur was covering them. Ye Xiu's eyes turned into bloodshot red, two long horns extending from his forehead. He had just finished merging with what seemed a goat type demon spirit.

Sikong Yi may underestimate demon spiritualists. That was obvious as Yi stood up and walked slowly to them as he extended his large silver wings.

Sikong Yi flapped his wing. However, in no time, more people arrived here.

Ye Qi jumped back, and looked forward toward the winged people, landing next to Shen Xiu.

"Merge with your spirit already." Ye Qi advised.

"Mm…" Shen Xiu nodded. A red aura of soul force enveloped her. From her crimson hair, a pair of cat ears grew it. A tail appeared on her back, her height increased a bit, while her muscle became more ripped off. Her eyes became sharper, like a tigress. Meanwhile, a crown of fire danced around her head. Her clawed hands had some red flames dancing around them.

That was the God Growth demon spirit has given to her. This type of demon beasts has more abilities compared to those with a lower growth rate. It should give her an advantage on spiritualists a couple of stars higher than her, let alone some fighters. Not to mention the physical strength.

Ye Qi took a sneak peek to the side. 'She has to learn to make that fire thing vanish when we are in bed.' However, now, isn't the best time to think about the cat play.'

"I will take care of those. You know, you can just rest."

In front of Ye Qi appeared some guys. They were six. And, given his sense, he could tell that the weakest one was at the peak of Gold Rank. Meanwhile, the others were between the first Star Dark Gold and the fourth one.

These fighters, for sure, are the elders of this family.

"Hmm… I will take care of the winged girl. I didn't like her from the beginning."

Shen Xiu didn't like Sikong Hongyue ever since she saw her giving Ye Qi's sharp glares.

"Huh? You are pretty confident." Ye Qi flipped the sword while looking at the guys. "I will take care of them then."

"Don't think I forgot. Later." Shen Xiu patted his shoulder. "I will ask you since when did you become Gold rank Spiritualists."


"Are you done talking?" Sikong Hongyue said while looking at them.

"We're done. Brown-haired one." Ye Qi said.

"I don't like your last name's half." On the other hand, Shen Xiu took a step forward and said. "I will take care of you, little girl." Shen then crossed her arms, making her chest jiggles.

Hongyue looked at Shen Xiu, who was tall and could see her huge chest jiggle. Hongyue looked at herself, feeling her fist-sized chest not moving at all. She couldn't help but flinch and taking out her sword, saying.

"Very well then. You shall pay the price for your crime." She squatted, making her thick muscled thighs make an appearance.

Ye Qi shook his head and jumped, landing between the six men, one of his hands holding the sword of the lighting.

"So, you guys are the toughest ones after Sikong Yi."

If they were demon spiritualists, Ye Qi may give their ranks consideration, especially the black golds one, since they aren't to mess with. Since they were, however, fighters, he needs to be as careful and strike perfectly. After all, he isn't facing one person, but six at the same time.

Two of them were at the peak of Gold Rank. The others were from the first star to the fourth black gold. Obviously, the latest one is the strongest and can be dangerous.

'I'll use the old games' strategy, kill the weak monsters first before turning to the boss. The weakest ones can always cause distraction, one must always know how to deal with them.'

Meanwhile, Sikong Yi and Ye Xiu were done with having a staring competition. Sikong Yi lifted his hand, formed a palm, and hit toward Ye Xiu, who looked like a humanoid demon beast now. Ye Xiu channelled his force and used the physical strength to reflect the soul force palm to the roof, making a hole there. "

You aren't a usual Black Gold, are you." Sikong Yi said as he flapped his wings.

"Who knows. You are talking too much for an old man." Ye Xiu showed his killing intent as he dashed forward. The old bastard, obviously, wanted to take his daughter in law and enslave his son. Very well. The two clashed against each other. Although Sikong Yi was a legend rank, he could not push Ye Xiu back. The latter seemed to be as strong as a Demon Beast. Ye Xiu channelled his soul force, bent down, and his white horns shone. From them, the light turned into a white beam that headed toward Yi, who jumped up through the hole in the roof.

"Where are you going. We just started." Ye Xiu roared as he followed Yi, who was flying in the air.

Tsk." Yi clicked his tongue.

All of the sudden, flame wrapped Yi's body before vanishing. That was one of his family body strengthening techniques for fighters. He clenches his fist and palmed toward the black gold old man.

"It's useless." Ye Xiu replied as the horn clashed with the old man. Although Yi seemed to be experienced, Ye Xiu has spent most of his life outside the city with Ye Mo, clashing with demon beasts who are black gold themselves, more dangerous than

When the horn the palm clenched, he lifted his foot and kicked Yi on the guts, sending him flying few meters before he could regain his balance.


"Well, well. Who is the first to move."

Ye Qi, on the other hand, held the sword, the smoke extended from his body, and the time was getting slower.

"Baaastaaarddd…" The first one was the fighter who was a rank higher than him.

Ye Qi heard that word in slow motion. The fighter stepped forward and waved his sword. Before he could realise it, Ye Qi turned into a black blur. When everyone turned back, they saw Ye Qi squatting on one foot, his sword aimed up as if he was done waving it when they didn't see it.

"So fast!" One of them commented as he looked toward Ye Qi with awe.

"Arghh." The one who was about to attack Ye Qi fell down on his knees, a deep wound appeared on his ribs, blood gashing out of it.

"Who is next." Ye Qi said as he pointed his sword to them.

The five of them clenched their teeth. Their bodies, all of a sudden, started growing in the size, their eyes turning blood-shot red. They didn't merge with some sort of demon spirits, however, they used some berserk forbidden techniques to increase their strength.

"Very well. But you are not the only one who has abilities."

The fog in Ye Qi's body started fading, having holes in it. However, not only the fog vanished, but spots of Ye Qi's body. Soon, he faded to the thin air.

Ye Qi has entered his void form.