
ninger's cultivation

Today is the last day for ninger's treatment she is almost cured now and one more session will complete her treatment. Ziyun tried to talk to ninger many times but failed. Ninger is giving her cold shoulder everytime.

Upset ziyun also kicked Nie Li and Shen Yue once as they get on her nerves being a complete nuisance. Nie Li now only has his martial arts knowledge and everything else except his heavenly god cultivation technique is absorbed by Fan.

Fortunately he gave his 5 friends cultivation techniques and ignored Fan, he didn't even call Fan and the reason Fan get know why after he read the memories. It seems in Nie Li's previous life Chen Fan did everything he can to break through but failed so he chose a dark path.

He disappeared for two years before appearing in the beast tide but his mentality at that time is disorted and he killed demonic beasts along with ye mo too leaving the city defenseless while he chased after a legend rank demonic beast.

Fan rolled his eyes at this story. So this is why Nie Li didn't trust him. But Fan has made his decision to not help Nie Li, why should he when Nie Li didn't believe him? So he stopped hanging out wth the group too as Nie Li slowly started showing his hostility to him ignoring the warnings of his friends.

So Fan now didn't even glance at Nie Li, what can a person who lost his epitome of knowledge that he collected over centuries then list it can do, Nie Li is same. Although he is more intelligent than others he forgot all his knowledge.

This is where Fan took his advantage and made his plans. After treating ninger he gave her the wind lightning winged dragon technique, which is perfect for Ninger. Ninger is ecstatic after she found that technique is a very powerful & can help her getting her freedom.

She thanked Fan by hugging him then became embarrassed and ran away without looking back which caused him. The ginger haired girl is cute is what he thought. Fan then go on his way.

He is already broken through 3 star bronze in these ten days using the demonic beast totem and the nirvana mark, he also made alchemy pills by himself and consumed them to gain more nourishment to his soul realm.

Like this he spent time cultivating for the 10 days while Nie lie struggled to find proper backing in the glory city without considering Chen Fan. In the end he gritted his teeth and wanted to approach Chen Fan.

But considering how he showed hostility and ignored Fan while giving out cultivation techniques and said something with sneer when Fan asked for his," oh! The young master of the divine family needs a cultivation technique from us. Do you think your family cultivation techniques are inferior that now you asked commoner slike us?".

Since then Chen Fan didn't meet them and Nie Li even if he wanted can't reconcile now as Chen Fan is mostly indifferent to him. Chen Fan is mainly thinking about his cultivation now.

But Nie Li didn't expect Chen Fan to break through even without his help. Although he has some doubts he has now more things to take care of. His family is being suppressed by sacred family. He regretted shooing Chen Fan away now.

Even Nie Li's group is helpless about this. Meanwhile another news reverberated throughout the glory city about sacred families inscription are not created but plagiarised. The scared family is summoned and penalised heavily in the sacred judgement hall for claiming the inscriptions from ancient texts as their own.

While glory city is now laughing at their faces. Not only that there are also rumours that Shen Fei used his servant as a scapegoat to escape punsihment for molesting a commoner girl.

Shen Ming who is the temporary patriarch has a headache now, meanwhile Fan is going to do his next plans very secretly that no one are going to expect his actions. Fan is now brewing something like a slimy substance with a smirk on his face. He is also making his own hidden weapons using the knowledge from his previous life.